InfluxDB::Client::Simple - The lightweight InfluxDB client
Version 1.00
InfluxDB::Client::Simple provides an easy way to interact with an InfluxDB server.
use InfluxDB::Client::Simple;
########################## TCP ##########################
my $client = InfluxDB::Client::Simple->new( host => '', port => 8086, protocol => 'tcp' ) or die "Can't instantiate client";
# Check server connectivity
my $result = $client->ping();
die "No pong" unless $result;
# You can also get the server version
print $result->{version};
# Read
$result = $client->query('SELECT "severity_code" FROM "syslog" WHERE ("severity" = \'err\' AND "hostname" =~ /^(srv01|srv02)$/) AND time >= 1558878013531ms and time <= 1609886964827ms', database => 'grafana');
# Write
$result = $client->write("testing,host=containment,repo=cadi-libs,file=testfile statement=42,pod=85", database => 'dbname');
########################## UDP ##########################
$client = InfluxDB::Client::Simple->new( host => '', port => 8089, protocol => 'udp', database => 'grafana' ) or die "Can't instantiate client";
# UDP allows only write()
$result = $client->write("testing,host=containment,repo=cadi-libs,file=testfile statement=47,pod=89");
# or with a timestamp
$result = $client->write("testing,host=containment,repo=cadi-libs,file=testfile statement=47,pod=89 1610462906000");
In its current state this module offers few additional features over InfluxDB::HTTP (from which it's derived)
The only reasons why you would use this module are:
Minimal dependencies (no Object::Result and its dependencies)
You want to use UDP protocol for writing
new ( [%options] )
Constructor. %otions is a hash with the following keys:
database - Database name (default: 'grafana')
host - Server hostname (default: 'localhost')
port - Server port (default: 8086)
protocol - Transport protocol 'udp' or 'tcp' (default: 'tcp') Note that when using the udp protocol, the default behaviour is to avoid dying on errors. (You can change that with the 'strict_udp' option)
strict_udp - Boolean value to die on UDP error (false by default)
timeout - Timeout value in seconds (default: 180)
Check the server connectivity.
Returns a hashref which evaluates to true if the connection is ok and to false otherwise. The hashref has the following keys:
raw - The raw response from the server
error - The error message returned by the server (empty on success)
version - The InfluxDB verstion returned by the server through the 'X-Influxdb-Version' header
query( $query [, %options] )
Query the InfluxDB database using the $query passed as first parameter. Optionally %options can be passed as a hash Allowed keys for options are:
database - The database to be queried on the InfluxDB server
chunksize - The size of the chunks used for the returned data
epoch - The precision format (h, m, s, ms, u, ns) for epoch timestamps (default is 'ns' for nanosecond)
Returns a hashref whose keys are:
raw - The raw response from the server
error - The error message returned by the server (empty on success)
data - The InfluxDB data returned by the server
write ($measurement | \@measurements, [%options])
$measurement is the data to be send encoded according to the LineProtocol.
%options can have the following keys:
database - The database to be queried on the InfluxDB server
retention_policy - The retention policy to be used (if different from the default one)
precision - The precision used in the data (if diffectent from the default 'ns')
Returns a hashref whose keys are:
raw - The raw response from the server (obviously empty when using UDP)
error - The error message returned by the server (empty on success)
send_data ($measurement, \%tags, \%fields, [$timestamp, [%options]])
Write data to the influxDB after converting them into LineProtocol format. (call write() underneath)
$measurement is the name to be used for measurement
\%tags is the tag set associated to this datapoint
\%fields are the field set associated to this datapoint
$timestamp is an optional timestamp value expected to be in the database precision format (default is nanosecond)
\%options are also optional
%options can have the following keys:
database - The database to be queried on the InfluxDB server
retention_policy - The retention policy to be used (if different from the default one)
precision - The precision used in the data (if diffectent from the default 'ns')
Returns a hashref whose keys are:
raw - The raw response from the server (obviously empty when using UDP)
error - The error message returned by the server (empty on success)
Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD, <aassad at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-influxdb-client at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
This module is derived from InfluxDB::HTTP. This module borowed code from InfluxDB::LineProtocol
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc InfluxDB::Client::Simple
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This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Arnaud (Arhuman) ASSAD.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.