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package ZConf::GUI;
use strict;
use Module::List qw(list_modules);
use ZConf;
=head1 NAME
ZConf::GUI - A GUI backend chooser.
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.1.0
our $VERSION = '1.1.0';
use ZConf::GUI;
my $zg = ZConf::GUI->new();
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
This initiates it.
One arguement is taken.
If this errors, it errors permanently.
=head3 hash args
=head4 zconf
A already initialized ZConf object.
my $zg=ZConf::GUI->new({ zconf=>$zconf });
print "Error!\n";
sub new {
my %args;
%args= %{$_[1]};
my $self={
bless $self;
#this sets the set to undef if it is not defined
if (!defined($args{set})) {
}else {
if (!defined($args{zconf})) {
use ZConf;
$self->{errorString}="Could not initiate ZConf. It failed with '"
.$self->{zconf}->error."', '".
return $self;
}else {
#create the config if it does not exist
#if it does exist, make sure the set we are using exists
$self->{init} = $self->{zconf}->configExists("gui");
if( $self->{zconf}->error ){
$self->{errorString}="Could not check if the config 'gu'i exists.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return $self;
#this checks to make sure the set exists, if init is already 1
if ( $self->{init} ) {
$self->{init}=$self->{zconf}->defaultSetExists('gui', $self->{set});
$self->{errorString}="Could not check if the config 'gu'i exists.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return $self;
#if it is not inited, check to see if it needs to do so
if ( !$self->{init} ) {
if ( $self->error ) {
warn('ZConf-GUI new: init failed.');
}else {
#if init works, it is now inited and thus we set it to one
#we don't set any error stuff here even if the above action failed...
#it will have been set any ways by init methode
return $self;
#checks wether the specified set exists or not
$self->{init}=$self->{zconf}->setExists('gui', $self->{set});
if( $self->{zconf}->error ){
$self->{errorString}="defaultSetExists failed for 'gui'.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return $self;
#the first one does this if the config has not been done yet
#this one does it if the set has not been done yet
#if it is not inited, check to see if it needs to do so
if (!$self->{init}) {
if ( $self->error ) {
warn('ZConf-GUI new:4: Autoinit failed.');
}else {
#if init works, it is now inited and thus we set it to one
#we don't set any error stuff here even if the above action failed...
#it will have been set any ways by init methode
return $self;
#reads it if it does not need to be initiated
if ($self->{init}) {
$self->{zconf}->read({set=>$self->{set}, config=>'gui'});
return $self;
=head2 getAppendOthers
This gets the value for 'appendOthers'.
my $appendOthers=$zg->getAppendOthers;
print "Error!\n";
sub getAppendOthers{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
#fetch the preferences for the module
my %vars=$self->{zconf}->regexVarGet('gui', '^appendOthers$');
if( $self->{zconf}->error ){
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error getting value "appendOthers" in "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#if we don't have it, return true
if (!defined($vars{appendOthers})) {
return 1;
#return it's value
return $vars{appendOthers}
=head2 getPreferred
This gets the preferred for a module.
my @prefs=$zg->getPreferred('ZConf::Runner');
print "Error!\n";
sub getPreferred{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
#the change it for fetching the info
my $module2=$module;
#fetch the preferences for the module
my %vars=$self->{zconf}->regexVarGet('gui', '^modules/'.quotemeta($module2).'$');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#if we don't get it, try the default
if (!defined($vars{'modules/'.$module2})) {
%vars=$self->{zconf}->regexVarGet('gui', '^default$');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#if the default does not exist
if (!defined($vars{default})) {
$self->{errorString}='No preferences for "'.$module.'" and there is no default';
return undef;
return split(/:/, $vars{default});
return split(/:/, $vars{'modules/'.$module2});
=head2 getSet
This gets what the current set is.
my $set=$zg->getSet;
print "Error!\n";
sub getSet{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
my $set=$self->{zconf}->getSet('gui');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error getting the loaded set the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return $set;
=head2 getUseX
This fetches if X should be used or not for a module.
print "Error!";
sub getUseX{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
#the change it for fetching the info
my $module2=$module;
#fetch the preferences for the module
my %vars=$self->{zconf}->regexVarGet('gui', '^useX/'.quotemeta($module2).'$');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#if we don't get it, try the default
if (!defined($vars{'modules/'.$module2})) {
return 1;
return $vars{'modules/'.$module2};
=head2 hasPreferred
This checks to make sure a module has any prefences or not. The
returned value is a perl bolean value.
my $returned=$zg->hasPreferred("ZConf::BGSet");
sub hasPreferred{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
my %vars=$self->{zconf}->regexVarGet('gui', '^modules/'.quotemeta($module).'$');
if( $self->{zconf}->error ){
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
if (!defined($vars{'modules/'.$module})) {
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 init
This initializes it or a new set.
If the specified set already exists, it will be reset.
One arguement is required and it is the name of the set. If
it is not defined, ZConf will use the default one.
