Apache::AuthenLDAP - mod_perl LDAP Authentication Module
<Directory /foo/bar>
# Authentication Realm and Type (only Basic supported)
AuthName "Foo Bar Authentication"
AuthType Basic
# Any of the following variables can be set.
# Defaults are listed to the right.
PerlSetVar AuthenBaseDN o=Foo,c=Bar # Default: Empty String ("")
PerlSetVar AuthenLDAPServer # Default: localhost
PerlSetVar AuthenLDAPPort 389 # Default: 389 (standard LDAP port)
PerlSetVar AuthenUidattrType userid # Default: uid
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenLDAP
require valid-user # Any Valid LDAP User
# Matching Attribute and Value
Apache::AuthenLDAP is designed to work with mod_perl and Net::LDAP. This module authenticates a user against an LDAP backend. It can be combined with Apache::AuthzLDAP to provide LDAP authorization as well.
The following variables can be defined within the configuration of Directory, Location, or Files blocks or within .htaccess files.
- AuthenBaseDN
The base distinguished name with which to query LDAP. By default, the AuthenBaseDN is empty.
- AuthenLDAPServer
The hostname for the LDAP server to query. By default, AuthenLDAPServer is set to localhost.
- AuthenLDAPPort
The port on which the LDAP server is listening. By default, AuthenLDAPPort is set to 389.
- AuthenExpire
Password expiration enablement. By default, AuthenExpire is set to false.
- AuthenExpireAttrType
The attribute type name that contains whether or not the password is expired. By default, AuthenExpireAttrType is passwordIsExpired.
- AuthenExpireLastModAttrType
The attribute type name that contains the password last modified timestamp in YYYYMMDD format. By default AuthenExpireLastModAttrType is set to passwordModifyTimestamp.
- AuthenExpireTime
The time in days at which a password expires. By default, AuthenExpireTime is set to 186.
- AuthenExpireRedirect
The location to which you wish to redirect users whose passwords are expired. If this value is left blank, the server will respond with a 401 error.
This module has hooks built into it to handle Apache::AuthenCache version 0.04 and higher passing notes to avoid bugs in the set_handlers() method in mod_perl versions 1.2x.
This module is available via CPAN at
Jason Bodnar, Christian Gilmore <>
httpd(8), ldap(3), mod_perl(1), slapd(8C)
Copyright (C) 2003 International Business Machines Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the IBM Public License.