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DBIx::Threaded - Proxy class to permit DBI objects to be shared by multiple threads


        use DBIx::Threaded
                subclass => DBIx::Chart;        # add any subclass to chain here
        #       see DBI 1.48 docs for all the DBI methods and attributes
        #       In addition, the following methods are provided:
        my $dbh = DBIx::Threaded->connect('dbi:SomeDSN', $user, $pass,
                        RaiseError => 0, 
                        PrintError => 1,
                        dbix_threaded_Helper => 'SomeDSNHelper',
                        dbix_threaded_marshal => 'freeze',
                        dbix_threaded_max_pending => 20

        $id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start($sql, \%attr);
        $id = $sth->dbix_threaded_start($sql, \%attr);
                                        # start execution of SQL, ala do()

        $rc = $h->dbix_threaded_wait($id);
                                        # wait for prior start() to complete

        $rc = $h->dbix_threaded_wait_until($timeout, $id); 
                                        # wait up to $timeout secs for 
                                        # prior start() to complete

        $rc = $h->dbix_threaded_cancel($id); 
                                        # cancel the specified operation
                                        # may also be initiated by $sth->cancel()
        @handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_any(@handles);
                                        # wait for async completion on
                                        # any of @handles; returns the handles
                                        # that have completions
        @handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_any_until($timeout, @handles);
                                        # wait up to $timeout secs for
                                        # for async completion on
                                        # any of @handles; returns the handles
                                        # that have completed
        @handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_all(@handles);
                                        # wait for async completion on
                                        # all of @handles
        @handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_all_until($timeout, @handles);
                                        # wait up to $timeout secs for
                                        # async completion on
                                        # all of @handles

                                        # indicates if the specified operation
                                        # has completed yet

        $tid = $dbh->dbix_threaded_tid();   # returns TID of underlying DBI thread

                                        # create pool of threads to use for
                                        # DBI connections; intended for use
                                        # before full app init in order to
                                        # reduce memory size of thread
                                        # interpretter instances

                                        # forces disconnect, regardless of
                                        # outstanding refs
        $h->dbix_threaded_get_queue();      # returns the underlying TQD used
                                        # by the proxy stubs


DBIx::Threaded provides a subclass of DBI that provides wrappers for standard DBI objects to permit them to be used by multiple threads. Due to the limitations of threading and tied objects in Perl 5, DBI (as of version 1.48), does not permit DBI-generated objects (namely, connection and statement handles) to be used outside of the thread in which they are created.

Due to its architecture, DBIx::Threaded also has the pleasant side-effect of providing thread-safe access to DBD's which are not otherwise thread-friendly or thread-safe (assuming any underlying client libraries and/or XS code are thread-safe, e.g., do not rely on unrestricted access to process-global variables).

DBIx::Threaded accomplishes this by spawning a separate server (or apartment) thread to encapsulate a DBI container class DBIx::Threaded::Server, for each connection created by the connect() method. All the DBI connection and statement interfaces for a single connection are then executed within that thread (note that this is, in some respects, similar to the way Perl manages threads::shared variables).

Separate client DBI connection and statement subclasses are also defined to provide stub method implementations for the various DBI API interfaces, DBI attributes, and any DBD-specific installed methods or attributes.

A Thread::Queue::Duplex aka TQD) object is created for each connection to provide a lightweight communication channel between the client stubs and the server container objects, passing parameters and results between the client and server using either threads::shared variables for simple scalars and structures, or marshalling via Storable for more complex structures.

Note that, due to the way in which Perl threads are spawned (i.e., cloning the entire interpretter context of the spawning thread), a dbix_threaded_create_pool() class level method is provided to permit creation of minimal context threads during application initialization, in order to conserve memory resources.

Also note that DBIx::Threaded supports DBI subclass chaining so that, e.g., it is possible to use DBIx::Chart with DBIx::Threaded. The subclass may be specified either as an imported hash value in the form

        use DBIx::Threaded subclass => SubClass;

or in the connect() call via the RootClass attribute, as supported by DBI.

