Kasago - A Perl source code indexer
my $kasago = Kasago->new({ dbh => $dbh });
$kasago->init; # this creates the tables for you
# import/update a directory
$kasago->import($source, $dir);
# delete a directory
my @sources = $kasago->sources;
my @files = $kasago->files($source);
my @tokens = $kasago->tokens($source, $file);
# search for a token
foreach my $token ($kasago->search('orange')){
print $token->source . "/"
. $token->file . "@"
. $token->col . ","
. $token->row . ": "
. $token->line . "\n";
# search for a token, merging lines
foreach my $hit ($kasago->search_merged($search)) {
print $hit->source . "/"
. $hit->file . "@"
. $hit->row . ": "
. $hit->line . "\n";
foreach my $token (@{ $hit->tokens }) {
print " @" . $token->col . ": " . $token->value . "\n";
# search for tokens
foreach my $token ($kasago->search_more($search)) {
print $token->source . "/"
. $token->file . "@"
. $token->col . ","
. $token->row . ": "
. $token->line . "\n";
# searh for tokens, merging lines
foreach my $hit ($kasago->search_more_merged($search)) {
print $hit->source . "/"
. $hit->file . "@"
. $hit->row . ": "
. $hit->line . "\n";
foreach my $token (@{ $hit->tokens }) {
print " @" . $token->col . ": " . $token->value . "\n";
Kasago is a module for indexing Perl source code. You can index source trees, and then query the index for symbols, strings, and documentation.
Kasago uses the PPI module to parse Perl and stores the index in a PostegreSQL database. Thus you need to have DBD::Pg installed and a database available for Kasago.
Why is this called Kasago? Because that's the Japanese name for a beautiful fish.
This is the constructor. It takes a DBI database handle as a parameter. This must be a valid dababase handle for a PostgreSQL database, constructed along the lines of 'my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=kasago", "", "")':
my $kasago = Kasago->new({ dbh => $dbh });
This deletes a source from the index:
Given a source, returns a list of the files indexed in that source:
my @files = $kasago->files($source);
This recursively imports a directory into Kasago. If the source is already indexed, the index is updated. You pass a source name and the directory path:
$kasago->import($source, $dir);
This created the tables needed by Kasago in the database. You only need run this once. If you run this after initialisation, it will delete the index.
This searches the index for an individual token:
foreach my $token ($kasago->search('orange')){
print $token->source . "/"
. $token->file . "@"
. $token->col . ","
. $token->row . ": "
. $token->line . "\n";
This searches the index for an individual token, but merges multiple tokens on the same line together:
foreach my $hit ($kasago->search_merged($search)) {
print $hit->source . "/"
. $hit->file . "@"
. $hit->row . ": "
. $hit->line . "\n";
foreach my $token (@{ $hit->tokens }) {
print " @" . $token->col . ": " . $token->value . "\n";
This searches the index for tokens. "orange" would return all hits for orange, "orange leon" would return all hits for both "orange" and "leon". "orange -leon" shows all the hits for "orange" but without files that contain "leon", "+orange +leon" returns hits in files that contain both "orange" and "leon":
foreach my $token ($kasago->search_more($search)) {
print $token->source . "/"
. $token->file . "@"
. $token->col . ","
. $token->row . ": "
. $token->line . "\n";
This searches the index for tokens as search_more, but merges multiple tokens on the same line together:
foreach my $hit ($kasago->search_more_merged($search)) {
print $hit->source . "/"
. $hit->file . "@"
. $hit->row . ": "
. $hit->line . "\n";
foreach my $token (@{ $hit->tokens }) {
print " @" . $token->col . ": " . $token->value . "\n";
This returns a list of the sources currently indexed:
my @sources = $kasago->sources;
Given a source and a file, returns a list of the tokens indexed:
my @tokens = $kasago->tokens($source, $file);
Leon Brocard <>.
Copyright (C) 2005, Leon Brocard
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.