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package XS::Loader;
use strict;
use Config();
our $UNIQUE_LIBNAME = ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
sub load {
shift if $_[0] && $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my ($module, $version, $flags, $noboot) = @_;
$module ||= caller(0);
$version ||= XS::Install::Payload::loaded_module_version($module);
$flags //= 0x01;
$noboot = 1 if $module eq 'MyTest';
if ($flags) {
no strict 'refs';
*{"${module}::dl_load_flags"} = sub { $flags };
if (my $info = XS::Install::Payload::binary_module_info($module)) {{
my $bin_deps = $info->{BIN_DEPS} or last;
foreach my $dep_module (keys %$bin_deps) {
next if $dep_module eq 'XS::Install';
my $path = $dep_module;
$path =~ s!::!/!g;
require $path.".pm" or next; # in what cases it returns false without croaking?
my $dep_version = XS::Install::Payload::loaded_module_version($dep_module);
next if $dep_version eq $bin_deps->{$dep_module};
my $dep_info = XS::Install::Payload::binary_module_info($dep_module) || {};
my $bin_dependent = $dep_info->{BIN_DEPENDENT};
$bin_dependent = [$module] if !$bin_dependent or !@$bin_dependent;
$bin_dependent = XS::Install::Util::linearize_dependent($bin_dependent);
die << "EOF";
XS::Loader: XS module $module binary depends on XS module $dep_module.
$module was compiled with $dep_module version $bin_deps->{$dep_module}, but current version is $dep_version.
Please reinstall all modules that binary depend on $dep_module:
cpanm --reinstall @$bin_dependent
local *DynaLoader::mod2fname = \&mod2fname_unique if $UNIQUE_LIBNAME;
my $ok = eval {
DynaLoader::bootstrap_inherit($module, $version);
die($@) if !$ok and !($noboot and $@ and $@ =~ /Can't find 'boot_/i);
if ($flags) {
no strict 'refs';
my $stash = \%{"${module}::"};
delete $stash->{dl_load_flags};
sub load_noboot {
@_ = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], 1);
goto &load;
*bootstrap = *load;
############## taken from DynaLoader_pm.PL, needed on Windows #####################
sub mod2fname_unique {
my $parts = shift;
my $so_len = length($Config::Config{dlext}) + 1;
my $name_max = 255; # No easy way to get this here
my $libname = "PL_".join("__", @$parts);
return $libname if (length($libname)+$so_len) <= $name_max;
# It's too darned big, so we need to go strip. We use the same
# algorithm as xsubpp does. First, strip out doubled __
$libname =~ s/__/_/g;
return $libname if (length($libname)+$so_len) <= $name_max;
# Strip duplicate letters
1 while $libname =~ s/(.)\1/\U$1/i;
return $libname if (length($libname)+$so_len) <= $name_max;
# Still too long. Truncate.
$libname = substr($libname, 0, $name_max - $so_len);
return $libname;