Finally, in the event DBIx::Threaded is used in a Perl environment that does not support threads (i.e., $Config{useithreads} is false), it will fallback to the basic DBI behaviors, i.e., connect() will simply call DBI->connect(), and thus the caller will get a regular DBI connection handle (or, if subclasses were declared when DBIx::Threaded was use'd, a subclassed connection handle).

DBIx::Threaded provides the following classes:


main client side subclass of DBI


client side subclass of DBI::dr

NOTE: since each connection is isolated in its own thread (and hence, perl interpretter) context, use of the driver handle is of marginal value, as any operations applied to a driver handle derived from a DBIx::Threaded connection can only effect the driver running in the container thread, and will have no effect on any of the other connection instances.


client side subclass of DBI::db


client side subclass of DBI::st


implements the server side, as a container class for DBI

DBIx::Threaded provides all the same methods, attributes, and behaviors as DBI, plus some additional methods relevant to asynchronous execution and general threading housekeeping.

Notation and Conventions

The following conventions are used in this document:

  $dbh    Database handle object
  $sth    Statement handle object
  $drh    Driver handle object (rarely seen or used in applications)
  $h      Any of the handle types above ($dbh, $sth, or $drh)
  $rc     General Return Code  (boolean: true=ok, false=error)
  $rv     General Return Value (typically an integer)
  @ary    List of values returned from the database, typically a row of data
  $rows   Number of rows processed (if available, else -1)
  $fh     A filehandle
  undef   NULL values are represented by undefined values in Perl
  \%attr  Reference to a hash of attribute values passed to methods

Note that Perl will automatically destroy database and statement handle objects if all references to them are deleted. However, since DBIx::Threaded derived objects may be in use by multiple concurrent threads, DBIx::Threaded::Server maintains a separate reference count, and will only destroy an object when all outstanding references have been destroyed.

Outline Usage

To use DBIx::Threaded, first you need to load the DBIx::Threaded module:

  use DBIx::Threaded;
  use strict;
  use warnings;

(use strict; and use warnings; aren't required, but if you want my support, you'd better use them!)

Then you need to "connect" to your data source and get a handle for that connection:

        $dbh = DBIx::Threaded->connect($dsn, $user, $password,
                        RaiseError => 1, 
                        AutoCommit => 0,
                        dbix_threaded_helper => 'SomeDSNHelper',
                        dbix_threaded_marshal => 'freeze',
                        dbix_threaded_max_pending => 20

Refer to DBI for all the DBI standard methods, attributes, and behaviors.

The following additional connection attributes are defined:

dbix_threaded_helper (not yet fully supported)

Provides the name of a "helper" class to be used by the apartment thread to implement useful, but non-standard methods. Currently, only the following methods are defined:

        # Constructor; takes the associated connection handle
        $helper = $helperclass->new($dbh);

        # Wrapper around the underlying DBD's more_results()
        # implementation (if any). Should return 1 if there are more
        # results, undef otherwise.

        # Wrappers for various cancelable async "start execution"
        # methods; the following special parameters are provided:
        #       $cmdq - the TQD for this connection
        #       $id   - the unique ID of the initated request
        # These parameters are provided to permit $helper to poll 
        # the connection's TQD via the cancelled($id) method to determine
        # if the application has cancelled the operation.
        # Also note that the helper may only implement a few of these;
        # DBIx::Threaded::Server will test $helper->can($method) to
        # determine if the method has been implemented.
        # The helper should return the usual results for the
        # implemented operation. If the operation is cancelled,
        # the helper should returned either the usual results
        # (if they were received before the cancel), or
        # an appropriate error message indicating the cancel
        # was applied.
        # Note that the various fetch() methods are not cancelable,
        # though they may incur long latencies in some instances.
        $helper->start_do($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_prepare($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, $attrs);
        $helper->start_prepare_cached($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, $attrs);
        $helper->start_tables($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, $attrs);
        $helper->start_table_info($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, $attrs);
        $helper->start_column_info($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, $attrs);
        $helper->start_primary_key($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_primary_key_info($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_foreign_key_info($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);

        $helper->start_selectrow_array($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_selectrow_arrayref($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_selectrow_hashref($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_selectall_arrayref($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_selectall_hashref($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);
        $helper->start_selectcol_arrayref($cmdq, $id, $dbh, $sql, @params, $attrs);

        $helper->start_execute($cmdq, $id, $sth, @params);
        $helper->start_execute_array($cmdq, $id, $sth, \%attrs, @params);

See the "Cancelable Async Operations" below for more details.


