Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::CampaignServiceInterfacePort - SOAP Interface for the CampaignService Web Service


use Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::CampaignServiceInterfacePort;
my $interface = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::CampaignServiceInterfacePort->new();

my $response;
$response = $interface->get();
$response = $interface->mutate();
$response = $interface->mutateLabel();
$response = $interface->query();


SOAP Interface for the CampaignService web service located at

SERVICE CampaignService

Port CampaignServiceInterfacePort


General methods



All arguments are forwarded to SOAP::WSDL::Client.

SOAP Service methods

Method synopsis is displayed with hash refs as parameters.

The commented class names in the method's parameters denote that objects of the corresponding class can be passed instead of the marked hash ref.

You may pass any combination of objects, hash and list refs to these methods, as long as you meet the structure.

List items (i.e. multiple occurences) are not displayed in the synopsis. You may generally pass a list ref of hash refs (or objects) instead of a hash ref - this may result in invalid XML if used improperly, though. Note that SOAP::WSDL always expects list references at maximum depth position.

XML attributes are not displayed in this synopsis and cannot be set using hash refs. See the respective class' documentation for additional information.


Returns the list of campaigns that meet the selector criteria. @param serviceSelector the selector specifying the {@link Campaign}s to return. @return A list of campaigns. @throws ApiException if problems occurred while fetching campaign information.

Returns a Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::getResponse object.

$response = $interface->get( {
   serviceSelector =>  $a_reference_to, # see Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::Selector


Adds, updates, or removes campaigns. <p class="note"><b>Note:</b> {@link CampaignOperation} does not support the <code>REMOVE</code> operator. To remove a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to {@code REMOVED}.</p> @param operations A list of unique operations. The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation. @return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same order as the <code>operations</code> array. @throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaign information.

Returns a Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::mutateResponse object.

$response = $interface->mutate( {
   operations =>  $a_reference_to, # see Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignOperation


Adds labels to the {@linkplain Campaign campaign} or removes {@linkplain Label label}s from the {@linkplain Campaign campaign}. <p>Add - Apply an existing label to an existing {@linkplain Campaign campaign}. The {@code campaignId} must reference an existing {@linkplain Campaign}. The {@code labelId} must reference an existing {@linkplain Label label}. <p>Remove - Removes the link between the specified {@linkplain Campaign campaign} and {@linkplain Label label}. @param operations the operations to apply. @return a list of {@linkplain CampaignLabel}s where each entry in the list is the result of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add operation, the returned CampaignLabel contains the CampaignId and the LabelId. In the case of a remove operation, the returned CampaignLabel will only have CampaignId. @throws ApiException when there are one or more errors with the request.

Returns a Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::mutateLabelResponse object.

$response = $interface->mutateLabel( {
   operations =>  $a_reference_to, # see Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignLabelOperation


Returns the list of campaigns that match the query. @param query The SQL-like AWQL query string. @return A list of campaigns. @throws ApiException if problems occur while parsing the query or fetching campaign information.

Returns a Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::CampaignService::queryResponse object.

$response = $interface->query( {
   query =>  $some_value, # string


Generated by SOAP::WSDL on Thu Sep 20 11:08:49 2018

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 227:

Unknown E content in E</code>