Bencher::Scenario::List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning - Benchmark move_to_beginning()
This document describes version 0.003 of Bencher::Scenario::List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenarios-List-Utils-MoveElement), released on 2021-07-23.
To run benchmark with default option:
% bencher -m List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
To run module startup overhead benchmark:
% bencher --module-startup -m List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help
Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.
Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.
List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning (perl_code)
Function call template:
List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning(<i>, @{<array>})
List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning (perl_code)
Function call template:
List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning(<i>, @{<array>})
List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy (perl_code)
Function call template:
List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy(<i>, @{<array>})
List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy (perl_code)
Function call template:
List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy(<i>, @{<array>})
Run on: perl: v5.30.2, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores), OS: GNU/Linux LinuxMint version 19, OS kernel: Linux version 5.3.0-68-generic.
Benchmark with default options (bencher -m List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
| participant | dataset | rate (/s) | time (μs) | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning | a5000_10000 | 1050 | 956 | 0.00% | 180333.55% | 1.6e-07 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning | a5000_10000 | 1050 | 955 | 0.09% | 180164.76% | 2.1e-07 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy | a5000_10000 | 1231 | 812.5 | 17.62% | 153310.15% | 4.5e-08 | 28 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy | a5000_10000 | 2280 | 439 | 117.57% | 82831.54% | 4.7e-08 | 26 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning | a500_1000 | 10400 | 96.1 | 894.62% | 18040.98% | 2.1e-08 | 32 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning | a500_1000 | 10425.3 | 95.9204 | 896.24% | 18011.43% | 1.6e-11 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy | a500_1000 | 12269.75 | 81.50123 | 1072.50% | 15288.85% | 5.4e-12 | 23 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy | a500_1000 | 20500 | 48.8 | 1856.65% | 9121.53% | 1.3e-08 | 21 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy | a5_10 | 160320 | 6.2377 | 15219.68% | 1077.79% | 1.7e-11 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy | a1_1 | 170000 | 5.88 | 16148.19% | 1010.48% | 1.3e-09 | 32 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning | a5_10 | 743000 | 1.35 | 70887.68% | 154.18% | 4.2e-10 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning | a5_10 | 749830 | 1.3336 | 71553.16% | 151.82% | 5.6e-12 | 21 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy | a5_10 | 828680 | 1.2067 | 79088.58% | 127.85% | 5.5e-12 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy | a1_1 | 1900000 | 0.53 | 179509.88% | 0.46% | 6.2e-10 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning | a1_1 | 1882000 | 0.5314 | 179715.00% | 0.34% | 1.6e-11 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning | a1_1 | 1900000 | 0.53 | 180333.55% | 0.00% | 8.1e-10 | 21 |
Formatted as result:
Rate LUMP:t_b a5000_10000 LUM:m_e_t_b a5000_10000 LUMS:t_b_c a5000_10000 LUMS:t_b_n a5000_10000 LUM:m_e_t_b a500_1000 LUMP:t_b a500_1000 LUMS:t_b_c a500_1000 LUMS:t_b_n a500_1000 LUMS:t_b_n a5_10 LUMS:t_b_n a1_1 LUMP:t_b a5_10 LUM:m_e_t_b a5_10 LUMS:t_b_c a5_10 LUMP:t_b a1_1 LUMS:t_b_c a1_1 LUM:m_e_t_b a1_1
LUMP:t_b a5000_10000 1050/s -- 0% -15% -54% -89% -89% -91% -94% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99%
LUM:m_e_t_b a5000_10000 1050/s 0% -- -14% -54% -89% -89% -91% -94% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99%
LUMS:t_b_c a5000_10000 1231/s 17% 17% -- -45% -88% -88% -89% -93% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99%
LUMS:t_b_n a5000_10000 2280/s 117% 117% 85% -- -78% -78% -81% -88% -98% -98% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99% -99%