Specifies the type of marhsalling to use when transfering data between the client stub and the apartment thread. Valid values are 'freeze' and 'share'. 'freeze' uses the Storable module's freeze() and thaw() methods to convert complex structures into scalar values, while 'share' converts structures into threads::shared variables, which may be faster, but does not currently support deepcopy operations. Default is 'share'.


Specifies the maximum number of pending requests to be queued to the apartment thread. This value is applied to the underlying Thread::Queue::Duplex MaxPending attribute; when more than the specified number of requests are pending in the associated TQD, the TQD enqueue() operation will block until the number of pending requests has dropped below the specified threshold. Default is zero, i.e., no limit.

In addition, the following methods are defined:


Class level method to create pool of threads to use for DBIx::Threaded::Server objects; intended for use before full application initialization in order to reduce memory size of thread interpretter instances. Perl threads are implemented by cloning the entire interpretter context of the spawning thread, which can result in significant replication of unused resources. By pre-allocating threads early during application initialization, the resources consumed by the container threads can be reduced.

$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start() async $dbh->do()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_prepare() async $dbh->prepare()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_prepare_cached() async $dbh->prepare_cached()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_tables() async $dbh->tables()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_table_info() async $dbh->table_info()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_column_info() async $dbh->column_info()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_primary_key() async $dbh->primary_key()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_primary_key_info() async $dbh->primary_key_info()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_foreign_key_info() async $dbh->foreign_key_info()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectrow_array() async $dbh->selectrow_array()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectrow_arrayref() async $dbh->selectrow_arrayref()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectrow_hashref() async $dbh->selectrow_hashref()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectall_arrayref() async $dbh->selectall_arrayref()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectall_hashref() async $dbh->selectall_hashref()
$id = $dbh->dbix_threaded_start_selectcol_arrayref() async $dbh->selectcol_arrayref()
$id = $sth->dbix_threaded_start() async $sth->execute()
$id = $sth->dbix_threaded_start_array() async $sth->execute_array()

Starts the specified DBI operation in async mode. Once the request has been queued to the apartment thread via the associated connection's TQD, the methods return immediately. Applications can use this method to spawn multiple non-blocking database operations, then perform other concurrent processing, and finally wait() for the database operations to complete.

Note that, since DBI does not yet define a standard external cancel/abort mechanism, a helper class implementation is required to safely cancel these operations once they have been initiated (see dbix_threaded_helper attribute). However, as DBIx::Threaded implements the Thread::Queue::Duplex class, cancel() and cancel_all() methods are available to partially support cancellation of operations before the apartment thread has begun servicing the request; refer to the Thread::Queue::Duplex docs for details.

$rc = $h->dbix_threaded_wait($id)

Wait indefinitely for completion of the specified async operation. Note that the return values for some start()'d operations (e.g., $sth->execute_array()) will return an array of items (e.g., for $sth->execute_array(), the return count, and an arrayref of ArrayTupleStatus) unless explicitly called in scalar context, due to the transfer of additional information from the apartment thread to the client.

$rc = $h->dbix_threaded_wait_until($timeout, $id)

Wait up to $timeout secs for for completion of the specified async operation.

$rc = $h->dbix_threaded_cancel($id)

Requests cancellation of the specified $dbh->dbix_threaded_startXXX()'ed operation. Note that actual cancellation will only occur if a helper class has been supplied that implements the associated start() method, and the specific operation has not already completed.

@handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_any(@handles)

Wait indefinitely for completion of any start()'ed operation on any of @handles (which may be initiated on either connection or statement handles). Returns an array of handles.

@handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_any_until($timeout, @handles)

Wait up to $timeout secs for completion of any start()'ed operation on any of @handles (which may be either connection or statement handles)

@handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_all(@handles)

Wait indefinitely for completion of start()'ed operations on all of @handless

@handles = DBIx::Threaded->dbix_threaded_wait_all_until($timeout, @handles)

Wait up to $timeout secs for completion of start()'ed operations on all of @handles

$rc = $h->dbix_threaded_ready($id)

Test if the specified operation is complete.

