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Github::ReleaseFetcher - Fetch either the latest or a particular named version of a file in a release from github


version 1.001


my @files = Github::ReleaseFetcher::fetch(".", "SeleniumHQ", "selenium", qr/\.jar$/ );


Scrapes the github release page and reads the hrefs from the 'Assets' section. This is because there isn't a publicly accessable machine-readable version of this listing. As such you need this instead of freebasing JSON directly into your veins.

Relies both on the 'latest' redirect for releases on github, and the expanded_assets page. If either of these stop working, so will this module.


fetch(STRING $outdir, STRING $owner, STRING $project, [REGEXP $search, STRING $rename, STRING $version, HTTP::Tiny $ua])

Fetches the file(s) from the latest release within $owner's $project (optionally matching the regex described by $search).

Optionally fetch it from a specified version instead, rename the output files via the passed substitution, and pass in a configured HTTP::Tiny user agent to do the fetch.

In the event of a rename (which will result in multiple files being named the same thing), the last lexically sorted result will hold precedence.

Returns list of files written, or in the case that outdir is a false value, the URIs where said assets reside.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website https://github.com/teodesian/perl-Github-ReleaseFetcher/issues

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Current Maintainers:

  • George S. Baugh <george@troglodyne.net>


Copyright (c) 2024 Troglodyne LLC

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