List::Filter::Storage::YAML - plugin for filter storage via YAML files
# This is a plugin, not intended for direct use.
# See: List:Filter:Storage
use List::Filter::Storage::YAML;
my $storage = List::Filter::Storage::YAML->new( {
connect_to => $yaml_file,
} );
my $filter = List::Filter->new(
{ name => 'some_search_filter',
# [... see List::Filter ...]
} );
$storage->save( $filter )
my $named_filter = $storage->lookup( $name );
List::Filter::Storage::YAML is the plugin that handles storage of List::Filter "filters" (e.g. "filters", "transforms") to YAML files.
- new
Instantiates a new List::Filter::Profile object.
Takes an optional hashref as an argument, with named fields identical to the names of the object attributes.
With no arguments, the newly created filter will be empty.
- init
Initialize object attributes and then lock them down to prevent accidental creation of new ones.
Note: there is no leading underscore on name "init", though it's arguably an "internal" routine (i.e. not likely to be of use to client code).
main methods
- lookup
Given a filter name, returns a matching filter object, or undef.
- save
Given a filter, adds it to the internal mass of "filter_data", and saves the entire set to a yaml file.
Excludes any filters that are named with a leading underscore.
Returns a reference to the given filter object.
internal routines
- slurp_yaml_filter_data
This method actually reads the yaml file, and stores the hash of hashes structure inside of the object in "filter_data".
- list_filters
Returns a list of all avaliable named filters.
special accessors (access the "extra" namespace)
- filter_data
Getter for object attribute filter_data
Note: the yaml file is not slurped in until an attempt is made to access this data.
- set_filter_data
Setter for object attribute set_filter_data
basic accessors (defined in List::Filter::Storage);
- connect_to
Getter for object attribute connect_to
- set_connect_to
Setter for object attribute set_connect_to
- owner
Getter for object attribute owner
- set_owner
Setter for object attribute set_owner
- password
Getter for object attribute password
- set_password
Setter for object attribute set_password
- attributes
Getter for object attribute attributes
- set_attributes
Setter for object attribute set_attributes
- extra
Getter for object attribute extra
- set_extra
Setter for object attribute set_extra
Outside of this module, a "filter" is an object, inside of this module, it's a hashref with four fields: "method", "description", "terms", "modifiers". Note, that the "name" is excluded from this list, because each of these hashrefs is stored inside a larger hashref, keyed by "name" for rapid lookups.
The external YAML file contains a copy of this data structure, and it is read and written in it's entirety, and held cached in memory inside this object.
List::Filter::Project List:Filter:Storage List::Filter
Joseph Brenner, <>, 18 May 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 by Joseph Brenner
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
None reported... yet.
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 51:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 88:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'