$tid = $h->dbix_threaded_tid()

Returns TID of handle's underlying Perl thread


Forces disconnection of the underlying connection, regardless if there are any outstanding references (either to the connection or to any of its statement handles)

NOTE: Since a connection, and any of its subordinate statement handles, may be passed to, and in use by, any thread at any time, the DBIx::Threaded::Server object maintains a reference count on the connection and statement objects. On DESTROY(), or disconnect(), the appropriate reference counts are decremented; the DESTROY() or disconnect() operation will only be applied in the server if the object's reference count drops to zero. Further note that incrementing or decrementing the reference count on a statement object results in the same operation on the associated connection's reference count.

dbix_threaded_force_disconnect() has been provide as a safety outlet if needed.


Returns the TQD object used as a communication channel between the client proxy and the container thread. Useful, e.g., for class-level TQD wait_any/all() when a thread needs to monitor multiple TQD's.

Unsupported Methods/Attributes

The following methods and attributes are currently unsupported, but may be implemented in future releases:

$sth->execute_array() with ArrayTupleFetch attribute

Since it requires a CODE ref or direct access to another statement handle, it can't be directly passed to the container thread. An implementation may be provided in a future release.


An implementation should be provided in a future release.


Currently implemented as alias to regular connect().


Due to the threaded operation, and the fact that connections may be created in any thread at any time, disconnect_all() executed in one thread may not have meaning for other threads, as there's no real way for a driver handle to be aware of all the connections which may have been generated from it.


Since it requires a CODE ref, it can't be directly passed to the container thread. An implementation should be provided in a future release, using some form of proxy.

installed methods

While DBD's can install methods in the container thread, they are not currently available in the client proxy; use the func() method instead. An implementation should be provided in a future release, once I figure out how to proxy these.

bind_col(), bind_columns() with fetchall_arrayref(), fetchall_hashref()

Due to the issues described below, DBIx::Threaded does not populate bound variables on a fetchall_arrayref() or fetchall_hashref() operation.


Methinks this would cause serious headaches for apartment threading, (its certainly giving me headaches thinking about it) and I'm not certain anyone has any use for it anyway.


This method is intended for the DBI::Pool method of "loaning" a connection to another thread; it has the side effect of making the connection in the loaning thread non-functional. As DBIx::Threaded provides a more flexible solution for sharing both connections and statement objects between threads without leaving the object in a non-functioning state, it serves no purpose in the DBIx::Threaded environment. Consider it unimplemented.

Application Notes

DBix::Threaded is not a true DBI subclass

True DBI subclasses derive their object hierarchy through the DBI via the (possibly overridden) DBI::dr class connect() method, allowing DBI to add "magic" to the created objects, which is later used in various methods (e.g., set_err(), errstr(), etc.).

In order to be able to curse() and redeem() DBIx::Threaded objects for passing between threads via TQD's, DBIx::Threaded must use regular objects without the added DBI "magic". As a result, some original DBI behaviors may not be fully compatible or implemented. Note: Most DBI behaviors lost due to this situation have been implemented by borrowing code from DBI::PurePerl, esp. for the error handling methods and attributes; hopefully, the impact is minimal.

One known impact is that the

        $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password, {
                RootClass => 'DBIx::Threaded',

form of connection is not supported. connect() must be called directly on the DBIx::Threaded class.

Avoid bind_col(), bind_columns(), bind_param_inout(), bind_param_inout_array()

Output binding in a threaded environment adds significant complexity, thereby reducing any percieved performance gains to be achieved by the usual bind() methods. While DBIx::Threaded does support these methods with all fetches, excluding fetchall_arrayref() and fetchall_hashref(), they pose several issues:

threads::shared variables cannot be bound

bind_col() et al. does not support binding tied variables; threads::shared is implemented as a tie. Hence, the binding operation is not a real bind into the container thread environment.

Multiple threads may bind simultaneously

If concurrent threads apply bind operations on the same statement handle, DBIx::Threaded isolates each set of bind()'s to the individual thread, i.e., the first thread will only see the result of fetch() operations which are initiated in its thread, and its bound variables will not be modified by a fetch() in another thread on the same statement handle.

