

my $ftr = Finance::StockAccount::Stock->new({
    symbol          => 'FTR',
    exchange        => 'NASDAQ',

my $st = Finance::StockAccount::Transaction->new({
    date            => $dt,
    action          => Finance::StockAccount::Transaction::SELL,
    stock           => $ftr,
    quantity        => 42,
    price           => 7.11,
    commission      => 8.95,
    regulatoryFees  => 0.01,

print $st->price(), "\n"; # prints number 7.11


These are the public properties of a StockAccount::Transaction object:

date                # 'presumed' DateTime object.  See and discussion below.
action              # One of module constants BUY, SELL, SHORT, COVER
stock               # A Finance::StockAccount::Stock object
quantity            # How many shares were bought or sold, e.g. 100 or 5.
price               # Numeric representation of price, e.g. 4.65 instead of the string '$4.65'.
commission          # Numeric representation of commission in same currency, e.g. 8.95 instead of the string '$8.95'.
regulatoryFees      # Numeric representation of the regulatory fees, see section on "Regulatory Fees" below.
otherFees           # Numeric aggregation of any other fees not included in commission and regulatory fees.

Any public property can be instantiated in the new method, set with a method matching the name of the property, such as $st-date($dt)>, or set with the set method, e.g. $st-set({date => $dt})>, as specified further in the method description below.

Public properties can also be retrieved by the same method matching the name of the property when no parameter is passed, e.g. $st-date()>. Or by the get method with a string naming the property, e.g. $st-get('price')>.

All properties can also be read or written directly with a hash dereference. Some people don't consider this good object-oriented practice, but I won't stop you if that's what you want to do. E.g. $st-{date} = $dt> or $st-{price}>.


In the United States the Securities and Exchange Commission imposes regulatory fees on stock brokers or dealers. Instead of paying these with their profits, these for-profit companies often pass these fees onto their customers directly. The regulatoryFees property could be used for similar purposes in other jurisdictions.

See for more information.