Doodle Grammar For MySQL
use Doodle::Grammar::Mysql;
my $self = Doodle::Grammar::Mysql->new;
This provide determines how command classes should be interpreted to produce the correct DDL statements for Mysql.
This package inherits behaviors from:
This package uses type constraints from:
This package implements the following methods:
create_column(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create column command.
- create_column example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->primary('id'); my $command = $c->create; $self->create_column($command); # alter table `users` add column `id` int auto_increment primary key
create_index(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create index command.
- create_index example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $i = $t->index(columns => ['id']); my $command = $i->create; $self->create_index($command); # create index `indx_users_id` on `users` (`id`)
create_relation(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create relation command.
- create_relation example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $r = $t->relation('profile_id', 'profiles', 'id'); my $command = $r->create; $self->create_relation($command); # alter table `users` add constraint `fkey_users_profile_id_profiles_id` # foreign key (`profile_id`) references `profiles` (`id`)
create_schema(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create schema command.
- create_schema example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $s = $d->schema('app'); my $command = $s->create; $self->create_schema($command); # create database `app`
create_table(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create table command.
- create_table example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->column('data'); my $command = $t->create; $self->create_table($command); # create table `users` (`data` varchar(255))
delete_column(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the delete column command.
- delete_column example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->primary('id'); my $command = $c->delete; $self->delete_column($command); # alter table `users` drop column `id`
delete_index(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the delete index command.
- delete_index example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $i = $t->index(columns => ['id']); my $command = $i->delete; $self->delete_index($command); # drop index `indx_users_id`
delete_relation(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the delete relation command.
- delete_relation example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $r = $t->relation('profile_id', 'profiles', 'id'); my $command = $r->delete; $self->delete_relation($command); # alter table `users` drop constraint `fkey_users_profile_id_profiles_id`
delete_schema(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the create schema command.
- delete_schema example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $s = $d->schema('app'); my $command = $s->create; $self->delete_schema($command); # drop database `app`
delete_table(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the delete table command.
- delete_table example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->column('data'); my $command = $t->delete; $self->delete_table($command); # drop table `users`
rename_column(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the rename column command.
- rename_column example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->primary('id'); my $command = $c->rename('uid'); $self->rename_column($command); # alter table `users` rename column `id` to `uid`
rename_table(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the rename table command.
- rename_table example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->column('data'); my $command = $t->rename('people'); $self->rename_table($command); # rename table `users` to `people`
type_binary(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a binary column.
- type_binary example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('binary'); $self->type_binary($column); # blob
type_boolean(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a boolean column.
- type_boolean example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('boolean'); $self->type_boolean($column); # tinyint(1)
type_char(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a char column.
- type_char example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('char'); $self->type_char($column); # char(1)
- type_char example #2
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('char', size => 10); $self->type_char($column); # char(10)
type_date(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a date column.
- type_date example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('date'); $self->type_date($column); # date
type_datetime(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a datetime column.
- type_datetime example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('datetime'); $self->type_datetime($column); # datetime
type_datetime_tz(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a datetime_tz column.
- type_datetime_tz example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('datetime_tz'); $self->type_datetime_tz($column); # datetime
type_decimal(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a decimal column.
- type_decimal example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('decimal'); $self->type_decimal($column); # decimal(5, 2)
type_double(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a double column.
- type_double example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('double'); $self->type_double($column); # double(5, 2)
type_enum(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a enum column.
- type_enum example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('enum'); $self->type_enum($column); # enum()
type_float(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a float column.
- type_float example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('float'); $self->type_float($column); # double(5, 2)
type_integer(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer column.
- type_integer example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer'); $self->type_integer($column); # int
type_integer_big(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_big column.
- type_integer_big example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_big'); $self->type_integer_big($column); # bigint
type_integer_big_unsigned(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_big_unsigned column.
- type_integer_big_unsigned example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_big_unsigned'); $self->type_integer_big_unsigned($column); # bigint unsigned
type_integer_medium(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_medium column.
- type_integer_medium example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_medium'); $self->type_integer_medium($column); # mediumint
type_integer_medium_unsigned(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_medium_unsigned column.
- type_integer_medium_unsigned example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_medium_unsigned'); $self->type_integer_medium_unsigned($column); # mediumint unsigned
type_integer_small(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_small column.
- type_integer_small example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_small'); $self->type_integer_small($column); # smallint
type_integer_small_unsigned(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_small_unsigned column.
- type_integer_small_unsigned example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_small_unsigned'); $self->type_integer_small_unsigned($column); # smallint unsigned
type_integer_tiny(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_tiny column.
- type_integer_tiny example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_tiny'); $self->type_integer_tiny($column); # tinyint
type_integer_tiny_unsigned(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_tiny_unsigned column.
- type_integer_tiny_unsigned example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_tiny_unsigned'); $self->type_integer_tiny_unsigned($column); # tinyint unsigned
type_integer_unsigned(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a integer_unsigned column.
- type_integer_unsigned example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('integer_unsigned'); $self->type_integer_unsigned($column); # int unsigned
type_json(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a json column.
- type_json example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('json'); $self->type_json($column); # json
type_string(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a string column.
- type_string example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('string'); $self->type_string($column); # varchar(255)
type_text(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a text column.
- type_text example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('text'); $self->type_text($column); # text
type_text_long(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a text_long column.
- type_text_long example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('text_long'); $self->type_text_long($column); # longtext
type_text_medium(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a text_medium column.
- type_text_medium example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('text_medium'); $self->type_text_medium($column); # mediumtext
type_time(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a time column.
- type_time example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('time'); $self->type_time($column); # time
type_time_tz(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a time_tz column.
- type_time_tz example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('time_tz'); $self->type_time_tz($column); # time
type_timestamp(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a timestamp column.
- type_timestamp example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('timestamp'); $self->type_timestamp($column); # timestamp
type_timestamp_tz(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a timestamp_tz column.
- type_timestamp_tz example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('timestamp_tz'); $self->type_timestamp_tz($column); # timestamp
type_uuid(Column $column) : Str
Returns the type expression for a uuid column.
- type_uuid example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $ddl = Doodle->new; my $column = $ddl->table('users')->column('uuid'); $self->type_uuid($column); # char(36)
update_column(Command $command) : Str
Returns the SQL statement for the update column command.
- update_column example #1
# given: synopsis use Doodle; my $d = Doodle->new; my $t = $d->table('users'); my $c = $t->primary('id'); my $command = $c->update; $self->update_column($command); # alter table `users` alter column `id` type integer $command = $c->update(set => 'not null'); $self->update_column($command); # alter table `users` alter column `id` set not null
wrap(Str $arg) : Str
Returns a wrapped SQL identifier.
Al Newkirk,
Copyright (C) 2011-2019, Al Newkirk, et al.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the The Apache License, Version 2.0, as elucidated in the "license file".