Config::Mini - Very simple INI-style configuration parser
In your config file:
# this is a comment
# these will go in section [general] which is the default
foo = bar
baz = buz
key1 = val1
key2 = val2
key3 = val3
key4 = arrayvalue
key4 = arrayvalue2
key4 = arrayvalue3
In your perl code:
use Config::Mini; my $config = Config::Mini->new ('sample.conf'); print "These are the sections which are defined in the config file:\n"; print join "\n", $config->sections();
# will print 'arrayvalue' print $config->section ('section2')->{'key4'}; print $config->section ('section2')->{'__key4'}->[2];
By default, Config::Mini turns sections into hashes. For instance, the following section:
foo = bar
foo = bar2
baz = buz
Will be turned into:
foo => 'bar',
baz => 'buz',
__foo => [ 'bar', 'bar2' ],
__baz => [ 'buz' ],
When you write your own objects, having this convention is fine. However, you may want to instantiate other objects from CPAN than your own. For example, a Cache::MemCached is constructed like this in Perl:
$memd = Cache::Memcached->new {
'servers' => [ "", "", "" ]
'debug' => 0,
'compress_threshold' => 10_000,
So having the following config won't do:
%package = Cache::Memcached
servers =
servers =
servers =
debug = 0
compress_threshold = 10_000
Because Cache::Memcached expects 'servers' to be an array, not a scalar.
In this case, you can do the following:
%package = Cache::Memcached
@servers =
@servers =
@servers =
debug = 0
compress_threshold = 10_000
This will let Config::Mini know that 'servers' is meant to be an array reference.
If you want, you can also let it know that debug and compress_threshold are just scalars so it doesn't create the '__debug' and '__compress_threshold' attributes, using the dollar symbol:
%package = Cache::Memcached
@servers =
@servers =
@servers =
$debug = 0
$compress_threshold = 10_000
The only problem now is that your configuration file is seriously starting to look like Perl, so I would recommend using these 'tricks' only where it's 100% necessary.
%include, %package, %constructor
You can use the following commands:
%include /path/to/file
Will include /path/to/file. Relative paths are supported (it will act as if you were chdir'ed to the current config file location), but wildcards at not (well, not yet).
%package My::Package::Name
Will attempt to create an object rather than a file name. For example:
%package = Rose::DB
%constructor = register_db
domain = development
type = main
driver = mysql
database = dev_db
host = localhost
username = devuser
password = mysecret
%constructor constructor_name
Most Perl objects use new() for their constructor method, however sometimes the constructor is called something else. If %constructor is specified, then it will be called instead of new()
%hashref = true
Some folks prefer to construct their objects this way:
my $object = Foo->new ( { %args } );
Instead of
my $object = Foo->new ( %args );
This directive allows you to accomodate them (Cache::Cache comes to mind). So for example, you'd have:
%package = Cache::FileCache
%hashref = true
namespace = MyNamespace
default_expires_in = 600
%args = key1 key2 key3
Some modules have constructors where you don't pass a hash, but a simple list of arguments. For example:
File::BLOB->from_file( 'filename.txt' );
In this case, you can do:
%package = File::Blob
%constructor = from_file
%args filename
filename = filename.txt
my $config = Config::Mini->new ($config_file);
Creates a new Config::Mini object.
@config_sections = $config->sections();
Returns a list of section names.
my $hash = $config->section ($section_name);
Returns a hashref (or an object) which represents this config section.
If you don't want to use the OO-style, you can use the functions below.
Config::Mini::parse_file ($filename)
Parses config file $filename
Config::Mini::parse_data (@data)
Parses @data
Config::Mini::get ($context, $key)
Returns the value for $key in $context.
Returns the value as an array if the requested value is an array.
Return the first value otherwise.
Config::Mini::instantiate ($context)
If $context is used to describe an object, Config::Mini will try to instantiate it.
If $section contains a "package" attribute, Config::Mini will try to load that package and call a new() method to instantiate the object.
Otherwise, it will simply return a hash reference.
Values can be considered as a scalar or an array. Hence, Config::Mini uses <attribute_name> for scalar values and '__<attribute_name>' for array values.
Config::Mini::select ($regex)
Selects all section entries matching $regex, and returns a list of instantiated objects using instantiate() for each of them.
Copyright 2006 - Jean-Michel Hiver All rights reserved
This module is free software and is distributed under the same license as Perl itself. Use it at your own risk.