My own OO class maker. Meant to create methods etc.
creates normal blessed object from optional hashref
Like make_constructor(), but an instance checks if $class->init exists and calls.
argument is name of accessor to create in class. can provide a list of names.
optionally, if the argument is an array ref, the second element should be the default value to set.
This example creates 'model', 'year' and 'make' setget methods in the current class:
This is example is the same but sets defaults for make and year
[ 'make' => 'toyota' ],
[ 'year' => '1999' ],
If those values are passed to the constructor or via method, they change..
my $o = Thing->new({ make => 'ford' });
$o->year(2001); # changes to 2001
$o->year; # returns 2001
$o->model; # returns undef
$o->make; # returns ford
You can also pass a hashref as argument to make setget methods, keys are names, vals are the default values..
model => undef,
make => 'toyota',
year => '1999',
Same as make_accessor_setget(), but only returns. To set a value, must be set in constructor, or in class default.
package X;
use LEOCHARRE::Class2;
__PACKAGE__->make_accessor_get( 'name' );
package main;
use X;
my $x = X->new({ name => 'joe' });
$x->name; # returns joe
$x->name('jane'); # throws exception
Optional argument is abs path to conf file, this is a yaml file. Adds the methods
conf_load() is called automatically.
This is often useful if you are using conf files, etc.
Will check that the path is on disk. Will return undef and warn if not. If defined, must be on disk or an exception is thrown. Defining this for the instance, it must be there or returns undef and warns.
The following would croak unless it exists on disk
use LEOCHARRE::Class2;
abs_conf => './t/my.conf',
The following would throw an exception if not on disk but after instancing or passing bad argument..
package This;
use LEOCHARRE::Class2;
abs_conf => undef,
package main;
use This;
my $this = new This({ abs_conf => './my.conf' });
# or
my $this = new This;
Like make_accessor_setget_ondisk_file(), but must be a dir.
$self->houses_sold; # returns 0
$self->houses_sold(1); # returns 1
$self->houses_sold(9); # returns 10
$self->houses_sold; # returns 10
$self->houses_sold(0); # returns 0
Adds two methods, one to set and get an array ref, and one to count the items
$self->houses; # returns []
$self->houses_count; # returns 0
$self->houses([qw(one two three)]); # sets
$self->houses_count; # returns 3
$self->houses; # returns [one two three]
You can also instanciate with a default, like the other makers..
houses => [qw(one two three)],
The method created can return an array or an array ref, on context.
my $aref = $self->houses;
my @array= $self->houses;
my $element_0 = $self->houses->[0];
Called when you use make_setget_aref() Will return count of method's value , checks object key if no method of said name
__PACKAGE__->make_method_setget([ houses => [qw(one two three)]);
$self->houses_count; # returns 3
If class cannot method, then it seeks in object.
__PACKAGE__->make_method_setget_unique_array({ houses => [qw(one two three)] });
$self->houses_count; # returns 3
$self->houses_count; # now 4
$self->houses_count; # still 4!
$self->houses_count; # 3
$self->houses_count; # 0
Adds following methods
If you provide argument, behaves as $name_add().
Returns array or array ref depending on context.
Argument is element. Returns true. Remember this is a unique array, if you add same thing, you are really replacing.
Argument is element.
Argument is element, returns bool if there.
Takes no argument. Clears all contents.
Takes no argument. Returns count of elements. Returns 0 if none.
Takes no argument. Returns hashref to actual data. Always returns a hash ref, even if {}.
Takes no argument.
How the method created works
This checks for a value in order of 1) in (a)rgument to method 1) in (o)bject instance data (self) 2) in (c)lass package
If a value is provided, the object's data is changed, not the class. If no value is provided, we return the object's data, if none, the class, if none, undef.
This example creates an object setget accessor that defaults to the name jimmy, stored in the class.
__PACKAGE__->make_accessor_setget(['name' => 'jimmy']);
Our class being named 'My::House', we now have
Value in object instance is stored in self Thus, if you provide to the constructor a 'self' hashref that specifies a 'name', the method name would return that value.
- class wide defaults
Please note, if you set a default value to be an anon ref, this is indeed set for the whole class. BUT, when an object is intanced, the instance data will actually hold a COPY of the value.
For example:
Neighborhood->make_accessor_setget([ houses => ['green','red'] ]);
Would normally cause all object instances of Neighborhood to refer to the same houses anon array ref. We don't want that, we just want to use that as a default. So the above will actually result in
$Neighborhood::houses = $your_ref
Don't think too hard about it.
- resetting methods that had defaults
If you provide a default and then you set it to undef, we do not load the defaults again..
__PACKAGE__->make_accessor_setget([ name => 'leo' ]); $self->{name} = undef; $self->name; # returns undef
Basically it means that if the blessed hashref does not have the method data key, THEN we do attempt to load a default. This is so you don't get unexpected results.
Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 292:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 324:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'