Data::Tabulator - Create a table (two-dimensional array) from a list (one-dimensional array)
Version 0.03
my $table = Data::Tabulator->new([ 'a' .. 'z' ], rows => 6);
my $rows = $table->rows;
# Returns a the following two-dimensional array:
# [
# [ qw/ a b c d e / ],
# [ qw/ f g h i j / ],
# [ qw/ k l m n o / ],
# [ qw/ p q r s t / ],
# [ qw/ u v w x y / ],
# [ qw/ z/ ],
# ]
my $columns = $table->columns;
# Returns a the following two-dimensional array:
# [
# [ qw/ a f k p u z / ],
# [ qw/ b g l q v / ],
# [ qw/ c h m r w / ],
# [ qw/ d i n s x / ],
# [ qw/ e j o t y / ],
# ]
Data::Tabulator is a simple and straightforward module for generating a table from an array. It can properly handle data that is in either row- or column-major order.
- rows( <array>, ... )
- rows( data => <array>, ... )
Extracts and returns the rows of the array.
A shortcut to ->new, see Data::Tabulator->new for parameter specification and more information.
- columns( <array>, ... )
- columns( data => <array>, ... )
Extracts and returns the columns of the array.
A shortcut to ->new, see Data::Tabulator->new for parameter specification and more information.
- Data::Tabulator->new( <array>, ... )
- Data::Tabulator->new( data => <array>, ... )
The first argument to new may be an array (a list reference). Alternatively, you can pass in the array via the "data" parameter.
The following parameters are also accepted:
data => The array (list reference) to turn into a table.
rows => The number of rows the table should have.
columns => The number of columns the table should have.
pad => A true/false indicator on whether to pad if the array is not long enough. The default is not to pad.
padding => The padding data to use if the array is not long enough (not a full M x N table). The default is undef.
row_major => A true value indicates that the array data is in row-major order. This is the default.
column_major => A true value indicates that the array data is in column-major order.
Note: passing in "padding" and not specifying the "pad" option will automatically turn "pad" on.
- $table->data
- $table->data( <array> )
Return a reference to the underlying array of the table.
Alternatively, make $table use the specified <array>.
When setting $table->data, make sure you're passing in a list reference.
- $table->width
Return the width of the table (the number of columns).
- $table->height
Return the height of the table (the number of rows).
- $table->dimensions
- $table->geometry
Return the width and height of the table.
In scalar context, this will return a two-element array.
my ($width, $height) = $table->geometry; my $geometry = $table->geometry; $width = $geometry->[0]; $height = $geometry->[1];
- $table->pad( <indicator> )
Toggle padding on/off.
- $table->padding( <padding> )
Set the padding data to use.
- $table->row_major
Return true if the data for $table is in row-major order.
- $table->column_major
Return true if the data for $table is in column-major order.
- $table->rows
Return an array of rows in the table.
- $table->rows( <count> )
Set the number of rows in the table to <count>. This is equivalent to passing in row_count to the new method. As a side effect, this will change the number of columns in table.
Does not return anything.
- $table->columns
Return an array of columns in the table.
- $table->columns( <count> )
Set the number of columns in the table to <count>. This is equivalent to passing in column_count to the new method. As a side effect, this will change the number of rows in table.
Does not return anything.
- $table->row( <i> )
Return row <i>
<i> should be a number from 0 to $tables->rows - 1
- $table->column( <j> )
Return column <j>
<j> should be a number from 0 to $tables->columns - 1
- $table->as_string( [<row-separator>], [<column-separator>] )
Return the table as a simple string.
By default, rows are separated by "\n" and columns are separated by " ".
Data::Tabulate, Data::Table
Robert Krimen, <rkrimen at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-tabulate at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::Tabulator
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Copyright 2007 Robert Krimen, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.