Fry::Lib::CDBI::Basic - A basic library of Class::DBI functions for use with Fry::Shell.
This document describes version 0.14.
This module contain wrappers around Class::DBI methods for common database functions such as creating,deleting,inserting and updating records. There are also some basic functions to enable and view DBI::Profile logs.
Search based
Menu based
Debugging via DBI::Profile
Note: Any command with a * is affected by the variable action_columns
Search Commands
These commands search and give back Class::DBI objects.
cdbi_search(@search_term): wrapper around &Class::DBI::search
cdbi_search_like(@search_term): wrapper around &Class::DBI::search_like
cdbi_search_regex(@search_term): does regular expression searches (ie REGEXP for Mysql or ~ for Postgresql)
search_abstract(@search_term): wrapper around Class::DBI::AbstractSearch::search_where,
by default does regular expression searches, change this via
These commands have a common input format that supports searching a column by a value. A column constraint is in the regular expression form:
The above form will be represented by $search_term in any argument descriptions of functions. $splitter is controlled by the splitter variable. $operator is only used by &search_abstract and has the possible values:
> : greater than
>= : greater than or equal to
< : less than
<= : less than or equal to
= : equal to
!= : not equal to
Like Class::DBI's search method, multiple column constraints are anded together. To specify multiple column constraints, separate them with white space.
Using &search, the input 'hero=superman weakness=kryptonite' translates to (hero=>'superman',weakness=>'kryptonite') being passed to &search and the sql where part being: WHERE hero = 'superman' AND weakness = 'kryptonite'
Using &search_abstract, the input 'id=>41 module=Class::DBI' translates to the sql where part being: WHERE id >= 41 AND module ~ 'Class::DBI'.
Note: To set the columns and tables for a query look at OPTIONS under Fry::Lib::CDBI::Load.
Search based Commands
These commands get the results of a search and then do something with it. The variable cdbi_search contains the search command called for any of these functions. This variable is found in other CDBI libraries and is also an option for easily changing search types.
cdbi_delete(@search_term): deletes result objects
cdbi_update(@search_term): result objects printed to a file, user changes file and objects updated
This function contains two flags, safe_update and only_modified. By
default, both flags are set. The safe_update flag calls &verify_no_delim_obj to
verify none of the results contain a display delimiter. If any are found, the command exits
early. For many records, this may be slow, in which case run
&verify_no_delim on all the objects once and then turn off the flag.
The only_modified flag modifies the command to only call &update on
objects that have been changed. With the flag off, &update would be called
on all objects. If you don't mind this and want to speed up the update,
then you can turn off the flag.
replace(@search_term,$perl_operation): evaluates a perl operation on each column value of the results,
treating each value as $_
For example if one result row had the following values:
'4','many','amazing','some bold punk'
and you did the perl operation 's/o/a/g', the result row would be
converted to:
'4','many','amazing','same bald punk'
note: Since $operation is distinguished from @search_terms by a
white space, $operation can't contain any white space.
verify_no_delim(@search_term): Verifies that result objects do not contain the display
delimiter. Since this delimiter can be used to separate fields in a
file, having them in the data could result in incorrect parsing. The
delimiter is specified by the variable field_delimiter
cdbi_find_or_create(@search_term): If no result objects found then one is created
Menu based Commands
cdbi_delete_obj(@cdbi): same functionality as cdbi_delete
cdbi_update_obj(@cdbi): same functionality as cdbi_update
verify_no_delim_obj(@cdbi): same functionality as verify_no_delim
The three menu commands take Class::DBI row objects as input. The only way to currently enter objects as input is via the menu option. To use these commands, first execute a search command with the -m option
`-m search_abstract tags=goofy`
Then execute one of the menu based commands with numbers specifying which objects you choose from the numbered menu.
`cdbi_delete_obj 1-4,8-10`
Why not just use the corresponding search based command? You'd use a menu based command when you want to pick only certain results and perform actions on them.
Debugging via DBI::Profile.
There are three commands that wrap around DBI::Profile that manage benchmark data useful in debugging DBI statements, set_dbi_log_level, print_dbi_log and clear_dbi_log. These commands respectively set the log level (which is between -15 and 15), print the current log, and clear the log. To enable debugging, you must first set a log level via &set_dbi_log_level. See DBI::Profile for more details.
Other Commands
cdbi_create(($value$delim)+): wrapper around &Class::DBI::create. &cdbi_create uses
&aliasInsert to parse the input into values for the table's columns. The
columns which map to the parsed values are defined via the variable insert_columns.
Ie if @insert_columns = ('car','year') and the insert delimiter is ',,' and your
input is 'chevy,,57' then &create will create a record with car='chevy' and
note: records with multi-line data can't be inserted this way
cdbi_multi_insert($file): same input format as &cdbi_create,reads several lines from
file and inserts them as new records
display_table_list(): lists tables in the database
print_columns(): prints the current table's columns
Library Variables
editor: sets the editor used by &cdbi_update
splitter: separates column from its value in arguments of search-based functions and used
for &Class::DBI::AbstractSearch::search_where searches
abstract_opts: optional parameters passed to &Class::DBI:AbstractSearch::search_where
delim: hash with the following keys:
display: delimits column values when editing records in file with &cdbi_update
insert: delimits values when using &cdbi_insert
tag: delimits values used in CDBI::Tags library.
insert_columns(\@): implicit order of columns for
Input Aliasing
If there are queries you do often then you can alias them to an even shorter command via &aliasInput. The default &aliasInput aliases 'a' to returning all rows of a table and replaces anything matching /c\d/ with the corresponding column.
Changing Output Format
Via the subhook viewsub, it's possible to choose your own subroutine to format your output. By default all search results are displayed using &View::CLI::objAoH. If you want an aligned output similar to most database shells, use &printTextTable ie (-v=tt s id=48).
Writing Class::DBI Libraries
Make sure you've read Fry::Shell's 'Writing Libraries' section.
When writing a Class::DBI library:
1. Define 'CDBI::Load' as dependent module in your &_default_data.
2. Refer to Fry::Lib::CDBI::Load for a list of core Class::DBI global data
to use in your functions.
I encourage not only wrapper libraries around Class::DBI::* modules but any DBI modules. Even libraries that use tables of a specific schema are welcome (see Fry::Lib::CDBI::Tags).
Suggested Modules
Three functions are dependent on external modules. Since their require statements are wrapped in an eval, the functions fail safely if not found.
&cdbi_update: File::Temp
&search_abstract: Class::DBI::AbstractSearch
&print_text_table: Text::Reform
See Also
-port old TESTS!
-defining relations between tables with has_*
-provide direct SQL queries
-support shell-like parsing of quotes to allow spaces in queries
-specify sorting and limit of queries
-embed sql or database functions in queries
-create an easily-parsable syntax for piecing chunks into 'or' and 'and' parts
to be passed to Class::DBI::AbstractSearch
I give a shot out to Kwan for encouraging me to check out Postgresql and Perl when my ideas of a database shell were simply bash and a text file.
A shot out also to Jeff Bisbee for pointing me to Class::DBI when I was pretty naive in the perl world.
Me. Gabriel that is. I welcome feedback and bug reports to cldwalker AT chwhat DOT com . If you like using perl,linux,vim and databases to make your life easier (not lazier ;) check out my website at
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.