Date::Interval - handling of temporal intervals based on Date::Manip
Copyright (C) 1997 by Kristian Torp, <>
This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed AS IS in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Class Methods
Description: Sets the default <interval type>
Input: <interval type>
Output: none
Description: Gets the default <interval type>
Input: none
Output: <interval type>
Description: Sets the default <display format>
Input: <display format>
Output: none
Description: Gets the default <display format>
Input: none
Output: <display format>
Public Methods
Description: Constructor
Input: <start value> <stop value> [<interval type>]
Output: reference
Description: Returns the Length of an interval in Date::Manip format
Input: none
Output: <delta>
Description: Returns the length of an interval in string format
Input: none
Output: string
Description: Returns the interval in string format
Input: none
Output: string
Description: Returns the <start value>
Input: none
Output: <date>
Description: Returns the <stop value>
Input: none
Output: <date>
Description: Checks if two intervals overlap
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Return the overlap of two intervals
Input: <interval>
Output: <interval> | undef
Description: Examines if interval is before
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals meets
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals left overlap
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals right overlap
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals during overlap
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals totally overlap
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals extends
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if two intervals after
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Describes in text how intervals overlaps
Input: <interval>
Output: to screen
Description: Return how intervals overlap in Allen´s terminology
Input: <interval>
Output: to screen
Description: Examines if intervals Allen before
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen meets
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen left overlaps
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen left covers
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen covers
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen starts
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen equals
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen right covers
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen during
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen finishes
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen right overlaps
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen extends
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines if intervals Allen after
Input: <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Private Methods
Description: Initization of new instances
Input: <start value> <stop value> [<interval type>]
Output: none
Description: Initization of new empty instance
Input: none
Output: empty <interval>
Description: Sets the <interval type>
Input: <interval type>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Sets the interval brackets
Input: <interval end> <interval end>
Output: <boolean>
Description: Examines how intervals overlaps
Input: <interval>
Output: <overlap type> || FALSE
Description: Finds how intervals overlap in Allen terminology
Input: <interval>
Output: <Allen overlap type>
Overloaded Operators
Description: + operator. If two intervals overlaps the union is returned
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <interval> || undefined
Description: - operator.
If two intervals overlaps the intersection is returned
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <interval> [ <interval> ] || undefined
Description: < operator.
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: > operator.
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: == operator.
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: != operator.
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: <boolean>
Description: <=> operator.
Use ONLY for sorting because based on the start value
Input: <interval> <interval>
Output: -1 || 0 || 1
Description: For strinifying an interval
Input: <interval>
Output: string
Description: Converts a string to an <end point>
Input: string
Output: <end point> <value type>
Description: Converts <end point> to a date
Input: <fix clock> <value type> <end point> [<start date value type>
<start date>]
Output: <date>
Description: Converts an <end point> to a string
Input: <boolean>
Output: string
Description: Converts an <end point> to a string
Input: <value type> <end point>
Output: string
use Date::Interval;
