

version 0.04



   Boxa and Boxaa range selection
        BOXA     *boxaSelectRange()
        BOXAA    *boxaaSelectRange()

   Boxa size selection
        BOXA     *boxaSelectBySize()
        NUMA     *boxaMakeSizeIndicator()
        BOXA     *boxaSelectByArea()
        NUMA     *boxaMakeAreaIndicator()
        BOXA     *boxaSelectWithIndicator()

   Boxa permutation
        BOXA     *boxaPermutePseudorandom()
        BOXA     *boxaPermuteRandom()
        l_int32   boxaSwapBoxes()

   Boxa conversions
        PTA      *boxaConvertToPta()
        BOXA     *ptaConvertToBoxa()

   Boxa sequence fitting
        BOXA     *boxaSmoothSequence()
        BOXA     *boxaLinearFit()
        BOXA     *boxaConstrainSize()
        BOXA     *boxaReconcileEvenOddHeight()
        l_int32   boxaPlotSides()    [for debugging]

   Miscellaneous boxa functions
        l_int32   boxaGetExtent()
        l_int32   boxaGetCoverage()
        l_int32   boxaaSizeRange()
        l_int32   boxaSizeRange()
        l_int32   boxaLocationRange()
        l_int32   boxaGetArea()
        PIX      *boxaDisplayTiled()



BOXA * boxaConstrainSize ( BOXA *boxas, l_int32 width, l_int32 widthflag, l_int32 height, l_int32 heightflag )


    Input:  boxas
            width (force width of all boxes to this size;
                   input 0 to use the median width)
            widthflag (L_ADJUST_SKIP, L_ADJUST_LEFT, L_ADJUST_RIGHT,
                       or L_ADJUST_LEFT_AND_RIGHT)
            height (force height of all boxes to this size;
                    input 0 to use the median height)
            heightflag (L_ADJUST_SKIP, L_ADJUST_TOP, L_ADJUST_BOT,
                        or L_ADJUST_TOP_AND_BOT)
    Return: boxad (adjusted so all boxes are the same size)

    (1) Forces either width or height (or both) of every box in
        the boxa to a specified size, by moving the indicated sides.
    (2) All input boxes should be valid.  Median values will be
        used with invalid boxes.
    (3) Typical input might be the output of boxaLinearFit(),
        where each side has been fit.
    (4) Unlike boxaAdjustWidthToTarget() and boxaAdjustHeightToTarget(),
        this is not dependent on a difference threshold to change the size.


PTA * boxaConvertToPta ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 ncorners )


    Input:  boxa
            ncorners (2 or 4 for the representation of each box)
    Return: pta (with @ncorners points for each box in the boxa),
                 or null on error

    (1) If ncorners == 2, we select the UL and LR corners.
        Otherwise we save all 4 corners in this order: UL, UR, LL, LR.


PIX * boxaDisplayTiled ( BOXA *boxa, PIXA *pixa, l_int32 maxwidth, l_int32 linewidth, l_float32 scalefactor, l_int32 background, l_int32 spacing, l_int32 border, const char *fontdir )


    Input:  boxa
            pixa (<optional> background for each box)
            maxwidth (of output image)
            linewidth (width of box outlines, before scaling)
            scalefactor (applied to every box; use 1.0 for no scaling)
            background (0 for white, 1 for black; this is the color
                        of the spacing between the images)
            spacing  (between images, and on outside)
            border (width of black border added to each image;
                    use 0 for no border)
            fontdir (<optional> can be NULL; use to number the boxes)
    Return: pixd (of tiled images of boxes), or null on error

    (1) Displays each box separately in a tiled 32 bpp image.
    (2) If pixa is defined, it must have the same count as the boxa,
        and it will be a background over with each box is rendered.
        If pixa is not defined, the boxes will be rendered over
        blank images of identical size.
    (3) See pixaDisplayTiledInRows() for other parameters.


l_int32 boxaGetArea ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *parea )