In addition, when a statement handle is passed to another thread, all output bindings are removed in the receiving thread (though they continue to exist in the original thread).

Finally, the DBI (1.48) states that multiple variables can be bound to the same column on the same statement. DBIx::Threaded only supports a single bind variable; any subsequent bind() operation on a column that already has a bound variable will replace the old binding with the new one.

Performance Impact

Due to the prior bind isolation issue, DBIx::Thread must explicitly load the bind variables for each fetch() operation.

Note that the bind_col() and bind_column() methods are supported with fetchall_arrayref and fetchall_hashref, but only for the purposes of specifying returned column type information.

Statements Returning Multiple Result Sets

As of release 1.48, DBI does not publish a standard interface for handling multiple result sets from a single statement. However, a more_results() stub method has been defined, and several DBD's do support the capability via driver specific methods or attributes. This section attempts to detail the issues involved in safely supporting the capability in DBIx::Threaded; note that this solution has not yet been fully implemented.

Some special considerations must be applied to support multiple resultsets from a single statement. Most notably, in the event multiple threads are consuming results from the same statement, some coordination between the threads is required to notify all threads that the current resultset is exhausted, and a subsequent resultset is now available.

Each statement object in the server thread will be assigned a shared scalar resultset count, that is incremented each time the server detects that a resultset has been exhausted (i.e., a fetch operation returns undef). This shared scalar will also be referenced by each client stub statement object created for the statement. In addition, each client stub statement keeps its own private resultset counter. On each fetch() operation, the client will compare its private counter to the shared counter and, if the private count is less than the shared count, it will return undef, indicating the current resultset is exhausted. When an application calls the more_results() method, the client stub increments its private resultset count, and returns true, until its private count is equal to or greater than the shared count.

The client also passes its private count to the server on each fetch operation, in order for the server to verify the client is fetching on the current resultset (as it is possible for another thread to have exhausted the resultset while the current thread's request was waiting in the TQD).

Since each DBD has its own more_results() implementation (for those supporting it), DBIx::Threaded relies on the "helper" module interface (described under the dbix_threaded_helper attribute definition above) to provide a single consistent more_results() implementation.

Scrollable Cursor Support

Like multiple resultsets, as of release 1.48, DBI does not provide a standard interface for scrollable cursors. However, some DBD's support the capability via either SQL syntax, or driver-specific methods or attributes. This section attempts to detail the issues involved in supporting scrollable cursors for statements that may be shared across multiple threads.

In practical terms, sharing of scrollable cursors between threads is probably a very bad idea. Even if DBIx::Threaded could detect a position operation, and your application was notified of the positioning, it is unlikely it will be able to do anything about it, other than abort the thread.

Cancelable Async Operations

Some drivers provide fully async capabilities for at least a subset of the supported interface (e.g., $sth->execute()). Access to such capability from within DBIx::Threaded::Server could be very valuable, esp. for drivers permitting external cancel/abort of in-progress execute() operations. While the DBI does not currently define a standard interface, DBIx::Threaded provides a "helper" module interface (described in the dbix_threaded_helper attribute definition) with which individual drivers can provide cancelable async versions of the usual DBI API interfaces.

The helper interfaces provide the connection's TQD and the specific call's unique identifier as parameters to permit polling of the TQD cancelled($id) method. If cancelled() returns true, the implementation can initiate a cancel/abort operation on the pending operation.

The helper may only support a subset of the cancelable methods. DBIx::Threaded::Server will test $helper->can($method) to determine if the method has been implemented.

The helper should return the usual results for the implemented operation. If the operation is cancelled, the helper should returned either the usual results (if they were received before the cancel), or an appropriate error message indicating the cancel was applied.

The helper checks for async versions of the following DBI API methods:



Note that the various fetch() methods are not cancelable, though they may incur long latencies in some instances. A future release may provide support for cancelable fetches.

Behavior of Errors and Warnings

Errors and warnings are reported and handled as usual, except that PrintError, PrintWarn, RaiseError, HandleError, and HandleSetErr are all disabled in the apartment thread. Instead, any error or warning result will be passed back to the client stub, where the setting of the various error/warning attributes will be applied.