#creates a new set named foo
print "Error!\n";
#creates a new set with ZConf choosing it's name
print "Error!\n";
sub init{
my $self=$_[0];
my $set=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
my $returned = $self->{zconf}->configExists("gui");
$self->{errorString}="Could not check if the config 'gui' exists.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return undef;
#create the config if it does not exist
if (!$returned) {
if ($self->{zconf}->{error}) {
$self->{errorString}="Could not create the ZConf config 'gui'.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return undef;
#create the new set
$self->{zconf}->writeSetFromHash({config=>"gui", set=>$set},
#error if the write failed
if ( $self->{zconf}->error ) {
$self->{errorString}="writeSetFromHash failed.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return undef;
#now that it is initiated, load it
$self->{zconf}->read({config=>'gui', set=>$set});
if ( $self->{zconf}->error ) {
$self->{errorString}="read failed.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 listAvailable
This is the available GUI modules for a module.
my @available=$zg->listAvailable('ZConf::Runner');
sub listAvailable{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
#this is what will be checked for and scrubbed upon return
my $check=$module.'::GUI::';
my $modules=list_modules($check,{ list_modules => 1});
#testing shows this should not happen, but in case it does, handle it
if ( ! defined($modules) ) {
$self->{errorString}='list_modules failed';
return undef;
my @mods=keys(%{$modules});
my $int=0;
while ($mods[$int]) {
return @mods;
=head2 listModules
This lists configured modules.
my @modules=$zg->listModules;
print "Error!\n";
sub listModules{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
my @modules=$self->{zconf}->regexVarSearch('gui', '^modules');
if ( $self->{zconf}->error ) {
$self->{errorString}="regexVarSearch failed.".
" It failed with '".$self->{zconf}->error."', '"
return undef;
my $int=0;
#removes leading /^modules\//
#also make sure that the ZConf var stuff is replaced with ::
while (defined($modules[$int])) {
return @modules;
=head2 listSets
This lists the available sets.
my @sets=$zg->listSets;
print "Error!";
sub listSets{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
my @sets=$self->{zconf}->getAvailableSets('gui');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return @sets;
=head2 readSet
This reads a specific set. If the set specified
is undef, the default set is read.
#read the default set
print "Error!\n";
#read the set 'someSet'
print "Error!\n";
sub readSet{
my $self=$_[0];
my $set=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
$self->{zconf}->read({config=>'gui', set=>$set});
if ( $self->{zconf}->error ) {
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error reading the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 rmPreferred
This removes a the preferences for a module.
print "Error:".$self->{error}.":".$self->{errorString};
sub rmPreferred{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
#remove any specifical characters that have been passed
my $safemodule=quotemeta($module);
my @deleted=$self->{zconf}->regexVarDel('gui', '^modules/'.$safemodule.'$');
if ( $self->{zconf}->error ) {
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error reading the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#only one will be matched so we just need to check the first
if ( $deleted[0] ne 'modules/'.$module ) {
$self->{errorString}='"'.$module.' not matched"';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 setAppendOthers
This sets the value for append others.
Only one value is accepted and that is a boolean
print "Error!\n";
sub setAppendOthers{
my $self=$_[0];
my $boolean=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
#make sure we were passed something
if (!defined($boolean)) {
$self->{errorString}='No value specified to set "appendOthers" to';
return undef;
#make sure it is a 0 or 1
if ($boolean !~ /^[01]$/) {
$self->{errorString}='The value "'.$boolean.'" does not match /^[01]$/';
return undef;
#set the value
$self->{zconf}->setVar('gui', 'appendOther');
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error setting "appendOthers" for "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
#update it
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error saving config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 setPreferred
This sets the preferred GUI back ends. The first arguement is the module.
The second is a array reference of the prefences.
my @prefs=('GUI', 'Curses');
#set it for ZConf::BGSet
my $zg->setPreferred('ZConf::BGSet', \@prefs);
sub setPreferred{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
my $prefs;
if (defined($_[2])) {
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
if (!defined(@{$prefs}[0])) {
$self->{errorString}='No prefs specified';
return undef;
my $int=0;
while (defined(@{$prefs}[$int])){
if (@{$prefs}[$int] =~ /:/) {
$self->{errorString}='"'.@{$prefs}[$int].'" matched /:/';
return undef;
my $joinedprefs=join(':', @{$prefs});
$self->{zconf}->setVar('gui', 'modules/'.$module, $joinedprefs);
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error saving config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 setUseX
This determines if X should be used or not. This only affects terminal
related modules that respect this.
$zcgui->setUseX('ZConf::Runner', '1');
print "Error!";
sub setUseX{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
my $useX=$_[2];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
if (!defined($useX)) {
$self->{errorString}='No prefs specified';
return undef;
$self->{zconf}->setVar('gui', 'useX/'.$module, $useX);
$self->{errorString}='ZConf error listing sets for the config "gui".'.
' ZConf error="'.$self->{zconf}->error.'" '.
