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Aion::Surf - surfing by internet




        use Aion::Surf;
        use common::sense;
        # mock
        *LWP::UserAgent::request = sub {
            my ($ua, $request) = @_;
            my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK");
            given ($request->method . " " . $request->uri) {
                $response->content("get")    when $_ eq "GET http://example/ex";
                $response->content("head")   when $_ eq "HEAD http://example/ex";
                $response->content("post")   when $_ eq "POST http://example/ex";
                $response->content("put")    when $_ eq "PUT http://example/ex";
                $response->content("patch")  when $_ eq "PATCH http://example/ex";
                $response->content("delete") when $_ eq "DELETE http://example/ex";
                $response->content('{"a":10}')  when $_ eq "PATCH http://example/json";
                default {
                    $response = HTTP::Response->new(404, "Not Found");
        get "http://example/ex"             # => get
        surf "http://example/ex"            # => get
        head "http://example/ex"            # -> 1
        head "http://example/not-found"     # -> ""
        surf HEAD => "http://example/ex"    # -> 1
        surf HEAD => "http://example/not-found"  # -> ""
        [map { surf $_ => "http://example/ex" } qw/GET HEAD POST PUT PATCH DELETE/] # --> [qw/get 1 post put patch delete/]
        patch "http://example/json" # --> {a => 10}
        [map patch, qw! http://example/ex http://example/json !]  # --> ["patch", {a => 10}]
        get ["http://example/ex", headers => {Accept => "*/*"}]  # => get
        surf "http://example/ex", headers => [Accept => "*/*"]   # => get


Aion::Surf contains a minimal set of functions for surfing the Internet. The purpose of the module is to make surfing as easy as possible, without specifying many additional settings.


surf ([$method], $url, [$data], %params)

Send request by LWP::UserAgent and adapt response.

@params maybe:

  • query - add query params to $url.

  • json - body request set in json format. Add header Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8.

  • form - body request set in url params format. Add header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  • headers - add headers. If header is array ref, then add in the order specified. If header is hash ref, then add in the alphabet order.

  • cookies - add cookies. Same as: cookies => {go => "xyz", session => ["abcd", path => "/page"]}.

  • response - returns response (as HTTP::Response) by this reference.

        my $req = "MAYBE_ANY_METHOD
        Accept: */*,image/*
        Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
        my $req_cookies = 'Set-Cookie3: go=""; path="/";; version=0
        Set-Cookie3: session=%1F9E8; path="/page";; version=0
        # mock
        *LWP::UserAgent::request = sub {
            my ($ua, $request) = @_;
            $request->as_string # -> $req
            $ua->cookie_jar->as_string  # -> $req_cookies
            my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK");
        my $res = surf MAYBE_ANY_METHOD => "", [x => 1, y => 2, z => undef],
            headers => [
                'Accept' => '*/*,image/*',
            query => [x => 10, y => "🧨"],
            response => \my $response,
            cookies => {
                go => "",
                session => ["🧨", path => "/page"],
        $res           # -> 3.14
        ref $response  # => HTTP::Response

head (;$url)

Check resurce in internet. Returns 1 if exists resurce in internet, otherwice returns "".

get (;$url)

Get content from resurce in internet.

post (;$url, [$headers_href], %params)

Add content resurce in internet.

put (;$url, [$headers_href], %params)

Create or update resurce in internet.

patch (;$url, [$headers_href], %params)

Set attributes on resurce in internet.

del (;$url)

Delete resurce in internet.

chat_message ($chat_id, $message)

Sends a message to a telegram chat.

        # mock
        use Aion::Format::Json;
        *LWP::UserAgent::request = sub {
            my ($ua, $request) = @_;
            HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, to_json {ok => 1});
        chat_message "ABCD", "hi!"  # --> {ok => 1}

bot_message (;$message)

Sends a message to a telegram bot.

        bot_message "hi!" # --> {ok => 1}

tech_message (;$message)

Sends a message to a technical telegram channel.

        tech_message "hi!" # --> {ok => 1}

bot_update ()

Receives the latest messages sent to the bot.

        # mock
        *LWP::UserAgent::request = sub {
            my ($ua, $request) = @_;
            my $offset = from_json($request->content)->{offset};
            if($offset) {
                return HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, to_json {
                    ok => 1,
                    result => [],
            HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, to_json {
                ok => 1,
                result => [{
                    message => "hi!",
                    update_id => 0,
        bot_update  # --> ["hi!"]
        # mock
        *LWP::UserAgent::request = sub {
            HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, to_json {
                ok => 0,
                description => "nooo!"
        eval { bot_update }; $@  # ~> nooo!



Yaroslav O. Kosmina




The Aion::Surf module is copyright © 2023 Yaroslav O. Kosmina. Rusland. All rights reserved.