use App::Basis::Queue;
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:/location/of/sqlite_db.sqlite3" ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, } )
or die "Could not connect to DB $dsn" ;
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# save some application audit data for later processing
queue => '/invoice/pay',
data => {
ip =>,
session_id => 12324324345,
client_id => 248296432984,
amount => 250.45,
reply => '/payments/made'
) ;
# in another process, we want to process that data
use App::Basis::Queue;
# for the example this will be paying an invoice
sub processing_callback {
my ( $queue, $qname, $record, $params ) = @_;
# call the payment system
# pay_money( $params->{auth}, $record->{client_id}, $record->{amount}) ;
# chatter back that the payment has been made, assume it worked
$queue->pub( queue => $record->{reply},
data => {
client_id => $record->{ client_id},
success => 1,
) ;
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:/location/of/sqlite_db.sqlite3" ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, } )
or die "Could not connect to DB $dsn" ;
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
queue => 'app_start',
count => 10,
callback => \&processing_callback,
callback_params => { auth => 'sometoken:12345'}
) ;
# for pubsub we do
use App::Basis::Queue;
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:/location/of/sqlite_db.sqlite3" ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, } )
or die "Could not connect to DB $dsn" ;
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# for a system that wants to know when servers have started
$queue->publish( queue => '/chat/helo', data => { host => 'abc, msg => 'helo world') ;
# in another process
use App::Basis::Queue;
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:/location/of/sqlite_db.sqlite3" ;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, "", "",
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, } )
or die "Could not connect to DB $dsn" ;
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
Why have another queuing system? Well for me I wanted a queuing system that did not mean I needed to install and maintain another server (ie RabbitMQ). Something that could run against existing DBs (eg PostgreSQL). PGQ was an option, but as it throws away queued items if there is not a listener, then this was useless! Some of the Job/Worker systems required you to create classes and plugins to process the queue. Queue::DBI almost made the grade but only has one queue. Minon maybe could do what was needed but I did not find it in time.
I need multiple queues plus new requirement queue wildcards!
So I created this simple/basic system. You need to expire items, clean the queue and do things like that by hand, there is no automation. You process items in the queue in chunks, not via a nice iterator.
There is no queue polling per se you need to process the queue and try again when all are done, there can only be one consumer of a record which is a good thing, if you cannot process an item it can be marked as failed to be handled by a cleanup function you will need to create.
End of Life
I created this project mostly as a learning project, my requirements for what it does are changing which will involve client/server operations, a shared cache and locking system for the task clients, so I am going to leave this project parked and start something new
See Also
Queue::DBI, AnyMQ::Queue, Minion
Create a new instance of a queue
Hash of
- dbh (required)
DBI database handle of database previously connected to
- prefix
set a prefix name of the tables, allows you to have dev/test/live versions in the same database
- debug (optional)
set basic STDERR debugging on or off
- skip_table_check
don't check to see if the tables need creating
- default_queue
optionally provide a default queue to work with
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh ) ;
Add task data into a named queue. This creates a 'task' that needs to be processed.
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard NOT allowed
- data
Data to store against the queue, can be a scalar, hashref or arrayref
Example usage
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# save some application audit data
queue => 'app_start',
data => {
ip =>, session_id => 12324324345, client_id => 248296432984,
appid => 2, app_name => 'twitter'
) ;
Push simple data onto the end of a named queue.
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard NOT allowed
- data
Data to store against the queue, can be a scalar, hashref or arrayref
Example usage
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# save some application audit data
queue => 'app_start',
data => {
ip =>, session_id => 12324324345, client_id => 248296432984,
appid => 2, app_name => 'twitter'
) ;
Remove the top item from the named queue - the oldest item on the queue
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
The message data only
Example usage
my $data = $queue->pop( queue => 'queue_name') ;
Get size of a SIMPLE queue
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
Example usage
my $count = $queue->size( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "there are $count items in the queue" ;
# size can manage wildcards
$queue->size( queue => '/celestial/*') ;
Process up to 100 tasks from the named queue(s)
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
- count
Number of items to process from the queue
- callback
coderef to be called to each queue item, expects queue (object), queue_name and the data of the queue item (record)
A reference to the queue object is passed to the callback along with the name of the queue and the record that is to be procssed.
