Mail::TieFolder - Tied hash interface for mail folders


use Mail::TieFolder;

# assuming inbox is an MH folder, and the 
# Mail::TieFolder::mh module is installed:
tie (%inbox, 'Mail::TieFolder', 'mh', 'inbox');

# get list of all message IDs in folder
@messageIDs = keys (%inbox);

# fetch message (as Mail::Internet object) by ID 
$msg = $inbox{''};


Mail::TieFolder implements a tied hash interface for manipulating folder contents. Messages in the hash are accessed by Message-Id.

See the Mail::TieFolder::* modules on CPAN for supported folder formats. If the format you're looking for isn't supported, please feel free to implement your own module and upload it to CPAN as Mail::TieFolder::yourformat. New formats are by design relatively easy to implement -- see "IMPLEMENTING A NEW MAILBOX FORMAT" for guidelines.


As with all things in Perl, There Is More Than One Way To Do It.

Mail::TieFolder and the Mail::TieFolder::* modules provide a lightweight API for manipulating the contents of mail folders in various formats. These modules only put, fetch, create, delete, or refile messages in folders, using Message-ID as the message handle. They don't pretend to know anything about the internal formatting of the messages themselves (leaving that to Mail::Internet), they don't do indexing, searches, address books, or other MUA stuff, nor do they pretend to provide any overall management of your folders. They can, however, be used to move or copy messages between folders, and will create a new folder if you name a non-existent folder in the tie().

The Mail::Folder, Mail::Box, and Mail::MsgStore modules also provide for managing folders and their contents. Those modules generally have more of a concept of managing your whole mail world of multiple folders, including address books, folder searches, indexes, and other MUA tools. I didn't need this, and the additional overhead was prohibitive. The additional capabilities of those modules also mean that implementing modules to support new folder formats is a more complex undertaking.

I went with a tie() interface for Mail::TieFolder because it constrained the API to a reasonably small and well-defined set of functions. This lowers the bar of entry for other authors who want to add Mail::TieFolder::* modules to support additional folder formats.

Both Mail::Folder and the Mail::Box::Tie modules use message sequence numbers as the primary key into a folder. Message sequence numbers are not fixed attributes uniquely attached to one and only one message, and can change as a folder is resorted and packed, and as messages are moved between folders.

For Mail::TieFolder, I instead used Message-ID as the key into a mail folder, since it's theoretically a globally unique identifier. This way you can sort, renumber, pack, and so on, and still have safe, immutable, persistent handles on individual messages.

(Note that Mail::Box does support a messageID() method, and if you were so inclined, you could use Mail::Box as the backend for a Mail::TieFolder::* module, provided that the correct Mail::Box::* module exists to support your desired folder format. This would be putting a lightweight and constrained interface on the front of a much more capable and heavyweight engine, but might meet your needs.)


Mail::TieFolder::* modules to support additional mailbox formats are easy to implement; you only need to support the API functions for a tied hash (TIEHASH, FETCH, FIRSTKEY, NEXTKEY, EXISTS, STORE, and DELETE). See the Perl Cookbook, perltie or the Mail::TieFolder::mh module code for examples. I'd suggest using 'h2xs -Xn` to create a template for your module.

To ensure compatibility with other Mail::TieFolder::* modules, make a ./t directory under the distribution tree for your new module, then copy the test scripts and other data files from the ./t directory of the Mail::TieFolder::mh distribution into the ./t directory of your own module's tree, and edit them accordingly to get rid of the mh-specific stuff and add any setup which your mailbox format needs.

These test scripts will exercise your new module via the Mail::TieFolder module to make sure they are talking to each other correctly.

Make sure when you edit the test scripts that you change the folder format in the tie() calls. You'll also want to delete the dummy ./ script which h2xs generated and then re-run 'perl Makefile.PL' to generate a Makefile which recognizes the ./t subdirectory.

If you run into "can't find subroutine" problems, you may not be doing the inheritance right -- careful, Mail::TieFolder ISA Mail::TieFolder::yourformat, not the other way around. See the TIEHASH functions in Mail::TieFolder and Mail::TieFolder::mh -- note in particular the @ISA stuff in Mail::TieFolder and the ref() calls in the Mail::TieFolder::mh bless(). Also make sure you've removed the 'our @ISA' line in your new h2xs generated code -- it masks the @ISA in Mail::TieFolder.

When you're happy with your module, you'll want to upload it to CPAN -- see


Steve Traugott, stevegt@TerraLuna.Org


perltie, Mail::TieFolder::mh, Mail::Folder, Mail::MsgStore, Mail::Box