    Input:  boxa
            &area (<return> total area of all boxes)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) Measures the total area of the boxes, without regard to overlaps.


l_int32 boxaGetCoverage ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 wc, l_int32 hc, l_int32 exactflag, l_float32 *pfract )


    Input:  boxa
            wc, hc (dimensions of overall clipping rectangle with UL
                    corner at (0, 0) that is covered by the boxes.
            exactflag (1 for guaranteeing an exact result; 0 for getting
                       an exact result only if the boxes do not overlap)
            &fract (<return> sum of box area as fraction of w * h)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) The boxes in boxa are clipped to the input rectangle.
    (2) * When @exactflag == 1, we generate a 1 bpp pix of size
          wc x hc, paint all the boxes black, and count the fg pixels.
          This can take 1 msec on a large page with many boxes.
        * When @exactflag == 0, we clip each box to the wc x hc region
          and sum the resulting areas.  This is faster.
        * The results are the same when none of the boxes overlap
          within the wc x hc region.


l_int32 boxaGetExtent ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pw, l_int32 *ph, BOX **pbox )


    Input:  boxa
            &w  (<optional return> width)
            &h  (<optional return> height)
            &box (<optional return>, minimum box containing all boxes
                  in boxa)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) The returned w and h are the minimum size image
        that would contain all boxes untranslated.
    (2) If there are no valid boxes, returned w and h are 0 and
        all parameters in the returned box are 0.  This
        is not an error, because an empty boxa is valid and
        boxaGetExtent() is required for serialization.


BOXA * boxaLinearFit ( BOXA *boxas, l_float32 factor, l_int32 max_error, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  boxas (source boxa)
            factor (reject outliers with error greater than this
                    number of median errors; typically ~3)
            max_error (maximum difference in pixels between fitted
                       and original location to allow using the
                       original value instead of the fitted value)
            debug (1 for debug output)
    Return: boxad (fitted boxa), or null on error

    (1) Suppose you have a boxa where the box edges are expected
        to vary slowly and linearly across the set.  These could
        be, for example, noisy measurements of similar regions
        on successive scanned pages.
    (2) Method: there are 2 basic steps:
        (a) Find outliers, separately based on the deviation
            from the median of the width and height of the box.
            After the width- and height-based outliers are removed,
            do a linear LSF for each of the four sides.  Use
            @factor to specify tolerance to outliers; use a very large
            value of @factor to avoid rejecting points.
        (b) Using the LSF of (a), make the final determination of
            the four edge locations.  See (3) for details.
    (3) The parameter @max_error makes the input values somewhat sticky.
        Use the fitted values only when the difference between input
        and fitted value is greater than @max_error.  Two special cases:
        (a) set @max_error == 0 to use only fitted values in boxad.
        (b) set @max_error == 10000 to ignore all fitted values; then
            boxad will be the same as boxas.
    (4) Invalid input boxes are not used in computation of the LSF,
        and the output boxes are found from the LSF.
    (5) To enforce additional constraints on the size of each box,
        follow this operation with boxaConstrainSize(), taking boxad
        as input.


l_int32 boxaLocationRange ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pminx, l_int32 *pminy, l_int32 *pmaxx, l_int32 *pmaxy )


    Input:  boxa
            &minx, &miny, &maxx, &maxy (<optional return> range of
                                        UL corner positions)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


NUMA * boxaMakeAreaIndicator ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 area, l_int32 relation )


    Input:  boxa
            area (threshold value of width * height)
            relation (L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT,
                      L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
    Return: na (indicator array), or null on error

    (1) To keep small components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_LT or
        To keep large components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_GT or


NUMA * boxaMakeSizeIndicator ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation )


    Input:  boxa
            width, height (threshold dimensions)
            type (L_SELECT_WIDTH, L_SELECT_HEIGHT,
            relation (L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT,
                      L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
    Return: na (indicator array), or null on error

    (1) The args specify constraints on the size of the
        components that are kept.
    (2) If the selection type is L_SELECT_WIDTH, the input
        height is ignored, and v.v.
    (3) To keep small components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_LT or
        To keep large components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_GT or


BOXA * boxaPermutePseudorandom ( BOXA *boxas )


    Input:  boxas (input boxa)
    Return: boxad (with boxes permuted), or null on error

    (1) This does a pseudorandom in-place permutation of the boxes.
    (2) The result is guaranteed not to have any boxes in their
        original position, but it is not very random.  If you
        need randomness, use boxaPermuteRandom().