'ZConf error string="'.$self->{zconf}->errorString.'"';
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 termAvailable
This checks to see if a terminal is available. It checks
if $ENV{TERM} is set or not. If this is not set, it was most
likely not ran from with a terminal.
print "a terminal is available";
print "no terminal is available";
sub termAvailable{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($ENV{TERM})) {
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 Xavailable
This checks if X is available. This is checked for by trying to run
'/bin/sh -c \'xhost 2> /dev/null > /dev/null\'' and is assumed if a
non-zero exit code is returned then it failed and thus X is not
There is no reason to ever check $zcr->{error} with
this as this function will not set it. It just returns
a boolean value.
print "X is available\n";
sub Xavailable{
my $self=$_[0];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
#if this is defined, the next one definitely will not work
if (!defined($ENV{DISPLAY})) {
return undef;
#exists non-zero if it fails
my $command='/bin/sh -c \'xhost 2> /dev/null > /dev/null\'';
#if xhost exits with a non-zero then X is not available
my $exitcode=$? >> 8;
if ($exitcode ne '0'){
return undef;
return 1;
=head2 useX
This checks to see if a terminal interface should try to use X or not by
trying to spawn a X terminal.
This calls getUseX and if it is true, it calls Xavailable and returns it's
my $useX=$zcgui->useX('ZConf::Runner');
sub useX{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
#get if X should be used
my $useX=$self->getUseX($module);
#if it should be used, make sure it is available
if ($useX) {
return $self->Xavailable;
return undef;
=head2 which
This chooses which should be used. This returns all available
backends in order of preference.
my @choosen=$zg->which('ZConf::BGSet');
print "Error!";
print 'The primary preferred module is "'.$choosen[0].'"';
sub which{
my $self=$_[0];
my $module=$_[1];
if ( ! $self->errorblank ){
return undef;
if (!defined($module)) {
$self->{errorString}='No module specified';
return undef;
my @prefs=$self->getPreferred($module);
#checks if X and/or a terminal is available
my $Xavailable=$self->Xavailable();
my $termAvailable=$self->termAvailable();
#gets usable modules
my @available=$self->listAvailable($module);
#this will be returned
my @usable;
#get the preferred ones
my @preferred=$self->getPreferred($module);
#builds the list out of the prefered modules initially
my $int=0;
while (defined($preferred[$int])) {
my $aint=0;
my $matched=0;
while ((defined($available[$aint])) && (!$matched)) {
if ($preferred[$int] eq $available[$aint]) {
if ($Xavailable) {
push(@usable, $preferred[$int]);
}else {
if ($preferred[$int]=~/^Term/) {
push(@usable, $preferred[$int]);
if ($preferred[$int]=~/^Curses/) {
push(@usable, $preferred[$int]);
#determine if we should append others or not
my $ao=$self->getAppendOthers;
if ($self->error) {
$self->warnString('getAppendOthers errored');
return undef;
#only process AO if we need to
if (!$ao) {
return @usable;
#append others if we need to
while (defined($available[$int])) {
#make sure it has not been added previously
my $matched=0;
my $int2=0;
while ($usable[$int2]) {
if ($usable[$int2] eq $available[$int]) {
#if it is not matched, added it
if (!$matched) {
push(@usable, $available[$int]);
return @usable;
This module L<Error::Helper> for error handling.
=head3 1, zconf
ZConf error. Check $self->{zconf}->error.
=head3 2, missingArg
No module specified.
=head3 3, missingArg
No preferences specified.
=head3 4, colon
A preference matched /:/.
=head3 5, noPrefs
No preferences for the listed module.
=head3 6, lmFailed
'list_modules' failed.
=head3 7, modDNE
The specified module does not exist.
=head3 8, missingArg
No value for what to set appendOthers to specified.
=head3 9, notBoolean
The value specified for appendOthers is not boolean.
=head1 ZConf Keys
These are stored in config 'gui'.
Each preference is stored as a string for a module. Each preference is seperated
as by ':'. The order of the preferred go from favorite to least favorite.
=head2 default
This is the default to use if nothing is setup for a module. The default value is
=head2 appendOthers
If this is set to true, "1", when which is called, all the others will be appended after
the list of available preferred ones.
If this is not defined, it will default to true.
=head2 modules/*
This contains the a list of preferences for a module.
The module name is converted to a ZConf variable name by replacing '::' with '/'.
=head2 useX/*
This is if a cuses module should use X or not. If it is true, it will pass
If if is not defined, it is set to true.
The module name is converted to a ZConf variable name by replacing '::' with '/'.
=head1 USING ZConf::GUI
A backend is considered to be any thing directly under <module>::GUI. How to call it
or etc is directly up to the calling module though.
Any module using this, should have it's widgets and dialogs use a single hash for all it's
arguements. This is currently not a requirement, but will be in future versions for future
automated calling.
=head2 suggested methods
=head3 app
This initiates a application. If it is called, it is not expected to return.
=head3 hasApp
This quaries a module to check to see if it has a app.
=head3 dialogs
This returns a array of dialogs that can be called. These interupt execution till returned.
=head3 windows
This is a list of windows that can be created. These should return immediately after creating
the window.
=head1 AUTHOR
Zane C. Bowers, C<< <vvelox at vvelox.net> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-zconf-gui at rt.cpan.org>, or through
the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=ZConf-GUI>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc ZConf::GUI
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2009 Zane C. Bowers, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
1; # End of ZConf::GUI