### class methods ###
Date::Interval->setDefaultIntervalType ($Date::Interval::OPEN_INT);
$int_open = new Date::Interval ("10-10-1997", "10-20-1997");
print "$int_open\n" # prints '(10-10-1997, 10-20-1997)
$nDefaultType = Date::Interval->getDefaultIntervalType;
### constructor ##
$i1 = new Date::Interval ("10-30-1997", "12-01-1998");
$i2 = new Date::Interval ("01-20-1996", "11-01-1997", $Date::Interval::RIGHT_OPEN_INT);
use Date::Manip;
$date1 = &ParseDate ("10-10-1997");
$date2 = &ParseDate ("10-15-1997");
$int = new Date::Interval ($d1, $d2);
### Overload operators ###
$i3 = $i1 + $i2; # + gives the sum of intervals if the overlap
print "$i3\n"; # prints '[01-20-1997, 12-01-1998)'
$i4 = $i1 - $i2; # - gives difference of intervals of intervals
print "$i4\n"; # prints '[11-01-1997, 12-01-1998)'
$i5 = $i1 - $i1;
print "$i5\n"; # prints '<empty>'
### <Allen overlap type> ###
$X = new Date::Interval (<parameters>);
$Y = new Date::Interval (<parameters>);
### relationship between intervals ###
$Y->AllenBefore ($X); YYYYYY XXXXXX
$Y->AllenMeets ($X); YYYYYYXXXXXX
$Y->AllenLeftOverlaps ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenLeftCovers ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenCovers ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenStarts ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenEquals ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenRightCovers ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenDuring ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenFinishes ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenRightOverlaps ($X); XXXXXX
$Y->AllenExtends ($X); XXXXXXYYYYYY
$Y->AllenAfter ($X): XXXXXX YYYYYY
### <overlap type> ###
$Y->before ($X) same as $Y->AllenBefore ($X)
$Y->meets ($X) same as $Y->AllenMeets ($X)
$Y->leftOverlaps ($X) same as $Y->AllenLeftOverlaps ($X) or
$Y->AllenStarts ($X)
$Y->totalOverlaps ($X) same as $Y->AllenCovers ($X) or
$Y->AllenLeftCovers ($X) or
$Y->AllenRightCovers ($X) or
$Y->AllenEquals ($X)
$Y->rightOverlaps ($X) same as $Y->AllenFinishes ($X) or
$Y->during ($X) same as $Y->AllenDuring ($X)
$Y->extends ($X) same as $Y->AllenExtends ($X)
$Y->after ($X) same as $Y->AllenAfter ($X)
### <interval type> ###
$closed_int = new Interval ("10-10-1997", "10-20-1997", $CLOSED_INT);
print "$closed_int\n"; # prints [10-10-1997, 10-20-1997]
$left_open_int = new Interval ("10-10-1997", "10-20-1997", $LEFT_OPEN_INT);
print "$left_open_int\n"; # prints (10-10-1997, 10-20-1997]
$right_open_int = new Interval ("10-10-1997", "10-20-1997", $RIGHT_OPEN_INT);
print "$right_open_int\n"; # prints [10-10-1997, 10-20-1997)
$open_int = new Interval ("10-10-1997", "10-20-1997", $OPEN_INT);
print "$open_int\n"; # prints (10-10-1997, 10-20-1997)
### check and get overlapping interval ###
$i1 = new Interval ("10-30-1997", "12-01-1998");
$i2 = new Interval ("01-20-1996", "11-01-1997");
$i3 = new Interval ("01-01-1995", "04-30-1995");
if ($i1->overlaps ($i2)) {
$i4 = $i1->getOverlap($i2);
print "$i4\n"; # prints [10-30-1997, 11-01-1997)
if ($i1->overlaps ($i3)){ # tests fails, does not print anything
$i5 = $i1->getOverlap($i2);
print "$i5\n";
All strings which can be used to create a Date::Manip date object
can be used to create an Interval. However, the start date must be
greater than the stop date. Because Date::Manip both handles dates
and times this module can also handle both dates and times.
The comparison of intervals is based on the 13 ways intervals can
overlap as defined by J.F. Allen (See the litteratur). Further, I
have included a small number of interval comparison which are
handy if you are only interested in getting the overlapping region
of two intervals.
Open and Closed Intervals
A closed interval is closed in an interval where both the start
and the stop values are included in the interval. As an example
[10-10-1997, 10-30-1997] both the 10th and the 30th of November is
a part of the interval.
An open interval is an interval where the start value or the stop
value are not included in the interval. In the right open interval
[10-10-1997, 10-30-1997) the 10th of November is a part of the
interval but the 30th of November is not.
There are three types of open intervals
- right open intervals, e.g., [10-10-1997, 10-30-1997)
- left open intervals, e.g., (10-10-1997, 10-30-1997]
- open intervals, e.g., (10-10-1997, 10-30-1997)
Absolute and Relative Intervals
An absolute interval is an interval where the start and the stop
values of the inteval are anchored on the time line, i.e., they
are specific dates as 04-30-1994.
A relative interval is an interval where the start or the stop
value is not anchored on the time line, e.g., 'tomorrow'. When
'tomorrow' evaluated now it has one value when evaluated a month
from now it has a different values.
