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 Math::Intersection::Circle::Line - Find the points at which circles and lines
 intersect to test geometric intuition.


 use Math::Intersection::Circle::Line q(:all);
 use Test::More q(no_plan);
 use utf8;

 # Euler Line, see: L<>

 if (1)
  {my @t = (0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 3);                                                  # Corners of the triangle
   &areaOfPolygon(sub {ok !$_[0]},                                              # Polygon formed by these points has zero area and so is a line or a point
     &circumCircle   (sub {@_[0,1]}, @t),                                       # green
     &ninePointCircle(sub {@_[0,1]}, @t),                                       # red
     &orthoCentre    (sub {@_[0,1]}, @t),                                       # blue
     &centroid       (sub {@_[0,1]}, @t));                                      # orange

 # An isosceles tringle with an apex height of 3/4 of the radius of its
 # circumcircle divides Euler's line into 6 equal pieces

 if (1)
  {my $r = 400;                                                                 # Arbitrary but convenient radius
   intersectionCircleLine                                                       # Find coordinates of equiangles of isoceles triangle
    {my ($x, $y, $𝕩, $𝕪) = @_;                                                  # Coordinates of equiangles
     my ($𝘅, $𝘆) = (0, $r);                                                     # Coordinates of apex
     my ($nx, $ny, $nr) = ninePointCircle {@_} $x, $y, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪;          # Coordinates of centre and radius of nine point circle
     my ($cx, $cy)      = centroid        {@_} $x, $y, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪;          # Coordinates of centroid
     my ($ox, $oy)      = orthoCentre     {@_} $x, $y, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪;          # Coordinates of orthocentre
     ok near(100, $y);                                                          # Circumcentre to base of triangle
     ok near(200, $cy);                                                         # Circumcentre to lower circumference of nine point circle
     ok near(300, $y+$nr);                                                      # Circumcentre to centre of nine point circle
     ok near(400, $𝘆);                                                          # Circumcentre to apex of isosceles triangle
     ok near(500, $y+2*$nr);                                                    # Circumcentre to upper circumference of nine point circle
     ok near(600, $oy);                                                         # Circumcentre to orthocentre
    } 0, 0, $r,  0, $r/4, 1, $r/4;                                              # Chord at 1/4 radius

 # A line segment across a circle is never longer than the diameter

 if (1)                                                                         # Random circle and random line
  {my ($x, $y, $r, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪) = map {rand()} 1..7;
   intersectionCircleLine                                                       # Find intersection of a circle and a line
    {return ok 1 unless @_ == 4;                                                # Ignore line unless it crosses circle
     ok &vectorLength(@_) <= 2*$r;                                              # Length if line segment is less than or equal to that of a diameter
         } $x, $y, $r, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪;                                                # Circle and line to be intersected

 # The length of a side of a hexagon is the radius of a circle inscribed through
 # its vertices

 if (1)
  {my ($x, $y, $r) = map {rand()} 1..3;                                         # Random circle
   my @p = intersectionCircles {@_} $x, $y, $r, $x+$r, $y, $r;                  # First step of one radius
         my @𝗽 = intersectionCircles {@_} $x, $y, $r, $p[0], $p[1], $r;               # Second step of one radius
         my @q = !&near($x+$r, $y, @𝗽[0,1]) ? @𝗽[0,1] : @𝗽[2,3];                      # Away from start point
         my @𝗾 = intersectionCircles {@_} $x, $y, $r, $q[0], $q[1], $r;               # Third step of one radius
   ok &near2(@𝗾[0,1], $x-$r, $y) or                                             # Brings us to a point
      &near2(@𝗾[2,3], $x-$r, $y);                                               # opposite to the start point

 # Circle through three points chosen at random has the same centre regardless of
 # the pairing of the points

 sub circleThrough3
  {my ($x, $y, $𝘅, $𝘆, $𝕩, $𝕪) = @_;                                            # Three points
         (sub                                                                         # Intersection of bisectors is the centre of the circle
           {my @r =(&vectorLength(@_, $x, $y),                                        # Radii from centre of circle to each point
                    &vectorLength(@_, $𝘅, $𝘆),
                    &vectorLength(@_, $𝕩, $𝕪));
            ok &near(@r[0,1]);                                                        # Check radii are equal
            ok &near(@r[1,2]);
       @_                                                                       # Return centre
                 }, rotate90AroundMidPoint($x, $y, $𝘅, $𝘆),                                 # Bisectors between pairs of points
                    rotate90AroundMidPoint($𝕩, $𝕪, $𝘅, $𝘆));

 if (1)
  {my (@points) = map {rand()} 1..6;                                            # Three points chosen at random
   ok &near2(circleThrough3(@points), circleThrough3(@points[2..5, 0..1]));     # Circle has same centre regardless
   ok &near2(circleThrough3(@points), circleThrough3(@points[4..5, 0..3]));     # of the pairing of the points


 Find the points at which circles and lines intersect to test geometric

 Fast, fun and easy to use these functions are written in 100% Pure Perl.

areaOfTriangle 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($a) where $a is the area of the specified triangle:

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

areaOfPolygon 𝘀𝘂𝗯 points...

