Lingua::Thesaurus::IO::Jurivoc - Thesaurus IO class for "Jurivoc", the Swiss thesaurus for justice


The Swiss Supreme Court (a.k.a "Tribunal Fédéral") maintains a multi-lingual thesaurus called Jurivoc, containing terms related to justice. This is published at Thesaurus files are dumped from a database called "Livelink Collection Server" (formerly known as "Basis Plus"). The format is quite similar to ISO 2788, but with a few variations. Hence the present class inherits from Lingua::Thesaurus::IO::LivelinkCollectionServer.

Relations in Jurivoc are slightly different from default relations in LivelinkCollectionServer thesauri :

 rel      description         reverse   is_external
 ===      ===========         =======   ===========
[USE   => 'Use'              => UF    => undef],
[UF    => 'Used For'         => USE   => undef],
[USA   => 'Use AND'          => UFA   => undef],
[UFA   => 'Used For AND'     => USA   => undef],
[BT    => 'Broad Term'       => NT    => undef],
[NT    => 'Narrow Term'      => BT    => undef],
[RT    => 'Related Term'     => RT    => undef],
[SN    => 'Scope Note'       => undef ,  1    ],
[COM   => 'Commentaire'      => undef ,  1    ],
[SA\d* => 'See also'         => undef ,  1    ],


- implement multiligual translations (GER, FRE, IT)
  !! PROBL: inverse relation is not absolute; depends on the input file