DNS::ZoneFile - Object-Oriented Management of a Master File
use C<DNS::ZoneFile>;
my $zone=C<DNS::ZoneFile>->new(
Domain => $domain,
TTL => $ttl,
Class => $class,
Type => $type,
Data => \@arr,
my $zone=DNS::ZoneFile->new($file,%params);
new() creates a new DNS::ZoneFile object. It is initialised either from the filename supplied, or, if the first argument is a reference to a scalar, then the values is read.
Sets the $ORIGIN for this zone.
- NEW_ZONE (false)
If unset and DNS::ZoneFile can't read any data, then return undef. Otherwise create a new SOA. (If this is set, ZONE_ORIGIN shouldn't really be set to '.')
Returns true if the object was created OK, false if otherwise.
Returns the error message of a a failed object call, or false if the object was created OK.
This will add a record to the zone (maybe that should be %RRDATA?)
This is also unwritten as yet - but I envisage this as a $zone->deleteRecord("","MX"); or $zone->deleteRecord("");
Returns a (reference to)? a scalar which is the zone file in full. or perhaps it keeps track of the filenames to open?
I have been recommended to release this bit of code unfinished onto CPAN by some people - yes Greg, you know who you are - I'm fully aware that this doesn't abstract enough yet.
Hopefully doing this will enable me to write it quicker.
Version: 0.95
Matthew Byng-Maddick <