Module to build rpm from a svn
Set the verbosity verbosity of the module:
0 silent
1 progress message
2 debug message
Set internals rpm macros that are used by rpm building functions:
_sourcedir to $dir/SOURCES
_patchdir to $dir/SOURCES
_specdir to $dir/SPECS
And, if their directories are not writable, these macros are set: _rpmdir to $dir/RPMS _srcrpmdir to $dir/SRPMS _builddir to $dir/BUILD
Create directories used by rpm building functions:
Return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure.
extract_srpm($rpmfile, $directory)
Extract (install) a source package into $directory.
find_unsync_files($working_dir, $specfile)
Return two array ref of lists of files that should be added or removed from the svn working copy to be sync with the specfile.
sync_svn_copy($add, $remove)
Perform add or remove of files listed in both array ref.
sync_source($workingdir, $specfile)
Synchronize svn content by performing add/remove on file need to build the package. $workingdir should a svn directory. No changes are applied to the repository, you have to commit yourself after.
Return 1 on success, 0 on error.
Remove the %changelog section from the specfile.
build($dir, $what, %options)
Build package locate in $dir. The type of packages to build is set in the string $what: b for binaries, s for source.
If $options{specfile} is set, the build is done from this specfile and not the one contains in SPECS/ directory.
Return the last repsys error.
Olivier Thauvin <>