If the callback returns a non-zero value then the record will be marked as processed. If the callback returns a zero value, then the processing is assumed to have failed and the failure count will be incremented by 1. If the failue count matches our maximum allowed limit then the item will not be available for any further processing.
Example usage
sub processing_callback {
my ( $queue, $qname, $record, $params ) = @_;
# $params = { something => 'data'} ; from the process call
return 1;
queue => 'queue_name',
count => 5,
callback => \&processing_callback
) ;
qname can contain wildcards and all matching queues will be scanned
# add things to different queues, but with a common root
$queue->add( queue => '/celestial/stars', data => { list: [ "sun", "alpha centuri"]}) ;
$queue->add( queue => '/celestial/planets', data => { list: [ "earth", "pluto", "mars"]}) ;
# process all the 'celestial' bodies queues
$queue->process( queue => '/celestial/*', count => 5,
callback => \&processing_callback,
callback_params => { something => 'data'}
) ;
process_failures, process_deadletters
Process up to 100 failed tasks from the queue
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
- count
Number of items to process from the queue
- callback
Coderef to be called to each queue item, expects queue (object), queue_name and the data of the queue item (record)
a refrence to the queue object is passed to the callback along with the name of the queue and the record that is to be procssed. As these are failures we are not interested in an value of the callback function.
Example usage
sub processing_failure_callback {
my ( $queue, $qname, $record, $params ) = @_;
# $params = { something => 'data'} ; from the process call
# items before 2013 were completely wrong so we can delete
if( $record->{added} < '2013-01-01') {
$queue->delete_record( $record) ;
} else {
# failures in 2013 was down to a bad processing function
$queue->reset_record( $record) ;
queue => 'queue_name',
count => 5,
callback => \&processing_failure_callback,
callback_params => { something => 'data'}
) ;
# again we can use wildcards here for queue names
# add things to different queues, but with a common root
$queue->add( queue => '/celestial/stars', data => { list: [ "sun", "alpha centuri"]}) ;
$queue->add( queue => '/celestial/planets', data => { list: [ "moon", "pluto", "mars"]}) ;
# process, obviously 'moon' will fail our planet processing
queue => 'queue_name',
count => 5,
callback => \&processing_callback,
callback_params => { something => 'data'}
) ;
# process all the 'celestial' bodies queues for failures - probably will just have the moon in it
queue => '/celestial/*',
count => 5,
callback => \&processing_failure_callback,
callback_params => { something => 'data'}
) ;
Get the count of unprocessed TASK items in the queue
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
Example usage
my $count = $queue->queue_size( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "there are $count unprocessed items in the queue" ;
# queue size can manage wildcards
$queue->queue_size( queue => '/celestial/*') ;
Qbtains a list of all the queues used by this database
Example usage
my $qlist = $queue->list_queues() ;
foreach my $q (@$qlist) {
say $q ;
Have a look at an unprocessed item in a TASK queue
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
- position
position in the queue you want to peek at (head/start) or (tail/end) - defaults to head
- count
number of items to peek, defaults to 1, max is 100 (PEEK_MAX)
Hashref with the following fields queue_name added activates expires data
Example usage
my $data = $queue->peek( queue => 'queue_name', position => 'head') ;
Obtains stats about the task data in the queue, this may be time/processor intensive so use with care!
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
provides counts of unprocessed, processed, failures max process_failure, avg process_failure, earliest_added, latest_added, min_data_size, max_data_size, avg_data_size, total_records avg_elapsed, max_elapsed, min_elapsed
Example usage
my $stats = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "processed $stats->{processed}, failures $stats->{failure}, unprocessed $stats->{unprocessed}" ;
# for all matching wildcard queues
my $all_stats = $queue->stats( queue => '/celestial/*') ;
Delete a single task record from the queue
- record
Hashref to a record fetched with process or process_failures/deadletters
Requires a data record which contains infomation we will use to determine the record
May be used in processing callback functions
Example usage
sub processing_callback {
my ( $queue, $qname, $record, $params ) = @_;
# lets remove records before 2013
if( $record->{added) < '2013-01-01') {
$queue->delete_record( $record) ;
return 1 ;
Clear the failure flag from a failed task record
- record
Hashref of data fetched with process or process_failure/deadletters
Requires a data record which contains infomation we will use to determine the record
may be used in processing callback functions
Example usage
sub processing_callback {
my ( $queue, $qname, $record, $params ) = @_;
# allow partially failed (and failed) records to be processed
if( $record->{process_failure) {
$queue->reset_record( $record) ;
return 1 ;
Publish some chatter data into a named queue.
