com::zoho::crm::api::util::Converter - This abstract class is to construct API request and response.




Creates a Converter class instance with the CommonAPIHandler class instance.

Param common_api_handler : A CommonAPIHandler class instance.


This method is to process the API response.

Param response : A Object containing the API response contents or response.

Param pack : A String containing the expected method return type.

Returns A Object representing the POJO class instance.


This method is to construct the API request.

Param request_object : A Object containing the POJO class instance.

Param pack : A String containing the expected method return type.

Param instance_number : An Integer containing the POJO class instance list number.

Returns A Object representing the API request body object.


This method is to construct the API request body.

Param request_base : A dummy variable.

Param request_object : A object of APIHTTPConnector class.


This method is to process the API response.

Param response : A Object containing the HttpResponse class instance.

Param pack : A Stirng contaning class Path.

Returns A Object representing the POJO class instance.


This method is to validate if the input values satisfy the constraints for the respective fields.

Param class_name : A String containing the class name.

Param member_name : A String containing the member name.

Param key_details : A JSONObject containing the key JSON details.

Param value : A Object containing the key value.

Param unique_values_map : A HashMap containing the construct objects.

Param instance_number : An Integer containing the POJO class instance list number.

Returns A Boolean representing the key value is expected pattern, unique, length, and values.