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FTN::Bit_flags - Object-oriented module for working with bit flags.


version 20160324


  use Log::Log4perl ();
  use FTN::Bit_flags ();

  Log::Log4perl -> easy_init( $Log::Log4perl::INFO );

  # let's work with message attributes
  my $attribute = FTN::Bit_flags -> new( { abbr => 'PVT',
                                           name => 'PRIVATE',
                                         { abbr => 'CRA',
                                           name => 'CRASH',
                                         { abbr => 'RCV',
                                           name => 'READ',
                                         { abbr => 'SNT',
                                           name => 'SENT',
                                         { abbr => 'FIL',
                                           name => 'FILEATT',
                                         { name => 'TRANSIT',
                                         { name => 'ORPHAN',
                                         { abbr => 'K/S',
                                           name => 'KILL',
                                         { name => 'LOCAL',
                                         { abbr => 'HLD',
                                           name => 'HOLD',
                                         { abbr => 'XX2',
                                         { abbr => 'FRQ',
                                           abbr => 'FREQ',
                                         { abbr => 'RRQ',
                                           name => 'Receipt REQ',
                                         { abbr => 'CPT',
                                         { abbr => 'ARQ',
                                         { abbr => 'URQ',

  $attribute -> set_from_number( get_attribute_from_message() );

  print join ', ', $attribute -> list_of_set;

  print 'this is a private message'
    if $attribute -> is_set( 'PVT' );

  # make sure it is local and its flavour is crash
  $attribute -> set( 'LOCAL', 'CRASH' );

  # though we don't need it to be killed after sent
  $attribute -> clear( 'K/S' );

  update_message_attribute_field( $attribute -> as_number );

  $attribute -> set_from_number( get_attribute_from_another_message() );

  # work with new attribute value the same way as above


FTN::Bit_flags module is for working with bit flags commonly used in FTN messages.



  my $bit_flags = FTN::Bit_flags -> new( { abbr => 'flag 1' },
                                         { name => 'second lowest bit' },
                                         { abbr => 'flag 2',
                                           name => 'flag numeric mask is 4'

Parameters are hash references representing bit in order from low to high. At least one parameter is required. Each hash reference should have 'abbr' and/or 'name' fields. Dies in case of error.


After object describing all possible fields is created we can use it to work with already defined value:

  $bit_flags -> set_from_number( 3 );


We can clear all bitfields (setting numeric value to 0):

  $bit_flags -> clear_all;


To set one (or more) fields:

  $bit_flags -> set( 'second lowest bit', 'flag 2' );

If you have equal 'abbr' for one field and 'name' for another field, then 'abbr' has higher priority here.


To clear one (or more) fields:

  $bit_flags -> clear( 'second lowest bit' );

If you have equal 'abbr' for one field and 'name' for another field, then 'abbr' has higher priority here.


To check if some field is set:

  print 'it is set'
    if $bit_flags -> is_set( 'second lowest bit' );

If you have equal 'abbr' for one field and 'name' for another field, then 'abbr' has higher priority here.


To get numeric value after you set or cleared some flags:

  print $bit_flags -> as_number;


To get list of set flags:

  print join ' ', $bit_flags -> list_of_set;

By default it tries to return 'abbr' field value for each set bit and if there is none, then return 'name' field value. If 'name' field is preferable, pass optional parameter 'name'.

  print join ' ', $bit_flags -> list_of_set( 'name' );


Valery Kalesnik, <valkoles at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ftn-bit_flags at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

  perldoc FTN::Bit_flags