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CIPP::Request - CIPP runtime environment interface


# The request object is always accessed through this class method
# (Object creation is done magically by the runtime
# environment: new.spirit, Apache or whatever...)
$request = CIPP->request;
# Get the current CGI object for this request
$cgi_object = CIPP->request->get_cgi_object;
# Several static configuation information is accessable
# through this object
$cgi_url = CIPP->request->get_cgi_url;
$doc_url = CIPP->request->get_doc_url;
$prod_dir = CIPP->request->get_prod_dir;
$config_dir = CIPP->request->get_config_dir;
$inc_dir = CIPP->request->get_inc_dir;
$lib_dir = CIPP->request->get_lib_dir;
$log_dir = CIPP->request->get_log_dir;
$log_file = CIPP->request->get_log_file;
$url_par_delimiter = CIPP->request->get_url_par_delimiter;
$add_lib_dirs = CIPP->request->get_add_lib_dirs;
$show_error = CIPP->request->get_show_error;
$error_text = CIPP->request->get_show_error_text;
$cipp_compiler_version = CIPP->request->get_cipp_compiler_version;
# get the current request counter of this process
$request_cnt = CIPP->request->get_request_cnt;
# was the HTTP header already printed for this request?
$http_header_printed = CIPP->request->get_http_header_printed;
# control error message output for this request
CIPP->request->set_show_error ( $bool );
CIPP->request->set_show_error_text ( $message );
# l10n: get translated message, optionally with placeholders
$translated = CIPP->request->gettext ( \$message, [ { key => value, ... } ] )
# l10n: print translated message, optionally with placeholders
CIPP->request->print_gettext ( \$message, [ { key => value, ... } ] )


This module represents the interface to the CIPP runtime environment.


Joern Reder <>


Copyright (c) 2001-2002 dimedis GmbH, All Rights Reserved


CIPP, CIPP::Manual, new.spirit