LUM:m_e_t_b a500_1000 10400/s 894% 893% 745% 356% -- 0% -15% -49% -93% -93% -98% -98% -98% -99% -99% -99%
LUMP:t_b a500_1000 10425.3/s 896% 895% 747% 357% 0% -- -15% -49% -93% -93% -98% -98% -98% -99% -99% -99%
LUMS:t_b_c a500_1000 12269.75/s 1072% 1071% 896% 438% 17% 17% -- -40% -92% -92% -98% -98% -98% -99% -99% -99%
LUMS:t_b_n a500_1000 20500/s 1859% 1856% 1564% 799% 96% 96% 67% -- -87% -87% -97% -97% -97% -98% -98% -98%
LUMS:t_b_n a5_10 160320/s 15226% 15210% 12925% 6937% 1440% 1437% 1206% 682% -- -5% -78% -78% -80% -91% -91% -91%
LUMS:t_b_n a1_1 170000/s 16158% 16141% 13718% 7365% 1534% 1531% 1286% 729% 6% -- -77% -77% -79% -90% -90% -90%
LUMP:t_b a5_10 743000/s 70714% 70640% 60085% 32418% 7018% 7005% 5937% 3514% 362% 335% -- -1% -10% -60% -60% -60%
LUM:m_e_t_b a5_10 749830/s 71585% 71510% 60825% 32818% 7106% 7092% 6011% 3559% 367% 340% 1% -- -9% -60% -60% -60%
LUMS:t_b_c a5_10 828680/s 79124% 79041% 67232% 36280% 7863% 7848% 6654% 3944% 416% 387% 11% 10% -- -55% -56% -56%
LUMP:t_b a1_1 1882000/s 179802% 179613% 152798% 82511% 17984% 17950% 15237% 9083% 1073% 1006% 154% 150% 127% -- 0% 0%
LUMS:t_b_c a1_1 1900000/s 180277% 180088% 153201% 82730% 18032% 17998% 15277% 9107% 1076% 1009% 154% 151% 127% 0% -- 0%
LUM:m_e_t_b a1_1 1900000/s 180277% 180088% 153201% 82730% 18032% 17998% 15277% 9107% 1076% 1009% 154% 151% 127% 0% 0% --
LUM:m_e_t_b a1_1: dataset=a1_1 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
LUM:m_e_t_b a5000_10000: dataset=a5000_10000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
LUM:m_e_t_b a500_1000: dataset=a500_1000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
LUM:m_e_t_b a5_10: dataset=a5_10 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning
LUMP:t_b a1_1: dataset=a1_1 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning
LUMP:t_b a5000_10000: dataset=a5000_10000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning
LUMP:t_b a500_1000: dataset=a500_1000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning
LUMP:t_b a5_10: dataset=a5_10 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::PP::to_beginning
LUMS:t_b_c a1_1: dataset=a1_1 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy
LUMS:t_b_c a5000_10000: dataset=a5000_10000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy
LUMS:t_b_c a500_1000: dataset=a500_1000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy
LUMS:t_b_c a5_10: dataset=a5_10 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_copy
LUMS:t_b_n a1_1: dataset=a1_1 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy
LUMS:t_b_n a5000_10000: dataset=a5000_10000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy
LUMS:t_b_n a500_1000: dataset=a500_1000 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy
LUMS:t_b_n a5_10: dataset=a5_10 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice::to_beginning_nocopy
Benchmark module startup overhead (bencher -m List::Utils::MoveElement::move_element_to_beginning --module-startup
| participant | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time | pct_faster_vs_slowest | pct_slower_vs_fastest | errors | samples |
| List::Utils::MoveElement | 10 | 5.3 | 0.00% | 143.56% | 0.00027 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::PP | 10 | 5.3 | 17.46% | 107.35% | 0.00025 | 20 |
| List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice | 5 | 0.3 | 114.09% | 13.77% | 0.00023 | 20 |
| perl -e1 (baseline) | 4.7 | 0 | 143.56% | 0.00% | 2.4e-05 | 20 |
Formatted as result:
Rate LU:M LUM:P LUM:S :perl -e1 (
LU:M 0.1/s -- 0% -50% -53%
LUM:P 0.1/s 0% -- -50% -53%
LUM:S 0.2/s 100% 100% -- -5%
:perl -e1 ( 0.2/s 112% 112% 6% --
:perl -e1 (: mod_overhead_time=0 participant=perl -e1 (baseline)
LU:M: mod_overhead_time=5.3 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement
LUM:P: mod_overhead_time=5.3 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::PP
LUM:S: mod_overhead_time=0.3 participant=List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice
To display as an interactive HTML table on a browser, you can add option --format html+datatables
Using copy+splice+unshift (List::Utils::MoveElement::Splice) is faster. And we can get significantly faster still with larger list by avoiding copying @_
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Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
perlancar <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.