Also note that the HandleError, and HandleSetErr attributes cannot be passed between threads, since their values are coderefs. To use those attributes, they must be explicitly re-instantiated in the receiving thread whenever a handle is passed between threads.

$DBIx::Threaded::err, $DBIx::Threaded::errstr, and $DBIx::Threaded::state class variables (analogous to the DBI equivalents) are provided to report class level errors, e.g., for failed connect() calls.

Finally, note that a handle's ErrCount attribute is reset to zero in the receiving thread when a handle is passed between threads.

Class methods installed_versions(), data_sources()

As both these class-level methods cause DBI drivers to be loaded, DBIx::Threaded must execute them in an async BLOCK, in order to isolate the impact of the driver loading. Needless to say, this creates some extra overhead; my advice is just don't do it.

Attribute Handling

For most attributes, the client stub STORE and FETCH methods are simply redirected to the associated apartment thread. As a result, setting and retrieving handle attributes may be a long latency operation, depending on how many and for what purpose other threads are concurrently using the underlying object.

Some attributes are not passed through to the apartment thread, including PrintError, PrintWarn, RaiseError, HandleError, HandleSetErr, $dbh->{Driver}, and $sth->{Database}.

Most of these locally handled attributes are related to error processing, as described above. Driver and Database, however, are special cases. A fetch on Driver causes the connection object to construct a new "transient" client stub driver. The $sth-{Database}> attribute is populated with the original connection object only if the statement is created and used in the same thread that the connection object was created in>. If a statement handle is passed to another thread, $sth-{Database}> is populated with a transient connection object when it is redeem()'d in the receiving thread.

When using a transient driver object, be aware that, due to possible threading segregation, the information it returns may not reflect a true global driver state, and modifications applied to it may not effect all connection or statement instances. For transient connection objects, the object will behave identically to the original, but performing a comparison operation between 2 transient objects, or a transient and original object, for the same connection, will not be equal. Note: Transient objects are returned due to the possibility that the current thread may not have a reference to the original parent driver or connection object.

Finally, modifying some attributes may be problematic when sharing a handle between multiple threads. If one thread modifies behavioral or presentation attributes on a shared object (e.g., ChopBlanks, FetchHashKeyName, etc.), all threads referencing the modified object will observe the changed behavior or presentation.


Since multiple threads may be applying insert operations to the same connection, the value returned by $dbh->last_insert_id() may not be the value relevant to the current thread's last insert.


When turning on tracing, be aware that not all connections may be effected, due to possible thread segregation. In addition, since multiple concurrent trace operations are possible, the output trace file may be a bit scrambled or out of sequence.

ParamValues and ParamTypes attributes

The values returned for these will always be only the values and/or types supplied within the calling thread. In other words, the values supplied in a bind_param() in one thread are not visible to another thread. Note, however, that a parameter value bound by one thread may impact another thread executing the same statement handle if the 2nd thread does not bind a new value to the parameter, i.e., the container thread will retain and reuse the bound parameters values from the most recent binding.

Application Private Attributes

DBIx::Threaded objects prefix all private members with an underscore ('_'). When such attributes are encountered by the STORE() or FETCH() methods, the attribute is applied to the local client stub object, rather than being passed to the apartment thread. An application may apply thread-private application-specific attributes to DBIx::Threaded objects; note that these attributes will not be transfered to the receiving thread when an object is passed on a TQD.

Also note that, if the DBD in use permits caching of application-specific attributes on its objects, applications can use that feature to communicate attributes between threads (assuming the attributes do not begin with '_').

Using Signals and Threads


See the "Process-scope Changes" section of the Perl Threads Tutorial as to why it probably won't work. It certainly won't be portable, and, as has ever been the case with signals, at least 25% of the time, it won't do what you expect.


In order to provide a useful test environment, DBIx::Threaded's test script relies on "real" DBDs to execute the tests. The current test script (in t/test.t) recognizes the following DBDs:

        DBD::Teradata (Ver 2.0+)
        DBD::ODBC (ODBC driver for Teradata)

Additional DBDs can be configured by updating the %query_map variable at the beginning of the test script. Each driver has a specific entry in the %query_map, keyed by the driver name, which is derived from the DSN supplied from the DBIX_THRD_DSN environment variable. Note that ODBC drivers are a special case, in that, in addition to a generic ODBC driver entry, driver specific entries can be added using the prefix "ODBC_" concatenated to the upper-cased version of the string returned by $dbh-get_info(17)>, e.g., "ODBC_TERADATA" for ODBC using a Teradata driver.

