AI::MXNet::Random - Handling of randomization in MXNet.
Handling of randomization in MXNet.
Seed the random number generators in mxnet.
This seed will affect behavior of functions in this module,
as well as results from executors that contains Random number
such as Dropout operators.
$seed_state : int
The random number seed.
:$ctx : [Str|AI::MXNet::Context]
The device context of the generator. The default Str is "all" which means seeding random
number generators of all devices.
Random number generators in MXNet are device specific.
mx->random->seed($seed_state) sets the state of each generator using $seed_state and the
device id. Therefore, random numbers generated from different devices can be different
even if they are seeded using the same seed.
To produce identical random number sequences independent of the device id,
set optional ctx argument.
For example mx->random->seed($seed_state, ctx => mx->gpu(0))
This produces the same sequence of random numbers independent
of the device id, but the sequence can be different on different kind of devices as MXNet's
random number generators for CPU and GPU use different algorithms.