NAME - 3D Piechart


use Chart::ThreeD::Pie;

# create a new pie
my $pie = new Chart::ThreeD::Pie (500, 300, "title");

# add data
$pie->add (160, '#FFAA00', 'part 1');
$pie->add (350, '#00FF66', 'part 2');
$pie->add (100, '#AA00FF', 'part 3');
$pie->add (300, '#0000FF', 'part 4');
$pie->add (300, '#DD00FF', 'part 5');
$pie->add (300, '#00DDFF', 'part 6');

# add a percentage after each label part.
$pie->percents (1);

# only draw parts greater or equal to 3%. All other parts will be
# concatenated in to a part called "others" (using red color)
$pie->limit (2, '#FF0000', 'others');

# thickness of the pie
$pie->thickness (30);

# sort the "parts"
$pie->want_sort (1);

# foreground and background colors
$pie->fgcolor ('#FF0000');
$pie->bgcolor ('#00FFFF');

# add a border
$pie->border (1);

# make sure we are writing to a binary stream
binmode STDOUT;

# Draw the pie, Convert the image to GIF and print it on standard output
print $pie->plot->gif;


Chart::ThreeD::Pie allows you to create 3D Piecharts very easily
and emit the drawings as GIF files. You can customize almost everything
using a large number of methods.

This module requires the Lincoln D. Stein's GD module available on CPAN.

Method Calls

Creating Pie


Chart::ThreeD::Pie::new(width, height, title) class method

To create a new pie, send a new() message to the Chart::ThreeD::Pie class. For example:

$pie = new Chart::ThreeD::Pie (450, 320, 'my title');

This will create an image that is 450 x 320 pixels wide. If you don't specify the dimensions, a default of 400 x 300 will be chosen. The default title is an empty string (no title). The three parameters can be changed using the corresponding methods specified bellow.



Chart::ThreeD::Pie::thickness(val) object method

This allows you to set the thickness (in pixel) of the pie if val is defined. The current value is returned. Default value is 30 pixels.


print "Current thickness is ", $pie->thickness, " pixels\n";
# set it to 20.

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::thickness(bool) object method

This will allow you to sort the parts of the pie if bool is non-null. The current value is returned. Default is null;


print "Current want_sort value is ", $pie->want_sort, "\n";
# set it to true

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::transparent(bool) object method

This will allow you to make the background of the final picture transparent if bool is non-null. The current value is returned. Default is null;


# Background will be transparent.

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::interlaced(bool) object method

This will allow you to make the background of the final picture interlaced if bool is non-null. The current value is returned. Default is null;


# Picture will be interlaced

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::percents(bool) object method

This will add percentages after the label of each part of the pie if bool is non-null. The current value is returned. Default is null;


# add percents in labels

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::bgcolor(bgcolor) object method

Set the background color if bgcolor is defined. The current value is returned. Default value is '#000000' (black). Color is a string composed of a '#' followed by 3 two-digits hexadecimal values, respectively Red, Green and Blue.


# set the background color to yellow
$pie->bgcolor ('#FFFF00');

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::fgcolor(fgcolor) object method

Set the foreground color if fgcolor is defined. The current value is returned. Default value is '#000000' (black). Color is a string composed of a '#' followed by 3 two-digits hexadecimal values, respectively Red, Green and Blue.


# set the foreground color to red
$pie->fgcolor ('#FF0000');

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::border(bool) object method

This will allow you to add a border to the final picture if bool is non-null. The current value is returned. Default is null. The color of the boder is specified by fgcolor.


# Want a border

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::limit(val, color, label) object method

This allows you to set the size (in percent) of the smallest part of the pie that will be drawn. All other parts will be merged into a single part labeled by 'label' and using the color 'color'. If 'val' is null, all parts are drawn. Default values are 7, '#FF0000' and 'others'. Current values are returned.


Chart::ThreeD::Pie::radius(rad) object method

Specify the radius of the pie in pixels if rad is non-null. The current value is returned. The default value is a third of the xmax value given to the creation of the pie (first parameter of the constructor).


# set radius to 100.

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::xmax(val) object method

This allows you to set the length (in pixel) of the pie if val is defined. The current value is returned.


print "Current length is ", $pie->xmax, " pixels\n";
# set it to 600.

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::ymax(val) object method

This allows you to set the width (in pixel) of the pie if val is defined. The current value is returned.


print "Current width is ", $pie->ymax, " pixels\n";
# set it to 500.

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::title(val) object method

This allows you to change the title of the pie if val is defined. The current value is returned.


print "Current title is '", $pie->title, "'\n";
# set it to 'my own title'.
$pie->title('my own title');

Chart::ThreeD::Pie::add(val, color, label) object method

This method adds a part to a pie. The size of the part is specified by val. Both color and label are optional. The default color is '#DDDDDD' and the default label is ''.


Chart::ThreeD::Pie::plot() object method

Draw the pie. This method returns a GD object (see GD).


Chart::ThreeD::Pie::gif() object method

This returns the image data in GIF format. You can then print it, pipe it to a display program, or write it to a file. You MUST call the plot() method at least once before calling gif().


open (PIPE, "| xv -") || die "Error: $!";
binmode PIPE;
print PIPE $pie->gif;
close PIPE;


perl, GD


Fabien Tassin (


Copyright 1998, 1999, Fabien Tassin. All rights reserved. It may be used and modified freely, but I do request that this copyright notice remain attached to the file. You may modify this module as you wish, but if you redistribute a modified version, please attach a note listing the modifications you have made.