GD::Tiler - package to aggregate images into a single tiled image via GD
use GD::Tiler qw(tile);
# use computed coordinates for layout, and retrieve the
# coordinates for later use (as imported method)
my ($img, @coords) = tile(
Images => [ 'chart1.png', 'chart2.png', 'chart3.png', 'chart4.png'],
Background => 'lgray',
Center => 1,
VEdgeMargin => 10,
HEdgeMargin => 10,
VTileMargin => 5,
HTileMargin => 5);
# use explicit coordinates for layout (as class method)
my $explimg = GD::Tiler->tile(
Images => [ 'chart1.png', 'chart2.png', 'chart3.png', 'chart4.png'],
Background => 'lgray',
Width => 500,
Height => 500,
Coordinates => [
10, 10,
120, 10,
10, 120,
120, 120 ]);
Creates a new tiled image from a set of input images. Various arguments may be specified to position individual images, or the default behaviors can be used to create an reasonable placement to fill a square image.
Only a single method is provided:
$image = GD::Tiler->tile( %args )
($image, @coords) = GD::Tiler->tile( %args )
Returns a GD::Image object of the images specified in %args, positioned according to the directives in %arg. In array context, also returns the list of upper left corner coordinates of each image, so e.g., an application can adjust the image map coordinate values for individual images.
Valid %args are:
- Width =>
(optional) -
total width of output image; if not specified, defaults to minimum width needed to contain the images
- Height =>
(optional) -
total height of output image; if not specified, defaults to minimum height needed to contain the images
- Format =>
(optional) -
Output image format; default is 'PNG'; valid values are 'GIF', 'PNG', 'JPEG'; case insensitive
- Images =>
(required) -
arrayref of images to be tiled; may be either GD::Image objects, or filenames; if the latter, the format is derived from the file qualifier
- Background =>
(optional) -
specifies a color to be used as the tiled image background. Must be a string of either hexadecimal RGB values, e.g., '#FF00AC0024B1', or a name from the following list of supported colors:
white lyellow lpurple lbrown lgray yellow purple dbrown gray dyellow dpurple transparent dgray lgreen lorange black green orange lblue dgreen pink blue lred dpink dblue red marine gold dred cyan
Default is white.
- VEdgeMargin =>
(optional) -
vertical edge margin; space in pixels at top and bottom of output image; default zero.
- HEdgeMargin =>
(optional) -
horizontal edge margin; space in pixels at left and right of output image; default zero.
- EdgeMargin =>
(optional) -
outer edge margin for both top and bottom; If either HEdgeMargin or VEdgeMargin, they override this value.
- VTileMargin =>
(optional) -
vertical margin between tile images; default zero.
- HTileMargin =>
(optional) -
horizontal margin between tile images; default zero.
- TileMargin =>
(optional) -
tile image margin, both top and bottom; if either HTileMargin or VTileMargin are specified, they override this value.
- Coordinates =>
(optional) -
arrayref of (X, Y) coordinates of the upper left corner of each tiled image; must have an (X, Y) element for each input image. If not provided, the default is a computed layout to fit images into an equal (or nearly equal) number of rows and columns, in a left to right, top to bottom mapping in the order specified in Images. Note that this is not a best fit algorithm.
If Coordinates is specified, then Height and Width must also be specified, and any margin values are ignored.
- Center =>
(optional) -
If set to a "true" value, causes images to be centered within their computed tile location; ignored if Coordinates is specified. Default is false, which causes images to be anchored to the upper left corner of their tile.
- ImagesPerRow =>
(optional) -
Specifies the number of images per row in the layout; ignored if Coordinates is also specified. Permits an alternate layout to the default approximate square layout.
Dean Arnold
Copyright(C) 2006, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved.
This software may used under the same terms as Perl itself; refer to the Perl Artistic license for details.