Date::Interval fully supports absolute intervals and to a limited
degree relative intervals.
The relative intervals supported currently (NOW :-)) are of the
following type.
$int1 = new Date::Interval("10-21-1997", 'NOBIND NOW');
Relative start and stop values are prefixed with the word
'NOBIND'. In the example 'NOBIND NOW' means that the current time
(now) whenever it asked for. So if you ask for the length of $int1
at the 24th of October you get 3 days. If you ask for the length
of $int1 again at the 28th of October you get 7 days.
I am working on additional support for relative Intervals.
The default interval type is right open intervals. Stick to this
interval type if you want to keep life simple.
To use Date::Manip the time zone variable must be set. It is
default set to Central European Time (CET). For Americans, this is
the Capital of Stockholm :-).
To change the time zone, e.g., to Eastern Standard Time (EST) put
in our script $Date::Manip::TZ = 'EST'; (As an European I assume
this must be close to Atlanta, New Mexico).
The default input format is default of Date::Manip, that is
"10-12-1997" is the 12th of October 1997 not the 10th of December
1997. To change the input format, e.g., put in our script
The default output format is MM-DD-YYY. It Can be changed by
calling Interval->setDisplayFormat(<string>). Where <string> is
a UnixDate format in Date::Manip.
The default separator when an interval is printed is the special
variable $, $OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR. If this value is not defined
',' is used.
The "Fixed" Clock
The module has a class variable $NOW which contains the current
time. The current time must be fixed when relative intervals are
compared, otherwise the comparison may return the wrong result. As
an example if the two intervals [NOBIND NOW, NOBIND NOW) [NOBIND
NOW, NOBIND NOW) are compared for equality the result is
true. However, if the equality comparison is implemented by asking
four time for the current time the times returned may be different
because the *real world clock* ticks between the invocations of
getting the current time. If the clock ticks the equality
predicate in the example returns false.
Because different interval objects must be compared with the same
clock the variable must be a class variable and not an instance
variable. $NOW is used in the method _to_date.
"Non-terminals" used in the Source Code
- <delta> ::= Date::Manip delta data type
- <date> ::= Date::Manip data type
- <interval end> ::= CLOSE || OPEN
- <interval type> ::= CLOSED_INT || OPEN_INT || LEFT_OPEN_INT || RIGHT_OPEN_INT
- <value type> ::= ABSOLUTE || RELATIVE
- <overlap type> ::= How two intervals overlaps
- <Allen overlap type> ::= How two intervals Allen overlaps
Tried my best to avoid them send me an email if you are bitten by
a bug.
Note, the module cannot handle subtract intervals which overlap
with "during" overlaps, this results in two intervals (currently
results in an empty interval)
- Cannot take references to dates as input parameters for the
- Cannot subtract intervals which overlap with "during" overlaps,
this results in two intervals (currently results an error message and
an empty interval is returned)
- Implement getOverlap and overloaded operators for relative intervals
Change History ### Changes version 0.02 => 0.03 ### - TODO: during overlap
- Made code to fit onto 80 columns
- Added POD for each method/function
### Changes version 0.01 => 0.02 ###
- Add overload <, >, ==, !=, <=>.
- Add stringLength, to print length of interval in a more readable way.
- Changed the default separator to the $, special variable
- Added support for comparison of relative intervals
Changes thanks to Tim Bruce
- Changed the module name from Interval to Date::Interval
- Added methods getStart and getStop.
- Added method lengthString to print nicely the length of the
- Changed the default output format to be similar to the
default input format
- Taken BEGIN {$Date::Manip::TZ = "CET"; &Date_Init ("DateFormat=non-US");}
out because it is anti-social :-)
- Added to POD that the both dates and times can be used with intervals
- Added to POD the description of open and closed intervals
Allen, J. F., "An Interval-Based Representation of Temporal Knowledge",
Communication of the ACM, 26(11) pp. 832-843, November 1983.
Kristian Torp <>
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 630:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Allen´s'. Assuming CP1252