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Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element mutateLabel from the namespace https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/mcm/v201809.

Adds {@linkplain AccountLabel}s to, and removes {@linkplain AccountLabel}s from, {@linkplain ManagedCustomer}s. <p>To add an {@linkplain AccountLabel} to a {@linkplain ManagedCustomer}, use {@link Operator#ADD}. To remove an {@linkplain AccountLabel} from a {@linkplain ManagedCustomer}, use {@link Operator#REMOVE}.</p> <p>The label must already exist (see {@link AccountLabelService#mutate} for how to create them) and be owned by the authenticated user.</p> <p>The {@linkplain ManagedCustomer} must already exist and be managed by the customer making the request (either directly or indirectly).</p> <p>An AccountLabel may be applied to at most 1000 customers.</p> <p>This method does not support partial failures, and will fail if any operation is invalid.</p>


The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:

  • operations




my $element = Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::ManagedCustomerService::mutateLabel->new($data);

Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

operations => $a_reference_to, # see Google::Ads::AdWords::v201809::ManagedCustomerLabelOperation


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