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GenOO::RegionCollection::Type::DoubleHashArray - Object for a collection of GenOO::Region objects, with features


# Object that manages a collection of GenOO::Region objects.
# To initialize
my $locus_collection = GenOO::RegionCollection::DoubleHashArray->new({
name => undef,
species => undef,
description => undef,
extra => undef,


The primary data structure of this object is a 2D hash whose primary key
is the strand and its secondary key is the reference sequence name. Each
such pair of keys correspond to an array reference which stores objects of
the class L<GenOO::Region> sorted by start position.


# Get the records contained in a specific region
my @recs = $region_collection->records_contained_in_region(
1, 'chr3', 127726308, 127792250);
# Get the longest record
my $longest_record = $region_collection->longest_record;