XML::SimpleParser -- a simple sax-based parser
package MyFooParser;
use base 'MP3::PodcastFetch::XML::SimpleParser';
# process <foo> tags
sub t_foo {
my $self = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
if ($attrs) { # tag is starting
# do something
else {
# do something else
my $parser = MyFooParser->new();
my @results = $parser->results;
This package provides a very simple stream-based XML parser. It handles open and close tags and attributes. It does not handle namespaces very well. It was written to support a variety of projects that do not need sophisticated processing, including MP3::PodcastFetch.
Do not confuse this with XML::SimpleParser, which is a DOM-based parser.
To use this module, create a new subclass of MP3::PodcastFetch::XML::SimpleParser, and define a new method for each tag that you wish to process (all other tags will be ignored). The method should be named t_method_name, where "method_name" should be replaced by the name of the tag you wish to handle. Tag names are case sensitive. For exammple, if the XML file you wish to parse looks like this:
<foo size="2">
<bar>Some char data</bar>
<bar>Some more char data</bar>
You could define a t_foo() and a t_bar() method to handle each of these tags. If a tag name has a funny character in it, such as "-", use a method that has an underscore there instead. The same goes for namespace tags: for a tag like <podcast:foo>, define a method named podcast_foo(). Sorry, but dynamic resolution of namespaces is not supported.
Methods should look like this:
sub t_foo {
my $self = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
if ($attrs) {
# do something to handle the start tag
else {
# do something to handle the end tag
When the <foo> start tag is encountered, a hash reference containing the start tag's attributes are passed as the second argument (if there are no attributes, then an empty hash is provided). When the end tag is encountered, $attrs will be undef. This allows you to distinguish between start and end tags.
Ordinarily you will want to set up objects when encountering the start tag and close and clean them up when encountering the end tag. The following example shows how to transform the snippet of XML shown above into the following data structure:
{ size => 3,
bar_list => ['Some char data','Some more char data']
Here's the code:
sub t_foo {
my $self = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
if ($attrs) { # starting
$self->{current} = { size => $attrs->{size}
bar_list => []
else {
undef $self->{current};
sub t_bar {
my $self = shift;
my $attrs = shift;
if ($attrs) { # starting
else {
my $list = $self->{current}{bar_list};
die "ERROR: got a <bar> without an enclosing <foo>" unless $list;
my $data = $self->char_data; # get contents
push @$list,@data;
When t_foo() encounters the start of the <foo> tag, it creates a new hash and stores it in a temporary hash key called "current". When it encounters the </foo> tag (indicated by an undefined $attrs argument), it fetches this hash and calls the inherited add_object() method to add this result to the list of results to return at the end of the parse. It then undefs the {current} key.
The t_bar method does nothing when the opening <bar> is encountered, but when </bar> is seen, it fetches the array ref pointed to by $self->{current}{bar_list} and adds the text content of the <bar></bar> section to the list. The inherited char_data() method makes it possible to get at this data. It then pushes the character data onto the end of the list.
When working with this subclass, you would call parse_file() to parse an entire file at once or parse() to parse a data stream a bit at a time. When the parse is finished, you'd call result() to get the list of data objects (in this case, a single hash) added by add_object().
You can also define a callback that will be invoked each time add_object() is called in order to process each object as it comes in, rather than storing it for later retrieval.
You may also override the do_tag() method in order to process unexpected tags that do not have a named method to process them.
- $parser = MyParserSubclass->new()
This method creates a new parser object in the current subclass. It takes no arguments.
- $low_level_parser = $parser->parser([$new_low_level_parser])
MP3::PodcastFetch::XML::SimpleParser uses HTML::Parser (in xml_mode) to do its low-level parsing. This method sets or gets that parser.
- $parser->parse_file($path)
This method fully parses the file given at the indicated path.
- $parser->parse($partial_data)
This method parses the partial XML data given by the string $partial_data. This allows incremental parsing of web data using, e.g., the LWP library. Call this method with each bit of partial data, then call eof() at the end to allow the parser to clean up its internal data structures.
- $parser->eof()
Tell the parser to finish the parse. Use at the end of a series of parse() calls.
- $parser->tag_starts
This method is called during the parse to handle a start tag. It should not ordinarily be overridden or called directly.
- $parser->tag_stops
This method is called during the parse to handle a stop tag. It should not ordinarily be overridden or called directly.
- $parser->char_data
This method is called internally during the parse to handle character data. It should not ordinarily be overridden or called directly.
- $parser->cleanup
This method is provided to be called at the end of the parse to handle any cleanup that is needed. The default behavior is to do nothing, but it can be overridden by a subclass to provide more sophisticated processing.
- $parser->clear_results
This method is called internally at the start of the parse to clear any accumulated results and to get ready for a new parse.
- $parser->add_object(@objects)
This method can be called during the parse to add one or more objects to the results list.
- @results = $parser->results
In a list context this method returns the accumulated results from the parse.
In a scalar context, this method will return an array reference.
- $parser->do_tag
This method is called whenver the parse encounters a tag that does not have a specific method to handle it. The call signature is identical to t_TAGNAME methods. By default, it does nothing.
- $callback = $parser->callback([$new_callback])
This accessor allows you to get or set a callback code that will be used to process objects generated by the parse. If a callback is defined, then add_object() will not add the object to the results list, but will instead pass it to the callback for processing. If multiple objects are passed to add_object, then they will be passed to the callback as one long argument list.
- $trimmed_string = $parser->trim($untrimmed_string)
This internal method strips leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
podcast_fetch.pl, MP3::PodcastFetch, MP3::PodcastFetch::Feed, MP3::PodcastFetch::Feed::Channel, MP3::PodcastFetch::Feed::Item, MP3::PodcastFetch::TagManger,
Lincoln Stein <lstein@cshl.org>.
Copyright (c) 2006 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.