Agent::TCLI::Base - Base object for other TCLI objects


Base object. Not for direct use.


Base object. Not for direct use.


The following attributes are accessible through standard accessor/mutator methods and may be set as a parameter to new unless otherwise noted.


Error message if something went wrong with a method call. Cannot be set or passed in with new. Not actually used, as erroring needs to be revisited.


Turns on/off internal state messages and warnings. Higher values produce more verbosity.


A routine to output the results of a verbose call. This allows it to be changed within an object. do_verbose will only accept code type values.


Verbose (<message>, [ <level>, <dump_var> ] )

This method is use to output all logging and debugging commands. It will use the sub in do_verbose to output the message if the level is less than or equal to the current value of $self->verbose. If level is not suppiled, it defaults to one. If a dump_var is included, its value will be output using the Data::Dump::pp function. This can pe useful for checking the inside of array, hashes and objects. If the object is an OIO object, use the objects own $obj->dump(1) method in the message.


Several TCLI classes take advantage of automethods to enable extending classes to store information. There are also Numeric, Array and Hash automethods that eliminate tedious programming. At some point, this _automethod may be removed from the Agent::TCLI::Base or split up and only used in subclasses when necessary.


This module is an Object::InsideOut object. It inherits methods from OIO. Please refer to the OIO documentation for more details.


Eric Hacker <hacker at>


Test scripts not thorough enough.

Probably many others.


Copyright (c) 2007, Alcatel Lucent, All rights resevred.

This package is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.