Buzznet::Comment - Buzznet API Comment Object
use Buzznet::Commetn;
This class is mainly used by Buzznet::API to encapsulate the Comment attributes
- commentID
Returns the unique id of the comment
- entryID
Returns the id of the image
- userID
Returns the user id of the commenter, 0 if the commenter is anonymous.
- type
Returns either "user" or "cat" depending on the type of entry.
- time
Returns the time the comment was added (format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS)
- name
Returns the name of the commenter. This won't always be a real username.
- comments
Returns the actual comment on the image
- username
Returns the username of the commenter, if the commenter is a legitimate Buzznet user. If the user is anonymous, this will return "".
- image
Returns the url to thumbnale image of the commenter
- caption
Returns the caption of the commented image.
- commenterURL
Returns the homepage URL of the commenter, "" for anonymous
- commenterImage
Returns the thumbnail image of the commenter
- featureURL
Returns the feature size image of the entry being commented
- link
Returns a permalink to the comment
Check out for the latest tools and libraries available for all languages and platforms. The complete XML-RPC Buzznet API can be found at
Buzznet::Entry Buzznet::Gallery Buzznet::Profile Buzznet::API
Kevin Woolery, <>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Kevin Woolery
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.