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IO-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays


use strict;
use IO::AtomicFile; # Write a file which is updated atomically
use IO::InnerFile; # define a file inside another file
use IO::Lines; # I/O handle to read/write to array of lines
use IO::Scalar; # I/O handle to read/write to a string
use IO::ScalarArray; # I/O handle to read/write to array of scalars
use IO::Wrap; # Wrap old-style FHs in standard OO interface
use IO::WrapTie; # Tie your handles & retain full OO interface
# ...


This toolkit primarily provides modules for performing both traditional and object-oriented i/o) on things other than normal filehandles; in particular, IO::Scalar, IO::ScalarArray, and IO::Lines.

In the more-traditional IO::Handle front, we have IO::AtomicFile which may be used to painlessly create files which are updated atomically.

And in the "this-may-prove-useful" corner, we have IO::Wrap, whose exported wraphandle() function will clothe anything that's not a blessed object in an IO::Handle-like wrapper... so you can just use OO syntax and stop worrying about whether your function's caller handed you a string, a globref, or a FileHandle.


Eryq (eryq@zeegee.com). President, ZeeGee Software Inc (http://www.zeegee.com).


Dianne Skoll (dfs@roaringpenguin.com).


Copyright (c) 1997 Erik (Eryq) Dorfman, ZeeGee Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.