Catalyst::Plugin::ForwardChained - Forwarding to "Chain"-Actions in Catalyst
Forwarding to the end point of a couple of chain methods ..
In most cases: dont use - better user redirect instead
This is a hackaround, not a clean solution.
# In your application class
use Catalyst qw/ ForwardChained /;
# ... somwhere else:
$c->forward_to_chained( [ qw/ chained endpoint /, [ qw/ args / ] );
$c->forward_to_chained( 'chained/endpoint', [ qw/ args / ] );
Example 1
Having some controller:
package MyApp::Controller::Test;
# ..
# to be clear :
__PACKAGE__->config->{ namespace } = 'test';
# url would be "/one/*"
sub my_index : PathPart( 'one' ) : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs( 1 ) {
# do some..
# url would be "/one/*/two/*"
sub my_other : PathPart( 'two') : Chained( 'my_index' ) : Args( 1 ) {
# do some..
You would use:
# somewhere
# this would call: "/namespace/one/111/two/222"
$c->forward_to_chained( [ qw/ namespace two / ], [ "111", "222 ] );
# same as above
$c->forward_to_chained( "namespace/two", [ "111", "222 ] );
Example 2
it's not always obvious which path to choose when calling "forward_to_chained" ..
An example testing controller
package MyApp::Controller::Testing;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/ Catalyst::Controller /;
use Data::Dumper;
__PACKAGE__->config->{ namespace } = 'testing';
sub one : PathPart( 'testing/one' ) : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs( 1 ) {
my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
push @{ $c->stash->{ called } ||= [] }, {
name => 'one',
args => \@args
sub two : Chained( 'one' ) : CaptureArgs( 1 ) {
my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
push @{ $c->stash->{ called } ||= [] }, {
name => 'two',
args => \@args
sub three : Chained( 'two' ) {
my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
push @{ $c->stash->{ called } ||= [] }, {
name => 'three',
args => \@args
sub right : PathPart( 'testing/right' ) : Chained( '/' ) : CaptureArgs( 0 ) {
my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
push @{ $c->stash->{ called } ||= [] }, {
name => 'right',
args => \@args
sub again : Chained( 'right' ) : Args( 1 ) {
my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
push @{ $c->stash->{ called } ||= [] }, {
name => 'again',
args => \@args
sub chainor : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# calling chained:
# 1) WRONG:
#$c->forward_to_chained( 'testing/one/arg1/two/arg2/three/arg3' );
# 2) WRONG:
#$c->forward_to_chained( 'testing/one/two/three', [ qw/ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 / ] );
$c->forward_to_chained( 'testing/three', [qw/ arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 /] );
$c->forward_to_chained( 'testing/again', [qw/ arg /] );
$c->res->content_type( 'text/plain' );
$c->res->body( "Called: \n". Dumper( $c->stash->{ called } ) );
would produce something like this:
$VAR1 = [
'args' => [
'name' => 'one'
'args' => [
'name' => 'two'
'args' => [
'name' => 'three'
'args' => [],
'name' => 'right'
'args' => [
'name' => 'again'
and catalyst debug out:
| Action | Time |
| /begin | 0.064814s |
| /testing/chainor | 0.002931s |
| /testing/one | 0.000588s |
| /testing/two | 0.000208s |
| /testing/three | 0.000197s |
| /testing/right | 0.000061s |
| /testing/again | 0.000055s |
| /end | 0.000495s |
forwards to a certain chained action endpoint ..
$c->forward_to_chained( "some/path", [ qw/ arg1 arg2 arg3 / ] );
$c->forward_to_chained( [qw/ some path /], [ qw/ arg1 arg2 arg3 / ] );
returns array or arrayref of endpoints.. to help you find the one you need
my @endpoints = $c->get_chained_action_endpoints;
my $endpoints_ref = $c->get_chained_action_endpoints;
Ulrich Kautz,