Gfsm::Automaton - object-oriented interface to libgfsm finite-state automata
use Gfsm;
## Constructors, etc.
$fsm = Gfsm::Automaton->new();
$fsm = Gfsm::Automaton->new($is_transducer,$srtype,$n_preallocated_states);
$fsm2 = $fsm->clone(); # copy constructor
$fsm2 = $fsm->shadow(); # copy non-structural elements
$fsm2->assign($fsm1); # assigns $fsm1 to $fsm2
$fsm->clear(); # clear automaton structure
## Accessors/Manipulators: Properties
$bool = $fsm->is_transducer(); # get 'is_transducer' flag
$bool = $fsm->is_transducer($bool); # ... or set it
$bool = $fsm->is_weighted(?$bool); # get/set 'is_weighted' flag
$mode = $fsm->sort_mode(?$mode); # get/set sort-mode flag (dangerous)
$bool = $fsm->is_deterministic(?$bool); # get/set 'is_deterministic' flag (dangerous)
$srtype = $fsm->semiring_type(?$srtype); # get/set semiring type
$n = $fsm->n_states(); # get number of states
$n = $fsm->n_final_states(); # get number of final states
$n = $fsm->n_arcs(); # get number of arcs
$id = $fsm->root(?$id); # get/set id of initial state
$bool = $fsm->has_state($id); # check whether a state exists
$bool = $fsm->is_cyclic(); # check for cyclicity
## Accessors/Manipulators: States
$id = $fsm->add_state(); # add a new state
$id = $fsm->ensure_state($id); # ensure that a state exists
$fsm->remove_state($id); # remove a state from an FSM
$bool = $fsm->is_final($id,?$bool); # get/set final-flag for state $id
$deg = $fsm->out_degree($id); # get number of outgoing arcs for state $id
$w = $fsm->final_weight($id,?$w); # get/set final weight for state $id
$fsm->renumber_states(); # close gaps in stateid numbering
$fsm->statesort_aff(); # ... same thing
$fsm->statesort_dfs(); # depth-first state sort
$fsm->statesort_bfs(); # breadth-first state sort
## Accessors/Manipulators: Arcs
$fsm->add_arc($fsm,$id_from,$id_to,$lab_lo,$lab_hi,$weight); # add an arc
$fsm->arcsort($fsm,$mode); # sort automaton arcs
$ai = Gfsm::ArcIter->new(); # create new arc-iterator
$ai = Gfsm::ArcIter->new($fsm,$stateid); # create & open
$ai->open($fsm,$stateid); # open outgoing arcs from $stateid in $fsm
$ai->reset(); # reset to 1st outgoing arc
$ai->close(); # close an arc iterator
$bool = $ai->ok(); # check iterator validity
$ai->remove(); # remove current arc from the automaton
$stateid = $ai->target(?$stateid); # get/set current arc target StateId
$lab = $ai->lower(?$lab); # get/set current arc lower label
$lab = $ai->upper(?$lab); # get/set current arc upper label
$weight = $ai->weight(?$weight); # get/set current arc weight
$ai->next(); # increment to next outgoing arc
$ai->seek_lower($lab); # (inclusive) seek next arc with lower label $lab
$ai->seek_upper($lab); # (inclusive) seek next arc with upper label $lab
$ai->seek_both($lo,$hi); # (inclusive) seek next arc with labels $lo,$hi
## I/O
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->load($filename_or_handle); # load binary file (class method ok)
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->save($filename_or_handle); # save binary file
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->load_string($buffer); # load from in-memory buffer $string (class method ok)
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->save_string($buffer); # save to in-memory buffer $string
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->compile($filename_or_handle, %options);
# compile AT&T-style text format file (transducer format only; class method ok)
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->print_att($filename_or_handle, %options);
# save AT&T-style text format file (transducer format only)
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->compile_string($string, ?$abet_lo, ?$abet_hi, ?$abet_states);
# compile AT&T-style text format $string (class method ok)
$fsm_or_undef = $fsm->print_att_string($string, ?$abet_lo, ?$abet_hi, ?$abet_states);
# save AT&T-style text format $string
$bool = $fsm->draw_vcg($filename_or_handle,%options); # save in VCG format
