Inline::Filters - Common source code filters for Inline Modules.
provides common source code filters to Inline Language Modules. Unless you're an Inline module developer, you can just read the next section.
Supported Filters
This section describes each filter in Inline::Filters.
Strips embedded POD from a block of code in any language. This is implemented as a regular expression:
=~ s/^=\w+[^\n]*\n\n(.*?)(^=cut\n\n|\Z)//gsm;
That means if you have a language which contains POD-like syntax, it will be stripped by this filter (i.e. don't use this filter with such a language). This filter is useful for making code like this compile:
=head1 add
Returns the sum of two integers.
y) {
x + y; }
Strip Comments
Strips comments from a block of code in whatever language you are using. The comment stripper is string-safe -- i.e. it will not strip comments embedded in strings.
The feature is useful because both the C and C++ grammars cannot deal with comments at arbitrary points in the source code; to do so would bloat the grammar. Instead, code like this should have its comments stripped before parsing:
, /* the block to operate on */
, /* the number of bytes */
char *
) /* the resulting 128-bit sum */
/* some code here */
Strip_Comments is available for the following languages:
- Strip_C_Comments
- Strip_CPP_Comments
- Strip_Python_Comments
- Strip_TCL_Comments
- Java via Strip_CPP_Comments
The Python and Java filters are available for convenience only. There is little need for them, since Inline::Python and Inline::Java use the official language compilers to parse the code, and these compilers know about comments.
Now available for all languages. Uses the C pre-processor ($Config{cpprun}) to pre-process a block of code. This is useful if you want to expand macros and conditional code before parsing. For example:
class Foo
: public Bar
The code shown above will not parse correctly without the Preprocess filter, since the Inline::CPP grammar can't understand preprocessor directives.
Also available is the CPPFLAGS argument, to specify C preprocessor directives.
foo() {
4321; }
foo() {
-1; }
The code shown above will return 4321 when foo() is called.
By default, the Preprocess filter deletes all Filters*.c files it creates. If you set the CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD flag to false, then the Filters*.c
files will not be deleted; this is necessary when using gdb
to debug Inline::C and Inline::CPP programs which utilize the Preprocess filter.
If you do not set the CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD flag to false, you will likely end up with a "No such file or directory" error in gdb:
$ gdb /usr/bin/perl (gdb) run ./ arg0 arg1 ... Thread 1 "perl" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. MyPackage::my_method (this=this@entry=0x1234567, my_arg=my_arg@entry=23) at /.../_Inline/build/eval_XXX_YYYY/FiltersZZZZ.c:42 42 /.../_Inline/build/eval_XXX_YYYY/FiltersZZZZ.c: No such file or directory.
If you do set the CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD flag to false, you should see the actual offending C or C++ code in gdb:
$ gdb /usr/bin/perl (gdb) run ./ arg0 arg1 ... Thread 1 "perl" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. MyPackage::my_method (this=this@entry=0x1234567, my_arg=my_arg@entry=23) at /.../_Inline/build/eval_XXX_YYYY/FiltersZZZZ.c:42 42 YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR ACTUAL OFFENDING CODE HERE
Built-in Filters
Built-in source code filters are implemented as a blessed reference to a hash containing two elements: 'filter' is the name of the filter, and 'coderef' is a code reference to the appropriate filter. The object has a filter() method, which should be called with the ILSM object as the first parameter, and source code as the second parameter. The filters always return the filtered code.
User-supplied Filters
As of Inline 0.42, you can supply your own filters to Inline by passing a code reference to the FILTERS option, like this:
my_filter { };
The filter sub is passed one argument: the unfiltered code. It must return the filtered code as its only return value. If something goes wrong and you need to pass inform the user, just croak.
Note: in some circumstances, you must put your filter subroutine above the use Inline
statement. When possible, Inline compiles your code at compile time, meaning the subroutine must be defined. If you're reading code from the 'DATA' filehandle, you can put the filter anywhere in your script, since Inline delays compilation until runtime.
Applying Filters
provides a filter() method which applies the requested filters one after the other on the source code. All ILSMs should save the result of $o->filter() and consider it the source code. If no filters have been requested, this just returns the unfiltered source code.
filter (object, coderef) METHOD
new (filter, coderef) METHOD
get_filters (language) FUNCTION
returns all supported languages
For more information about specifying Inline source code filters, see Inline::C or Inline::CPP.
For more information about using other languages inside Perl, see Inline. For more information about using C from Perl, see Inline::C.
You can pass in arbitrary subroutine references as filters. However, if you find yourself using a filter on a regular basis and you'd like to see it included in Inline::Filters, please file a bug report.
If you wish to report a bug, please refer to Inline for instructions on how to submit a bug report.
Neil Watkiss ( Reini Urban ( Will Braswell (
Maintained now by the perl11 team:
Copyright (C) 2001, Neil Watkiss. Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Reini Urban & Will Braswell.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.