Each %query_map entry is a hashref containing hte following keys:


If true, $dbh->ping will be tested


If true, $dbh->get_info will be tested to retrieve the DBMS version info.


If true, $dbh->data_sources will be tested


If true, $dbh->table_info will be tested against the table created by the CreateTable SQL entry


If true, $dbh->column_info will be tested against the table created by the CreateTable SQL entry


If true, $dbh->primary_key_info will be tested against the table created by the CreateTable SQL entry


If true, $dbh->primary_key will be tested against the table created by the CreateTable SQL entry


If true, $dbh->foreign_key_info will be tested against the table created by the CreateTable SQL entry


If true, $dbh->commit, $dbh->rollback, and $dbh->begin_work will be tested


Specifies a query to be executed immediately after connection in order to setup any environment or connection properties in the DBMS.


Specifies a simple query to return a single row with 3 columns. Usually something like "SELECT CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME".


Specifies a simple query to create a (possibly temporary) table, e.g.,

        create volatile table thrdtest (
                col1 int, 
                col2 varchar(100),
                col3 decimal(10,3)
        ) unique primary index(col1)
        on commit preserve rows

Specifies an INSERT statement with placeholders to insert values into the table created by CreateTable, e.g.,

        insert into thrdtest values(?, ?, ?)

Note that the values to be inserted are of INTEGER, VARCHAR, and DECIMAL types.


Specifies the query to use to select all the columns out of the table created by CreateTable, e.g.,

        select * from thrdtest order by col1

Specifies the name of the column to be used as the hash key for testing selectall_hashref()

Running the Tests

The test script uses 4 environment variables to establish the test connection:

        DBIX_THRD_DSN - the usual 'dbi:Driver:dsn' string
        DBIX_THRD_USER - a username for the connection
        DBIX_THRD_PASS - a password for the connection
        DBIX_THRD_SUBCLASS - the name of a DBI subclass to be chained
                for testing, e.g. "DBIx::Chart"

Only DBIX_THRD_DSN is required; if either DBIX_THRD_USER or DBIX_THRD_PASS is undefined, they will simply omit the undefined arguments from the connect() call. Likewise, omitting DBIX_THRD_SUBCLASS will simply omit the RootClass attribute.

Testing Notes

Microsoft Windows Issues

Testing with ActiveState Perl 5.8.3 on Windows XP has exposed a bug in Perl threads causing the test to crash on exit. Using Perl 5.8.6 or higher (not just for testing, but in general) is highly recommended.

Currently Tested Platforms

The following platform/Perl/DBD's have been tested thus far (reports for additional drivers, and associated patches for the test script, are very welcome):

        OS                     Perl Version  DBD
        -----------------      ------------  ------------------------
        Windows XP             AS 5.8.3      DBD::Teradata 8.002
        Windows XP             AS 5.8.3      DBD::CSV
        Windows XP             AS 5.8.3      DBD::SQLite
        Windows XP             AS 5.8.3      DBD::ODBC (Teradata)
        Windows XP             AS 5.8.3      DBD::CSV w/ DBIx::Chart

        Windows 2000           AS 5.8.7      DBD::Teradata 8.002
        Windows 2000           AS 5.8.7      DBD::CSV
        Windows 2000           AS 5.8.7      DBD::ODBC (Teradata)

        Linux Fedora Core 4    5.8.7         DBD::CSV
        Linux Fedora Core 4    5.8.7         DBD::SQLite

        Mac OS X 10.3.9(PPC)   AS 5.8.7      DBD::Teradata 8.002
        Mac OS X 10.3.9(PPC)   AS 5.8.7      DBD::CSV
        Mac OS X 10.3.9(PPC)   AS 5.8.7      DBD::SQLite


DBI, Thread::Queue::Duplex, threads, threads::shared, Storable


Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp.

Copyright(C) 2005, Presicient Corp., USA

Permission is granted to use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. Refer to the Perl Artistic License for details.