$bool = $fsm->draw_dot($filename_or_handle,%options); # save in DOT format
$bool = $fsm->viewps(%options); # for debugging
## Algebra (constructive)
$fsm = $fsm1->optional(); # set optional
$fsm = $fsm1->closure(); # reflexive + transitive closure
$fsm = $fsm1->closure(1); # transitive closure
$fsm = $fsm1->n_closure($n); # n-ary closure
$fsm = $fsm1->compact($rmeps); # heuristic compaction (encoded minimization)
$fsm = $fsm1->complement(); # lower complement wrt. internal alphabet
$fsm = $fsm1->complement($abet); # lower complement wrt. alphabet $abet
$sinkid = $fsm->complete($abet); # complete lower wrt. $abet, returns sink-state Id
$fsm = $fsm1->compose($fsm2); # transducer composition
$fsm = $fsm1->concat($fsm2); # concatenate automata
$fsm = $fsm1->connect(); # remove non co-accessible states
$fsm = $fsm1->determinize(); # acceptor determinization
$fsm = $fsm1->difference($fsm2); # lower difference
($fsm,$key) = $fsm1->encode($key,$encode_labels,$encode_weights); # encode labels and/or weights
$fsm = $fsm1->decode($key,$decode_labels,$decode_weights); # ... or decode them
$fsm = $fsm1->insert_automaton($qfrom,$qto,$fsm2,$w); # insert a whole automaton
$fsm = $fsm1->intersect($fsm2); # lower acceptor intersection
$fsm = $fsm1->invert(); # invert transdcuer sides
$fsm = $fsm1->minimize($rmeps); # acceptor minimization
$fsm = $fsm1->product($fsm2); # compute Cartesian product of acceptors
$fsm = $fsm1->project($side); # project 1 side of a transducer
$fsm = $fsm1->replace($lo,$hi,$fsm2); # replace arcs over ($lo:$hi) with $fsm2 in $fsm1
$fsm = $fsm1->rmepsilon(); # remove epsilon-arcs
$fsm = $fsm1->union($fsm2); # compute automaton union
## Algebra ((pseudo-)destructive)
$fsm->_closure(); # destructive closure
#... etc.
## Composition (low-level)
$fsmout = $fsm1->compose_full($fsm2,$fsmout); # mid-level composition
## Lookup
$fsm = $fst->lookup($labs); # string+fst composition: $fsm=compose(id($labs),$fst)
$fsm = $fst->lookup($labs,$fsm); # ... specifying result fsm
$fsm = $fst->lookup($labs,$fsm,$maxq); # ... specifying result and result size limit
($fsm,$map) = $fst->lookup_full($labs); # ... returning state-id map
($fsm,$map) = $fst->lookup_full($labs,$fsm); # ... specifying result
($fsm,$map) = $fst->lookup_full($labs,$fsm,$maxq); # ... specifying result and size limit
$map = $fst->lookup_full($labs,$fsm,$maxq); # ... in scalar context returns only map.
$trellis = $fst->lookup_viterbi($labs); # Viterbi trellis construction
## Serialization
$paths = $fsm->paths(); # enumerate paths (non-cyclic $fsm only!)
$paths = $trellis->viterbi_trellis_paths(); # enumerate Viterbi trellis paths
$best = $trellis->viterbi_trellis_bestpath(); # get best Viterbi trellis path
$arcpaths = $fsm->arcpaths(); # enumerate alignments (packed)
@arcs = Gfsm::unpack_arcpath($arcpath); # ... get all arcs in an arc-path
($q,$r,$lo,$hi,$w) = Gfsm::unpack_arc($arc); # ... unpack a single arc
## Tries
$trie = Gfsm::Automaton->newTrie;
$qid = $trie->add_path(\@lo,\@hi);
$qid = $trie->add_path(\@lo,\@hi, $w);
$qid = $trie->add_path(\@lo,\@hi, $w, $add_to_arcs, $add_to_state_final, $add_to_path_final);
($qid, $lo_i,$hi_i,$w_last) = $trie->find_prefix(\@lo,\@hi);
$qids = $trie->add_path_states(\@lo,\@hi);
$qids = $trie->add_path_states(\@lo,\@hi, $w);
$qids = $trie->add_path_states(\@lo,\@hi, $w, $add_to_arcs, $add_to_state_final, $add_to_path_final);
($qids,$lo_i,$hi_i,$w_last) = $trie->find_prefix_states(\@lo,\@hi);
$qid_to = $trie->find_arc_lower($qid_from, $lab_lo); ##-- target state or Gfsm::noState()
$qid_to = $trie->find_arc_upper($qid_from, $lab_hi); ##-- target state or Gfsm::noState()
$qid_to = $trie->get_arc_lower($qid_from, $lab_lo); ##-- find or insert arc
$qid_to = $trie->get_arc_upper($qid_from, $lab_hi); ##-- find or insert arc
Not yet written.
Probably many.
Gfsm(3perl), gfsmutils(1).
Bryan Jurish <>
Copyright (C) 2005-2014 by Bryan Jurish
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.