DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoLimit - For databases without select limit
# Classes can import this behavior if they don't have limit
use DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver::Trait::NoLimit ':all';
This package works with DBD drivers which are implemented in Perl using SQL::Statement. It combines several other traits and methods which can be shared by most such drivers.
About Driver Traits
You do not need to use this package directly; it is used internally by those driver subclasses which need it.
For more information about Driver Traits, see "About Driver Traits" in DBIx::SQLEngine::Driver.
The following methods are provided:
Select to Retrieve Data
- sql_limit
$sqldb->sql_limit( $limit, $offset, $sql, @params ) : $sql, @params
Not supported.
See DBIx::SQLEngine for the overall interface and developer documentation.
See DBIx::SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe for general information about this distribution, including installation and license information.
See DBIx::Sequence for another version of the sequence-table functionality, which greatly inspired this module.