The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.




        use strict;
    use warnings;
    use utf8;
    use MPV::Simple::JSON;
    use Tcl::Tk;
    # IMPORTANT: Because the mpv process is in MPV::Simple::JSON multithreaded
    # you MUST create the MPV::Simple::Object before creating the TCL interpreter
    # and before doing any GUI work!!!
    my $mpv = MPV::Simple::JSON->new(event_handling => 1);
    my $int = Tcl::Tk->new();
    my $mw = $int->mainwindow();
    $mw->title("MPV::Simple example");  
    # Create the video frame
    my $f = $mw->Frame(-width => 640, -height => 480)->pack(-expand =>1,-fill => "both");
    # Until the video frame is mapped, we set up the MPV Player in this video frame
    $f->bind('<Map>' => sub {
        $f->bind('<Map>' => sub {});
        # The video shall start paused here
        # With the MPV property "wid" you can embed MPV in a foreign window
        # (therefore it was important, that $f is already mapped!)
        # Load a video file
        $mpv->command("loadfile", "path_to_video.ogg");
    # For handling events you must repeatly call a event handler.
    # A good value for the timeout is 200-1000ms (I think 500ms is enough)
    # Another aproach would be, that the Tcl::Tk loop coexists with the 
    # MPV loop (see MPV::Simple::Pipe for an example)
    my $b1 = $mw->Button(
        -text   =>  "Play",
        -command => sub {$mpv->set_property_string('pause','no')}
    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $b2 = $mw->Button(
        -text   =>  "Pause",
        -command => sub {$mpv->set_property_string('pause','yes')}
    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $b3 = $mw->Button(
        -text   =>  "Backward",
        -command => sub {$mpv->command('seek',-5)}
    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $b4 = $mw->Button(
        -text   =>  "Forward",
        -command => sub {$mpv->command('seek',5)}
    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    my $b5 = $mw->Button(
        -text   =>  "Close",
        # I recommend to destroy first the Tcl::Tk main window, and
        # then the mpv instance
        -command => sub {$mw->destroy();$mpv->terminate_destroy();}
    )->pack(-side => 'left');
    # Event handler
    # If you set $opt{event_handling} to a true value in the constructor
    # the events are sent through a non-blocking pipe ($mpv->{evreader}) you can access 
    # by the method $mpv->get_events(); which returns a hashref of the event
    # The event_ids can be translated to the event names with the global array 
    # $MPV::Simple::event_names[$id]
    sub handle_events {
        while ( my $event = $mpv->get_events() ) {
            if ($event->{event} eq "property-change") {
                    print "prop ".$event->{name}." changed to ".$event->{data}." %\n";
            else {
                    print $event->{event}."\n";
    # Don't forget to call the event handler repeatly


With this pure perl module you can use the mpv media player through the JSON IPC interface (see This is useful to integrate mpv in a foreign event loop, especially to interact with GUI toolkits. The module give access to the same methods as MPV::Simple. Furthermore, if the option $opt{event_handling} is passed to a true value, events are passed trough a pipe ($mpv->{evreader}) which can be accessed by $mpv->get_events(). In this case you can and must handle the events by a repeatly call of a subroutine. See the example above.


The following methods exist. See MPV::Simple for a detailled description. MPV::Simple::JSON orientates itself as far as possible to the original JSON IPC interface. Thererfore there are some differences to MPV::Simple and MPV::Simple::Pipe which are described hereafter. Furthermore you don't have to initialize the mpv player (and apart from that cannot).

  • my $mpv = MPV::Simple->new() IMPORTANT: Because the mpv process is in MPV::Simple::JSON multithreaded you MUST create the MPV::Simple::Object before creating the TCL interpreter and before doing any GUI work!!!

  • $mpv->set_property_string('name','value');

  • my $ret = $mpv->get_property_string('name'); IMPORTANT: the return value is contrary to MPV::Simple or MPV::Simple::Pipe a hashref. You can access the returned value with $ret-{data}.

  • $mpv->observe_property_string(id,'name'); IMPORTANT: As Contrary to MPV::Simple and MPV::Simple::Pipe the order of the arguments is inverted, first id, then the name of the property.

  • $mpv->unobserve_property(registered_id);

  • $mpv->command($command, @args);

  • $mpv->terminate_destroy() Note: After terminating you cannot use the MPV object anymore. Instead you have to create a new MPV object.

Error handling

Every MPV method will send back a hashref as a reply indicating whether the command was run correctly, and an additional field holding the command-specific return data (it can also be null). The error key can be accessed with $return-{error}> and is "success" if everything went well. See for details of the protocoll.


See also the manual of the mpv media player in and especially the description of the JSON IPC at

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 327:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 345:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'