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($a) where $a is the area of the polygon with vertices specified by
 the points.

 A point is specified by supplying a list of two numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆)

centroid 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the centroid of the
 specified triangle:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

circumCentre 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y,$r) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the centre of the
 circle drawn through the corners of the specified triangle and $r is its

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

circumCircle 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y,$r) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the circumcentre of
 the specified triangle and $r is its radius:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

exCircles 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯([$x,$y,$r]...) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the centre of each
 ex-circle and $r its radius for the specified triangle:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

circleInscribedInTriangle 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y,$r) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the centre of
 a circle which touches each side of the triangle just once and $r is its radius:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

intersectionCircles 𝘀𝘂𝗯 circle1, circle2

 Find the points at which two circles intersect.  Complains if the two circles
 are identical.

  𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the coordinates of the
 intersection points if there are any or an empty parameter list if there are
 no points of intersection.

 A circle is specified by supplying a list of three numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆, 𝗿)

 where (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of the centre of the circle and (𝗿) is its

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

intersectionCirclesArea 𝘀𝘂𝗯 circle1, circle2

 Find the area of overlap of two circles expressed as a fraction of the area of
 the smallest circle. The fractional area is expressed as a number between 0
 and 1.

 𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the fractional area.

 A circle is specified by supplying a list of three numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆, 𝗿)

 where (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of the centre of the circle and (𝗿) is its

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

intersectionCircleLine 𝘀𝘂𝗯 circle, line

 Find the points at which a circle and a line intersect.

  𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the coordinates of the
 intersection points if there are any or an empty parameter list if there are
 no points of intersection.

 A circle is specified by supplying a list of three numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆, 𝗿)

 where (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of the centre of the circle and (𝗿) is its

 A line is specified by supplying a list of four numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆)

 where (x, y) and (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of two points on the line.

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

intersectionCircleLineArea 𝘀𝘂𝗯 circle, line

 Find the fractional area of a circle occupied by a lune produced by an
 intersecting line. The fractional area is expressed as a number
 between 0 and 1.

  𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the fractional area.

 A circle is specified by supplying a list of three numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆, 𝗿)

 where (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of the centre of the circle and (𝗿) is its

 A line is specified by supplying a list of four numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆)

 where (x, y) and (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of two points on the line.

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

intersectionLines 𝘀𝘂𝗯 line1, line2

 Finds the point at which two lines intersect.

  𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the coordinates of the
 intersection point or an empty parameter list if the two lines do not

 Complains if the two lines are collinear.

 A line is specified by supplying a list of four numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆)

 where (x, y) and (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of two points on the line.

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

intersectionLinePoint 𝘀𝘂𝗯 line, point

 Find the point on a line closest to a specified point.

  𝘀𝘂𝗯 specifies a subroutine to be called with the coordinates of the
 intersection points if there are any.

 A line is specified by supplying a list of four numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆)

 where (x, y) and (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of two points on the line.

 A point is specified by supplying a list of two numbers:

  (𝘅, 𝘆)

 where (𝘅, 𝘆) are the coordinates of the point.

 Returns whatever is returned by 𝘀𝘂𝗯.

isEquilateralTriangle triangle

 Return true if the specified triangle is close to being equilateral within the
 definition of nearness.

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

isIsoscelesTriangle triangle

 Return true if the specified triangle is close to being isosceles within the
 definition of nearness.

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

isRightAngledTriangle triangle

 Return true if the specified triangle is close to being right angled within
 the definition of nearness.

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

ninePointCircle 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y,$r) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the centre of the
 circle drawn through the midpoints of each side of the specified triangle and
 $r is its radius which gives the nine point circle:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the

orthoCentre 𝘀𝘂𝗯 triangle

 Calls 𝘀𝘂𝗯($x,$y) where $x,$y are the coordinates of the orthocentre of the
 specified triangle:

 See: L<>

 A triangle is specified by supplying a list of six numbers:

  (x, y, 𝘅, 𝘆, 𝕩, 𝕪)

 where (x, y), (𝘅, 𝘆) and (𝕩, 𝕪) are the coordinates of the vertices of the


 As a finite computer cannot represent an infinite plane of points it is
 necessary to make the plane discrete by merging points closer than the
 distance contained in this variable, which is set by default to 1e-6.


 The following functions are exported by default:
 Optionally some useful helper functions can also be exported either by
 specifying the tag :𝗮𝗹𝗹 or by naming the required functions individually:


 1.003 Sun 30 Aug 2015 - Started Geometry app
 1.005 Sun 20 Dec 2015 - Still going!
 1.006 Sat 02 Jan 2016 - Euler's line divided into 6 equal pieces
 1.007 Sat 02 Jan 2016 - [ #110849] Test suite fails with uselongdouble
 1.008 Sun 03 Jan 2016 - [ #110849] Removed dump


 Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:

   perl Build.PL
   ./Build test
   ./Build install

 Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't require
 the "./" notation, you can do this:

   perl Build.PL
   Build test
   Build install


 Philip R Brenan at gmail dot com


 Copyright (c) 2016 Philip R Brenan.

 This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
 modified under the same terms as Perl itself.