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Business::OnlinePayment::Vindicia::Select - Backend for Business::OnlinePayment


This is a plugin for the Business::OnlinePayment interface. Please refer to that documentation for general usage.

  use Business::OnlinePayment;
  my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new(
     default_Origin => 'NEW', # or RECURRING

      type           => 'CC',
      login          => 'testdrive',
      password       => '123qwe',
      action         => 'billTransactions',
      description    => 'FOO*Business::OnlinePayment test',
      amount         => '49.95',
      customer_id    => 'tfb',
      name           => 'Tofu Beast',
      address        => '123 Anystreet',
      city           => 'Anywhere',
      state          => 'UT',
      zip            => '84058',
      card_number    => '4007000000027',
      expiration     => '09/02',
      cvv2           => '1234', #optional
      invoice_number => '54123',
      vindicia_nvp   => {
        custom => 'data',
        goes   => 'here',


Used via Business::OnlinePayment for processing payments through the Vindicia processor.


See Business::OnlinePayment for the complete list. The following methods either override the methods in Business::OnlinePayment or provide additional functions.


Returns the response error code. Will be empty if no code is returned, or if multiple codes can exist.


Returns the response error description text. Will be empty if no code error is returned, or if multiple errors can exist.


Returns the complete request that was sent to the server. The request has been stripped of card_num, cvv2, and password. So it should be safe to log.


Returns the complete request that was sent to the server. This could contain data that is NOT SAFE to log. It should only be used in a test environment, or in a PCI compliant manner.


Returns the complete response from the server. The response has been stripped of card_num, cvv2, and password. So it should be safe to log.


Returns the complete response from the server. This could contain data that is NOT SAFE to log. It should only be used in a test environment, or in a PCI compliant manner.

Handling of content(%content) data:


The following actions are valid

  normal authorization
  authorization only
  post authorization
  auth reversal


The test suite runs using mocked data results. All tests are run using MOCKED return values. If you wish to run REAL tests then add these ENV variables.

 export PERL_BUSINESS_VINDICIA_PASSWORD=your_test_password

If you would like to create your own tests, or mock your own responses you can do the following

  use Business::OnlinePayment;
  my $tx = Business::OnlinePayment->new(
     default_Origin => 'NEW', # or RECURRING
  push @{$client->{'mocked'}}, {
     action => 'billTransactions', # must match the action you call, or the script will die
     login => 'mocked', # must match the login credentials used, or the script will die
     resp => 'ok_duplicate', # or you can return a HASH of the actual data you want to mock



Return the introspection hash for BOP 3.x


Used by BOP to set default values during "new"


Get/set the server used for processing transactions. Possible values are Live, Certification, and Sandbox Default: Live



  #Read current value
  $val = $self->test_transaction();


Do a Business::OnlinePayment style action on Vindicia


Send a batch of transactions to Vindicia for collection

is_success means the call was successful, it does NOT mean all of your transactions were accepted In order to verify your transaction you need to look at result->{'response'} for an ARRAY of potential errors, if no errors exist the result will not have a response array


Lookup changes in a time period

      login           => 'testdrive',
      password        => '123qwe',
      action          => 'fetchBillingResults',
      start_timestamp => '2012-09-11T21:34:32.265Z',
      end_timestamp   => '2012-09-11T22:34:32.265Z',
      page            => '0',   # optional, defaults to zero
      page_size       => '100', # optional, defaults to 100
  my $response = $tx->submit();


Lookup a specific transaction in Vindicia

      login           => 'testdrive',
      password        => '123qwe',
      action          => 'fetchByMerchantTransactionId',
      invoice_number  => 'abc123',
  my $response = $tx->submit();


Cancel or refund (sadly you can't choose one) a transaction.

      login           => 'testdrive',
      password        => '123qwe',
      action          => 'refundTransactions',
      invoice_number  => 'abc123',
  my $response = $tx->submit();