Bio::PhyloTastic::PhyleMerge - Merges contents of phylogenetic data files
phylotastic PhyleMerge -i <file1> -d <format1> \
-i <file2> -d <format2> -o <outfile> -w '_' -u 1 -p 2
This module merges the contents of commonly encountered phylogenetic data formats. The module attempts to 'join' on taxon labels from the different files, optionally after pre-processing the labels, e.g. by removing quotes, replacing underscores with spaces and stripping away name suffixes (such as accessions).
- -i infile
An input file. Required. Can be used multiple times.
- -d informat
An input format, such as NEXUS, Newick, NeXML, PhyloXML, TaxList. Required. Can be used multiple times (in which case the order must match those of the input files).
- -o outfile
An output file name. If '-', prints output to STDOUT. Required.
- -s outformat
An output format, including NeXML, TaxList. Required.
- -w <arg>
Replaces <arg> with whitespace before attempting to join taxon labels.
- -u 1
If true, strips single and double quotes before attempting to join taxon labels.
- -p <num>
Strips taxon labels down to the first <num> words (e.g. 2 for binomials) before attempting to join taxon labels.