Authen::ModAuthPubTkt - Generate Tickets (Signed HTTP Cookies) for mod_auth_pubtkt protected websites.
version 0.1.1
On the command-line, generate the public + private keys: (More details available at
$ openssl genrsa -out key.priv.pem 1024
$ openssl rsa -in key.priv.pem -out -pubout
Then in your perl script (which is probably the your custom login website), use the following code to issue tickets:
use Authen::ModAuthPubTkt;
my $ticket = pubtkt_generate(
privatekey => "key.priv.pem",
keytype => "rsa",
clientip => undef, # or a valid IP address
userid => "102", # or any ID that makes sense to your application, e.g. email
validuntil => time() + 86400, # valid for one day
graceperiod=> 3600, # grace period of an hour
tokens => undef, # comma separated string of tokens.
userdata => undef # any application specific data to pass.
## $ticket string will look something like:
## "uid=102;validuntil=1337899939;graceperiod=1337896339;tokens=;udata=;sig=h5qR" \
## "yZZDl8PfW8wNxPYkcOMlAxtWuEyU5bNAwEFT9lztN3I7V13SaGOHl+U6wB+aMkvvLQiaAfD2xF/Hl" \
## "+QmLDEvpywp98+5nRS+GeihXTvEMRaA4YVyxb4NnZujCZgX8IBhP6XBlw3s7180jxE9I8DoDV8bDV" \
## "k/2em7yMEzLns="
To verify a ticket, use the following code:
my $ok = pubtkt_verify (
publickey => "",
keytype => "rsa",
ticket => $ticket
die "Ticket verification failed.\n" if not $ok;
To extract items from a ticket, use the following code:
my %items = pubtkt_parse($ticket);
## %items will be something like:
## {
## 'uid' => 102,
## 'validuntil' => 1337899939,
## 'graceperiod => 1337896339,
## 'tokens' => "",
## 'udata' => "",
## 'sig' => 'h5qRyZZDl8PfW8wNxPYkcOMlAxtWuEyU5bNAwEFT9lztN3 (....)'
## }
Also, a command-line utility (
) will be installed, and can be used to generate/verify keys:
$ --generate --private-key key.priv.pem --rsa
$ --verify --public-key --rsa
$ --help
This module generates and verify a mod_auth_pubtkt-compatible ticket string, which should be used as a cookie with the rest of the mod_auth_pubtkt ( ) system.
Common scenario:
- 1. On the login server side, write perl code to authenticate users (using Apache's authenetication, LDAP, DB, etc.).
- 3. Redirect the user back to the server he/she came from.
Working Example
A working (but minimal) perl login example is available at
Generates a signed ticket.
If successful, returns a signed ticket string (to be sent back to the user as a cookie).
On any failure (bad key, failure to run openssl
, etc.) returns undef
Accepts a hash of parameters:
- privatekey
String containing the private key filename (full path). The key can be either DSA or RSA key (see keytype).
- keytype
either "rsa" or "dsa" - depending on how you created the private/public key files.
- userid
String containing the user ID. No specific format is enforced: can by a number, a string, an email address, etc. It will be encoded as "uid=XXXX" in the signed ticket.
- validuntil
Numeric value, containing the validity period, in seconds since epoch (use
function). - graceperiod
Optional. Numeric value. If given, will be added to the signed ticket string.
- clientip
Optional. A string with an IP address. If given. will be added to the signed ticket string.
- token
Optional. Any textual string. If given. will be added to the signed ticket string.
- userdata
Optional. Any textual string. If given. will be added to the signed ticket string.
Verifies a signed ticket string.
If successful (i.e. the ticket's signature is valid), returns TRUE (=1).
On any failure (bad key, failure to run openssl
, etc.) returns undef
NOTE: This function checks ONLY THE SIGNATURE, based on the public key file. It is the caller's resposibility to check the expiration date. That is: The function will return TRUE if the ticket is properly signed, but possibly expired.
Accepts a hash of parameters:
- publickey
String containing the public key filename (full path). The key can be either DSA or RSA key (see keytype).
- keytype
either "rsa" or "dsa" - depending on how you created the private/public key files.
- ticket
The string of the ticket (such as returned by
Utility function to parse a ticket string into a Perl hash.
NOTE: No validation is performed. The given ticket might be expired, or even forged.
openssl must be installed (and available on the $PATH).
IPC::Run3 is required to run the openssl executables.
Probably many.
Use Perl's Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA and Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA instead of the running openssl
Don't assume openssl
binary is on the $PATH.
Refactor into OO interface.
Copyright (C) 2012 A. Gordon ( gordon at cshl dot edu ).
Apache License, same as the rest of mod_auth_pubtkt
A. Gordon, heavily based on the PHP code from mod_auth_pubtkt.
ModAuthPubTkt main website:
ModAuthPubTkt github repository:
This module's github repository:
Examples in the ./eg