BOXA * boxaPermuteRandom ( BOXA *boxad, BOXA *boxas )


    Input:  boxad (<optional> can be null or equal to boxas)
            boxas (input boxa)
    Return: boxad (with boxes permuted), or null on error

    (1) If boxad is null, make a copy of boxas and permute the copy.
        Otherwise, boxad must be equal to boxas, and the operation
        is done in-place.
    (2) This does a random in-place permutation of the boxes,
        by swapping each box in turn with a random box.  The
        result is almost guaranteed not to have any boxes in their
        original position.
    (3) MSVC rand() has MAX_RAND = 2^15 - 1, so it will not do
        a proper permutation is the number of boxes exceeds this.


l_int32 boxaPlotSides ( BOXA *boxa, const char *plotname, NUMA **pnal, NUMA **pnat, NUMA **pnar, NUMA **pnab, l_int32 outformat )


    Input:  boxas (source boxa)
            plotname (<optional>, can be NULL)
            &nal (<optional return> na of left sides)
            &nat (<optional return> na of top sides)
            &nar (<optional return> na of right sides)
            &nab (<optional return> na of bottom sides)
            outformat (GPLOT_NONE for no output; GPLOT_PNG for png, etc)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    (1) This is a debugging function to show the progression of
        the four sides in the boxes.  There must be at least 2 boxes.
    (2) One of three conditions holds:
        (a) only the even indices have valid boxes
        (b) only the odd indices have valid boxes
        (c) all indices have valid boxes
        This condition is determined by looking at the first 2 boxes.
    (3) The plotfiles are put in /tmp, and are named either with
        @plotname or, if NULL, a default name.


BOXA * boxaReconcileEvenOddHeight ( BOXA *boxas, l_int32 sides, l_int32 delh, l_int32 op, l_float32 factor )


    Input:  boxas (containing at least 3 valid boxes in even and odd)
            delh (threshold on median height difference)
            factor (> 0.0, typically near 1.0)
    Return: boxad (adjusted)

    (1) The basic idea is to reconcile differences in box height
        in the even and odd boxes, by moving the top and/or bottom
        edges in the even and odd boxes.  Choose the edge or edges
        to be moved, whether to adjust the boxes with the min
        or the max of the medians, and the threshold on the median
        difference between even and odd box heights for the operations
        to take place.  The same threshold is also used to
        determine if each individual box edge is to be adjusted.
    (2) Boxes are conditionally reset with either the same top (y)
        value or the same bottom value, or both.  The value is
        determined by the greater or lesser of the medians of the
        even and odd boxes, with the choice depending on the value
        of @op, which selects for either min or max median height.
        If the median difference between even and odd boxes is
        greater than @dely, then any individual box edge that differs
        from the selected median by more than @dely is set to
        the selected median times a factor typically near 1.0.
    (3) Note that if selecting for minimum height, you will choose
        the largest y-value for the top and the smallest y-value for
        the bottom of the box.
    (4) Typical input might be the output of boxaSmoothSequence(),
        where even and odd boxa have been independently regulated.
    (5) Require at least 3 valid even boxes and 3 valid odd boxes.
        Median values will be used for invalid boxes.


