Fukurama::Class::DataTypes - Helper class to register and check datatypes


Version 0.04 (beta)


package MyClass;

	use Fukurama::Class::DataTypes();
	Fukurama::Class::DataTypes->set_type_checker('MyOwnClass', sub {
		my $parameter = $_[0];
		my $data_type_checker_name = $_[1];

		my $error = undef;
		my $is_ok = 0;
		if(ref($parameter) && UNIVERSAL::isa($parameter, 'MyOwnClass')) {
			if($parameter->get('name') eq 'MyOwnName') {
				$is_ok = 1;
			} else {
				$error = 'nameIsNotCorrect';
		} else {
			$error = 'notAnObject';
		return ($is_ok, $parameter, $error);
use Fukurama::Class;

# Croak, if parameter one is not an instance of 'MyOwnClass'
# and doesn't have the name 'MyOwnName' 
sub set_my_own_class : Method(public|MyOwnClass|boolean) {


This helper-class provides functions to register and handle check-methods for several data types.




set_type_checker( name:STRING, checker:CODE ) return:BOOLEAN

Set a check-method for a new or an existing datatype. Name is the identifier string for the data type, checker is a code reference to check the data type.

Examples for name: string , boolean, MySpecial::Class Native data types have to be in lowercase. Object data types have to start with an uppercase letter. You should be careful when you define the identifier because object data types would be handeled different as native data types.

An example for a type checker for a simple hash reference:

$class->set_type_checker('hashref', sub {
	my $parameter = $_[0];
	my $data_type_checker_name = $_[1];
	my $error = undef;
	my $is_ok = 0;
	if(ref($parameter) eq 'HASH') {
		$is_ok = 1;
	} else {
		$error = 'notARef';
	return ($is_ok, $parameter, $error);
set_ref_checker( identifier:STRING, checker:CODE ) return:BOOLEAN

Set a check-method for a new or an existing reference type. identifier is the string which identifies this reference, checker is a code referende to check the reference type.

Examples for identifier: [] (for array reference), {} (for hash reference)

An example for a reference checker for array references:

$class->set_ref_checker('[]'	=> sub {
	my $data_type_checker = $_[0];
	my $parameter = $_[1];
	my $data_type_checker_name = $_[2];
	my $actual_subroutine_parameter = $_[3]; # \INT
	my $full_subroutine_parameter_list = $_[4]; # \ARRAY
	return 0 if(ref($parameter) ne 'ARRAY');
	my $i = 0;
	my $error = undef;
	# Check all entries of this array reference
	foreach my $parameter_entry (@{$parameter}) {
		my ($is_ok, $returned_parameter, $returned_error) = &{$data_type_checker}($parameter_entry, $data_type_checker_name);
		if(!$is_ok) {
			$parameter->[$i] = $returned_parameter;
			$error = [ $is_ok, $parameter, $returned_error ];
	return @$error if($error) {
is_ref_allowed( identifier:STRING ) return:BOOLEAN

Method to check if the given identifier has a defined reference checker.

get_check_definition ( type_name:STRING, ref_identifier:STRING ) return:HASHREF

For internal usage in attribute helper classes. Get the defined checker methods for data type and the reference identifier as a hash reference.

 	is_class	=> data_type_is_a_class:BOOLEAN,
	check		=> reference_checker:CODE,
	param_0		=> data_type_checker:CODE,
check_parameter_definition ( type_name:STRING, parameter_definition:HASHREF ) return:BOOLEAN

For internal usage in attribute helper classes. Check the given parameter definition.


see perldoc of Fukurama::Class