Ed2k_link - module for creating eD2K links and working with them.
version 20160412
use Ed2k_link ();
print Ed2k_link -> from_file( 'c:\\temp\\new_movie.mkv' ) -> link( 'h' ) . "\n";
my $emule = Ed2k_link -> from_file( '' ) or die 'something wrong with file!');
my $sources = Ed2k_link -> from_link( 'ed2k://|file||2868871|0F88EEFA9D8AD3F43DABAC9982D2450C|/' ) or die 'incorrect link!';
$sources -> from_link( 'ed2k://|file||5770302|195B6D8286BF184C3CC0665148D746CF|/' ) or die 'incorrect link!';
print $emule -> link( 'h' ) if $emule -> filesize <= 10 * 1024 * 1024, "\n";
if ( Ed2k_link -> equal( $emule, $sources ) {
printf "files %s and %s are equal\n";
$emule -> filename,
$sources -> filename;
print Ed2k_link -> from_file( '/somethere/cool_file.txt' ) -> link('hp');
Ed2k_link module for creating eD2K links from files with correct hash, AICH hash and complete hashset fields. Also it can work with already created links (e. g. from textfile).
Can be called as class or instance method:
my $t = Ed2k_link -> from_file( 'file_1.txt' ) or die 'error!';
$t -> from_file( 'file_2.txt' ) or die 'error!';
Creates all fields of eD2K link including hash, AICH hashset, complete hashset.
Filename should be a character string (as opposed to octet string). In case of any error returns undef and object doesn't hold any link information.
Sets Reliable flag to true.
Can be called as class or object method:
my $tl = Ed2k_link -> from_link( 'ed2k://|file||2868871|0F88EEFA9D8AD3F43DABAC9982D2450C|/' )
or die 'incorrect link!';
$t1 = from_link( 'ed2k://|file||5770302|195B6D8286BF184C3CC0665148D746CF|/' )
or die 'incorrect link!';
Takes mandatory (filename/size/hash) and optional (AICH hash, complete hashset) fields from the link. Checks some correctness of fields (acceptable symbols, length, ...). If link in parameter has complete hashset, checks compliance between hash and complete hashset.
In case of any incorrectness returns undef and object doesn't hold any link information.
If link in parameter has AICH and/or complete hashset, sets Reliable flag to false. Otherwise it's true.
Instance only method. Returns true if object was successfully created and holds all required fields;
&do_something() if $t1 -> ok;
Instance method. Returns filename as character string:
print $t -> filename;
Instance method. Returns escaped filename (as in link);
print $t -> escaped_filename;
Instance method. Returns filesize;
Instance method. Returns hash field from link;
Instance method. Returns true if object has complete hashset, false otherwise;
Instance method. Returns complete hashset if object has it. undef otherwise;
Instance method. Returns true if object has aich hash, false otherwise;
Instance method. Returns AICH hash if object has it. undef otherwise;
Instance only method. Returns string representation of link. Can have parameter with options:
h - include AICH hash if available. Recommended.
p - include complete hashset if available.
my $link1 = $t -> link;
my $link_with_aich = $t -> link( 'h' );
my $link_with_hashset = $t -> link( 'p' );
my $iron_link = $t -> link( 'hp' );
Instance method. Returns true if object is reliable, false otherwise;
Instance method. Sets Reliable flag for object. Use it very carefully, or you could end up with fake link that doesn't reference any file and you won't be able to download anything with them.
Carefully means: you got string link from someone, who you trust. Or you previously created it from file by yourself and saved somethere and now you're reading those links from file of database. Such usage of this method is appropriated;
Class only method. Compares two Ed2k_link objects by complex rules. Returns true if they point to the same file. Could fill some fields of one object with other's objects fields. Also can set Reliable flag.
print "hey! they are the same!" if Ed2k_link -> equal($t1, $t2);
Valery Kalesnik, <valkoles at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ed2k_link at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Ed2k_link
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