BOXA * boxaSelectByArea ( BOXA *boxas, l_int32 area, l_int32 relation, l_int32 *pchanged )


    Input:  boxas
            area (threshold value of width * height)
            relation (L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT,
                      L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
            &changed (<optional return> 1 if changed; 0 if clone returned)
    Return: boxad (filtered set), or null on error

    (1) Uses box clones in the new boxa.
    (2) To keep small components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_LT or
        To keep large components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_GT or


BOXA * boxaSelectBySize ( BOXA *boxas, l_int32 width, l_int32 height, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation, l_int32 *pchanged )


    Input:  boxas
            width, height (threshold dimensions)
            type (L_SELECT_WIDTH, L_SELECT_HEIGHT,
            relation (L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT,
                      L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE)
            &changed (<optional return> 1 if changed; 0 if clone returned)
    Return: boxad (filtered set), or null on error

    (1) The args specify constraints on the size of the
        components that are kept.
    (2) Uses box clones in the new boxa.
    (3) If the selection type is L_SELECT_WIDTH, the input
        height is ignored, and v.v.
    (4) To keep small components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_LT or
        To keep large components, use relation = L_SELECT_IF_GT or


BOXA * boxaSelectRange ( BOXA *boxas, l_int32 first, l_int32 last, l_int32 copyflag )


    Input:  boxas
            first (use 0 to select from the beginning)
            last (use 0 to select to the end)
            copyflag (L_COPY, L_CLONE)
    Return: boxad, or null on error

    (1) The copyflag specifies what we do with each box from boxas.
        Specifically, L_CLONE inserts a clone into boxad of each
        selected box from boxas.


BOXA * boxaSelectWithIndicator ( BOXA *boxas, NUMA *na, l_int32 *pchanged )


    Input:  boxas
            na (indicator numa)
            &changed (<optional return> 1 if changed; 0 if clone returned)
    Return: boxad, or null on error

    (1) Returns a boxa clone if no components are removed.
    (2) Uses box clones in the new boxa.
    (3) The indicator numa has values 0 (ignore) and 1 (accept).


l_int32 boxaSizeRange ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 *pminw, l_int32 *pminh, l_int32 *pmaxw, l_int32 *pmaxh )


    Input:  boxa
            &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh (<optional return> range of
                                        dimensions of box in the array)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


BOXA * boxaSmoothSequence ( BOXA *boxas, l_float32 factor, l_int32 max_error, l_int32 debug )


    Input:  boxas (source boxa)
            factor (reject outliers with error greater than this
                    number of median errors; typically ~3)
            max_error (maximum difference in pixels between fitted
                       and original location to allow using the
                       original value instead of the fitted value)
            debug (1 for debug output)
    Return: boxad (fitted boxa), or null on error

    (1) This does linear fitting separately to the sequences of
        even and odd boxes.  It is assumed that in both the even and
        odd sets, the box edges vary slowly and linearly across each set.


l_int32 boxaSwapBoxes ( BOXA *boxa, l_int32 i, l_int32 j )


    Input:  boxa
            i, j (two indices of boxes, that are to be swapped)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


BOXAA * boxaaSelectRange ( BOXAA *baas, l_int32 first, l_int32 last, l_int32 copyflag )


    Input:  baas
            first (use 0 to select from the beginning)
            last (use 0 to select to the end)
            copyflag (L_COPY, L_CLONE)
    Return: baad, or null on error

    (1) The copyflag specifies what we do with each boxa from baas.
        Specifically, L_CLONE inserts a clone into baad of each
        selected boxa from baas.


l_int32 boxaaSizeRange ( BOXAA *baa, l_int32 *pminw, l_int32 *pminh, l_int32 *pmaxw, l_int32 *pmaxh )


    Input:  baa
            &minw, &minh, &maxw, &maxh (<optional return> range of
                                        dimensions of all boxes)
    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error


BOXA * ptaConvertToBoxa ( PTA *pta, l_int32 ncorners )


    Input:  pta
            ncorners (2 or 4 for the representation of each box)
    Return: boxa (with one box for each 2 or 4 points in the pta),
                  or null on error

    (1) For 2 corners, the order of the 2 points is UL, LR.
        For 4 corners, the order of points is UL, UR, LL, LR.
    (2) Each derived box is the minimum szie containing all corners.


Zakariyya Mughal <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Zakariyya Mughal.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.