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue to publish to, wildcards NOT allowed
- data
Hashref of the data to be published
- persist (optional)
Flag to show that this data data should be persisited (0 or 1). This will become the only persistent record available until either it is replaced or expires.
- expires (optional)
Time after which this data should be ignored. Accepts unix epoch time or parsable datetime string
Example usage
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# keep track of a bit of info
$queue->publish( queue => 'app_log',
data => {
ip =>, session_id => 12324324345, client_id => 248296432984,
appid => 2, app_name => 'twitter'
) ;
Subscribe to a named queue with a callback.
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
- callback
Coderef to handle any matched events
- after (optional)
Unix time after which to listen for events, defaults to now, if set will skip persistent item checks
- persist (optional)
Include the most recent persistent item, if using a wild card, this will match all the queues and could find multiple persistent items
Example usage
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
# keep track of a bit of info
$queue->subscribe( queue => 'app_logs/*', callback => \&handler) ;
$queue->listen() ;
Listen to all subcribed channels. Loops forever unless told to stop. If there is a persistent message in a queue, this will be passed to the callback before the other records.
Hash of
- events (optional)
Minimum number of events to listen for, stop after this many, may stop after more - this is across ALL the subscriptions
- datetime (optional)
Unix epoch time or parsable datetime when to stop listening
- persist (optional)
Include the most recent persistent item, if subscribed using using a wild card, this will match all the queues and could find multiple persistent items
- listen_delay (optional)
Override the class delay, obtain events at this rate
Number of chatter events actually passed to ALL the handlers
Example usage
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
$queue->subscribe( '/logs/*', \&handler) ;
$queue->listen() ; # listening forever
# or listen until christmas, checking every 30s
$queue->subscribe( '/presents/*', \&handler) ;
$queue->listen( datetime => '2015-12-25', listen_delay => 30) ;
Unsubscribe from a named queue.
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
Example usage
sub handler {
state $counter = 0 ;
my $q = shift ; # we get the queue object
# the queue trigger that matched, the actual queue name and the data
my ($qmatch, $queue, $data) = @_ ;
# we are only interested in 10 messages
if( ++$counter > 10) {
$q->unsubscribe( queue => $queue) ;
} else {
say Data::Dumper( $data) ;
my $queue = App::Basis::Queue->new( dbh => $dbh) ;
$queue->subscribe( queue => '/logs/*', callback => \&handler) ;
$queue->listen() ;
Purge will remove all processed task items and failures/deadletters (process_failure >= 5). These are completely removed from the database
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
- before (optional)
Unix epoch or parsable datetime before which items should be purged
defaults to 'now'
Example usage
my $before = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name', before => '2015-11-24') ;
$queue->purge_tasks( queue => 'queue_name') ;
my $after = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "removed " .( $before->{total_records} - $after->{total_records}) ;
purge will remove all chatter messages. These are completely removed from the database
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
- before (optional)
Unix epoch or parsable datetime before which items should be purged
defaults to 'now'
Example usage
my $del = $queue->purge_chatter( queue => 'queue_name', before => '2015-11-24') ;
say "removed $del messages" ;
Remove a queue and all of its records (task and chatter)
Takes a hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcards allowed
Example usage
$queue->remove_queue( queue => 'queue_name') ;
my $after = $queue->list_queues() ;
# convert list into a hash for easier checking
my %a = map { $_ => 1} @after ;
say "queue removed" if( !$q->{queue_name}) ;
reset_failures, reset_deadletters
Clear any process_failure values from all unprocessed task items
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
Example usage
my $before = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name') ;
$queue->reset_failures( queue => 'queue_name') ;
my $after = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "reset " .( $after->{unprocessed} - $before->{unprocessed}) ;
remove_failures, remove_deadletters
Permanently delete task failures from the database
Hash of
- queue
Name of the queue, wildcard allowed
Example usage
$queue->remove_failues( queue => 'queue_name') ;
my $stats = $queue->stats( queue => 'queue_name') ;
say "failues left " .( $stats->{failures}) ;
If you never need to use the database again, it can be completely removed
Example usage
$queue_>remove_tables() ;