Data::SimplePaginator - data pagination without assumptions (I think)
my $paginator;
# paginate the alphabet into groups of 10 letters each
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new(10);
# print the second page (K..T)
foreach( $paginator->page(2) ) {
print $_;
This module helps me create pagination without a lot of fuss. I looked at other pagination modules (see also, below) and their interfaces were cumbersome for me.
This module will NOT...
- Keep track of the current page for you
- Screw with your CGI or other environment
- Generate any HTML
- Print to stdout
If you're using Template Toolkit you probably want to use Data::Pageset or Data::SpreadPagination because they have lots of subs that work great with the way TT is set up.
my $number_per_page = 10;
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new();
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new($number_per_page);
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new($number_per_page, A..Z);
Creates a new pagination object to split up data into sets of $number_per_page. Default items per page is 10, and default data is the empty list.
my @items = ('orange','apple','banana','...');
$paginator->data( @items );
my @all = $paginator->data;
This method lets you set new data items for the paginator. It stores a shallow copy of the array, not a reference to it.
Return value is the current data array.
my $items_per_page = $paginator->size;
This method lets you set the size of the page, a.k.a. the number of items per page.
Return value is the size of the page.
my $number_of_pages = $paginator->pages;
Returns the number of pages based on the data you provide and the number of items per page that you set.
my @contents = $paginator->page($number);
my @first_page = $paginator->page(1);
my @last_page = $paginator->page( $paginator->pages );
The first page is page 1, the last page is number of pages.
Returns items from @list that are on the specified page. If you give an invalid/undefined page number or one that's out of range for your data set, you get an empty list.
use Data::SimplePaginator;
paginate the alphabet into groups of 10 letters each
$paginator = Data::SimplePaginator->new(10,A..Z);
print just the first page, A .. J
print "first page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page(1)) . "\n";
print every page
foreach my $page ( 1..$paginator->pages ) {
print "page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($page)) . "\n";
print just the last page, U .. Z
print "last page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($paginator->pages)) . "\n";
add more elements to the paginator
$paginator->data( $paginator->data, 1..4, map { lc } A..Z, 5..8 );
create a pageset paginator to group pages in sets of 3
my $pageset = Data::SimplePaginator->new(3, 1..$paginator->pages);
print every page, grouping into pagesets
foreach my $setnum ( 1..$pageset->pages ) {
print "pageset $setnum\n";
foreach my $page ( $pageset->page($setnum) ) {
print " page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page($page)) . "\n";
print every page, grouping into pagesets, resetting page numbers
foreach my $setnum ( 1..$pageset->pages ) {
print "pageset $setnum\n";
foreach my $page ( 1..$pageset->page($setnum) ) {
print " page $page: ". join(" ", $paginator->page( ($pageset->page($setnum))[$page-1])) . "\n";
The other paginators I looked at before deciding to write this one:
Jonathan Buhacoff <>
Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Jonathan Buhacoff. All rights reserved.
This library is free software and can be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.