CGI::Lingua - Create a multilingual web page
Version 0.70
CGI::Lingua is a powerful module for multilingual web applications offering extensive language/country detection strategies.
No longer does your website need to be in English only. CGI::Lingua provides a simple basis to determine which language to display a website. The website tells CGI::Lingua which languages it supports. Based on that list CGI::Lingua tells the application which language the user would like to use.
use CGI::Lingua;
# ...
my $l = CGI::Lingua->new(supported => ['en', 'fr', 'en-gb', 'en-us']);
my $language = $l->language();
if ($language eq 'English') {
print '<P>Hello</P>';
} elsif($language eq 'French') {
print '<P>Bonjour</P>';
} else { # $language eq 'Unknown'
my $rl = $l->requested_language();
print "<P>Sorry for now this page is not available in $rl.</P>";
my $c = $l->country();
if ($c eq 'us') {
# print contact details in the US
} elsif ($c eq 'ca') {
# print contact details in Canada
} else {
# print worldwide contact details
# ...
use CHI;
use CGI::Lingua;
# ...
my $cache = CHI->new(driver => 'File', root_dir => '/tmp/cache', namespace => 'CGI::Lingua-countries');
$l = CGI::Lingua->new({ supported => ['en', 'fr'], cache => $cache });
Creates a CGI::Lingua object.
Takes one mandatory parameter: a list of languages, in RFC-1766 format, that the website supports. Language codes are of the form primary-code [ - country-code ] e.g. 'en', 'en-gb' for English and British English respectively.
For a list of primary codes refer to ISO-639 (e.g. 'en' for English). For a list of country codes refer to ISO-3166 (e.g. 'gb' for United Kingdom).
# Sample web page
use CGI::Lingua;
use CHI;
use Log::Log4perl;
my $cache = CHI->new(driver => 'File', root_dir => '/tmp/cache');
Log::Log4perl->easy_init({ level => $Log::Log4perl::DEBUG });
# We support English, French, British and American English, in that order
my $lingua = CGI::Lingua->new(
supported => ['en', 'fr', 'en-gb', 'en-us'],
cache => $cache,
logger => Log::Log4perl->get_logger(),
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
print 'Language: ', $lingua->language(), "\n";
print 'Country: ', $lingua->country(), "\n";
print 'Time Zone: ', $lingua->time_zone(), "\n";
Supported_languages is the same as supported.
Takes optional parameter cache, an object which is used to cache country lookups. This cache object is an object that understands get() and set() messages, such as a CHI object.
Takes an optional parameter syslog, to log messages to Sys::Syslog. It can be a boolean to enable/disable logging to syslog, or a reference to a hash to be given to Sys::Syslog::setlogsock.
Takes an optional parameter logger, which is used for warnings and traces. It can be an object that understands warn() and trace() messages, such as a Log::Log4perl or Log::Any object, a reference to code, a reference to an array, or a filename.
Takes an optional parameter info, an object which can be used to see if a CGI parameter is set, for example, an CGI::Info object.
Since emitting warnings from a CGI class can result in messages being lost (you may forget to look in your server's log), or appear to the client in amongst HTML causing invalid HTML, it is recommended either syslog or logger (or both) are set. If neither is given, Carp will be used.
Takes an optional parameter dont_use_ip. By default, if none of the requested languages is supported, CGI::Lingua->language() looks in the IP address for the language to use. This may not be what you want, so use this option to disable the feature.
The optional parameter debug is passed on to I18N::AcceptLanguage.
Tells the CGI application in what language to display its messages. The language is the natural name e.g. 'English' or 'Japanese'.
Sublanguages are handled sensibly, so that if a client requests U.S. English on a site that only serves British English, language() will return 'English'.
If none of the requested languages is included within the supported lists, language() returns 'Unknown'.
use CGI::Lingua;
# Site supports English and British English
my $l = CGI::Lingua->new(supported => ['en', 'fr', 'en-gb']);
If the browser requests 'en-us', then language will be 'English' and sublanguage will also be undefined, which may seem strange, but it ensures that sites behave sensibly.
# Site supports British English only
my $l = CGI::Lingua->new({ supported => ['fr', 'en-gb']} );
If the script is not being run in a CGI environment, perhaps to debug it, the locale is used via the LANG environment variable.
Same as language().
Synonym for language, for compatibility with Local::Object::Language
Tells the CGI what variant to use e.g. 'United Kingdom', or 'Unknown' if it can't be determined.
Sublanguages are handled sensibly, so that if a client requests U.S. English on a site that only serves British English, sublanguage() will return undef.
Gives the two-character representation of the supported language, e.g. 'en' when you've asked for en-gb.
If none of the requested languages is included within the supported lists, language_code_alpha2() returns undef.
Synonym for language_code_alpha2, kept for historical reasons.
Gives the two-character representation of the supported language, e.g. 'gb' when you've asked for en-gb, or undef.
Gives a human-readable rendition of what language the user asked for whether or not it is supported.
Returns the sublanguage (if appropriate) in parentheses, e.g. "English (United Kingdom)"
Returns the two-character country code of the remote end in lowercase.
If IP::Country, Geo::IPfree or Geo::IP is installed, CGI::Lingua will make use of that, otherwise, it will do a Whois lookup. If you do not have any of those installed I recommend you use the caching capability of CGI::Lingua.
HTTP doesn't have a way of transmitting a browser's localisation information which would be useful for default currency, date formatting, etc.
This method attempts to detect the information, but it is a best guess and is not 100% reliable. But it's better than nothing ;-)
Returns a Locale::Object::Country object.
To be clear, if you're in the US and request the language in Spanish, and the site supports it, language() will return 'Spanish', and locale() will try to return the Locale::Object::Country for the US.
Returns the timezone of the web client.
If Geo::IP is installed, CGI::Lingua will make use of that, otherwise it will use
Nigel Horne, <njh at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author. This module is provided as-is without any warranty.
If HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE is 3 characters, e.g., es-419, sublanguage() returns undef.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cgi-lingua at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Uses I18N::Acceptlanguage to find the highest priority accepted language. This means that if you support languages at a lower priority, it may be missed.
HTTP::BrowserDetect I18N::AcceptLangauge Locale::Country
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc CGI::Lingua
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Copyright 2010-2025 Nigel Horne.
This program is released under the following licence: GPL2