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File::Temp::Trace - Trace the creation of temporary files
Version 0.02
package MyPkg;
use File::Temp::Trace;
my $tmp = File::Temp::Trace->tempdir();
print STDERR "New temporary directory ${tmp} created.";
sub create_file : skip_temp_log {
my ($tmp, $ext) = @_;
return $tmp->tempfile( suffix => $ext );
sub create_text {
my ($tmp, $ext) = @_;
return create_file($tmp, '.txt');
my $fh = create_text($tmp);
# $fh->filename will be named "MyPkg-create_text-XXXXXXXX.txt",
# where XXXXXXXX is a unique string.
This module allows you to trace the creation of temporary files. By default, these files are all created in the same directory, and their names are prefixed by the name of the function or method that created them.
You can optionally log the creation of temporary files with a stack trace as well.
Methods are documented below:
$tmp = File::Temp::Trace->tempdir(%options);
Creates a new temporary directory and returns a blessed reference to the name of that temporary directory.
The following options may be used:
- cleanup
Delete the directory and contents once the object is destroyed. True by default.
- template
A template for the name of directory. By default, it is
is a unique string.The template name must end with at least
. - dir
The parent directory of the temporary directory. By default, it is in the system temporary directory.
- log
Create a log file that gives the time that a temporary file was created, and a Carp::longmess stack trace of the calling methods that created it.
Note that if "cleanup" is true, then the log file will be deleted when the object is destroyed.
$path = $tmp->dir;
The pathname of the temporary directory created by "tempdir".
Note that the object is overloaded to return the pathname on stringification.
$fh = $tmp->logfile;
Returns the filehandle of the log file, or undef
if the log
option was not specified in the constructor.
$fh = $tmp->file(%options);
Creates a new temporary file in "dir", and returns a filehandle.
Note that unlike the corresponding method in File::Temp, it does not also return a filename. To obtain a filename, use
The file is created using File::Temp, so other methods from File::Temp may be used to query or manipulate the file.
The name of the file is of the form CALLER-XXXXXXXX
(plus any suffix, if given as an option---see below), where CALLER
is the name of the function of method that called "file" and XXXXXXXX
is a unique string. This helps with debugging by making it easier to identify which temporary file in "dir" was created by a particular method.
In the case where a single method or function is used to create a particular type of file, and is called by several other methods or functions, it can be tagged with the skip_temp_log
attribute, so that the name of the caller will come from further down the call stack. For example,
sub create_file : skip_temp_log {
sub fun_a {
sub fun_b {
In this case, the two temporary files will be labelled with fun_a
and fun_b
rather than both with create_file
The following options may be used.
- unlink
If set to true, delete the file when the filehandle is destroyed. This is set disabled by default, since the parent temporary directory is normally set to be deleted.
- suffix
The suffix (or extension) of the file.
- exlock
The exclusive lock flag. True by default.
- log
Create a separate log file when this file is created. The log file has the same filename as the this file, plug the
suffix.(In theory this is unsafe, as it does not ensure that a file with the same name exists, though such a case in unlikely.)
- dir
Create a subdirectory in the "dir" directory, if it does not already exist, and put the temporary file in there.
$fh = tempfile(%options);
This is an alias of "file".
Robert Rothenberg, <rrwo@cpan.org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-file-temp-trace@rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=File-Temp-Trace.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc File::Temp::Trace
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RT: CPAN's request tracker
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Copyright 2011 Robert Rothenberg.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.